My Refresher Class

WOW! all I can say is WOW!!! How motivating, and I am so ready to continue on!!! My mind is so overloaded with good information! It is amazing to hear other people's stories, struggles and successes! Even ended up sitting next to Wendy and I had no idea it was her!

The pizza restaurant is Roma in East Hartford. I am going to talk my husband into going!! hopefully really soon!

So many things she talked about today, I had forgotten or had been confused about. I highly recommend a refresher class.

Plateau's are good! I can't even imagine, but that was said so many times and I am so happy to hear that! I am so used to, from WW or other plans, that a plateau was not good. I am unlearning so much stuff from all the things I have done in the past. I got some fine tuning on my food choices and my journey continues...

Wendy, how did you like it?

Theresa and Aime, how did you make out?

I am happy and ready!!!!


  1. Yea!!! We had a great class too! Almost 4 hours. Julie does her job so well! So very very well!

  2. Anonymous1/14/2012

    I think I could benefit from a refresher class also, but money is tight at the moment - just lost my job. How much are they and are they 3 hours like the original sessions. I've been on this program 4 months and did really well at first but have fallen off with the ongoing stress of finances. I'd call the office, but don't wish to be embarassed if I can't afford. Thank you in advance for any info or tips to get back on track.

    1. The refresher class is $100.00. My class and it sounds like, from what Aimejust posted, were around 4 hours long. I guess it depends on how many people are in it maybe, and how much people talk. If you can go that is great. If not, take a deep breath and just start all over again. you know her basic rules, there are so few. Just regroup. It will come back. Keep posting! Support is a tremendous tool!

    2. The women in Julie's office are great - so don't hesitate to call for something like how much it costs!

  3. As I finally sit down for the first time today, I am doing research on the sugar-cancer connection. Scary.
    The Four hour class zipped by, I am so glad I did not postpone it. Julie is amazing, and does so much for so many people. I don't think she has any clue how much. I wish there was a way to repay her.
    I learned something from EVERY person who spoke today. "you can't trip over something you see". I could write all night!
    The refresher was $100. I hope you can find the $ to go.
    Linda, it was great to meet you!

    1. Wendy I was so glad to meet you! Now I can put a face to the name!!

      I thought the 4 hours zipped by too! I echo your thoughts, I wish there was a way to repay her!!

      I actually feel like I will reach my goal. Wait, let me rephrase that, I KNOW I will reach my goal! That statement alone is major for me and a good feeling!!

      I LOVE that saying, "you can't trip over something you can see"!!!!

    2. It would be great if you would share websites addresses about the sugar-cancer connection.

      As far as how to repay Julie - you are repaying her by being successful. Her goal is to help others live healthy lives.

      It is amazing how we learn from everyone in the group. We learn from their mistakes as well as their successes. I find both inspirational.

      I'm sorry we weren't able to connect before the session. Both Aime and I were at the door when you and Linda came out, but none of us knew what anyone looked like!

      Keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous1/15/2012

    I totally agree. I was fabulous to have the refresher. I hadn't been in about 6 months, and I didn't realize how much I had forgotten about until I went back. In 10 months I've gone down 4 sizes ( 3 in the first 6 months).

    So worth the $$!


    1. Karen N1/15/2012

      wow, people like you inspire me. I have been on it since the end of September and went down 2 sizes and am in a plateau right now.

    2. Congratulations Sue and thanks for sharing your success.

      I realize not everyone wants to put themselves out there visually online, but it would be great if you share photos of your progress.

  5. Anonymous1/15/2012

    Hello fellow "friends". I also have been waiting four months now to see Julie. It sounds like she's well worth it. My concerns are probably the usual. The meat/cancer connection and the lack of fiber and (may I say) constipation. I know her advice goes against conventional wisdom (however, I've been doing the lot fat thing forever and I'm heavier than when I started years ago so she probably is on to something. I just know that when I did Atkins diet in the past that all that meat was bad for the kidneys and the fat was clogging up my arteries. Am I missing something here. Does she really have the answer? I know anyone can lose weight if they can stay on track, but will they be healthier for it. Granted, I would be overjoyed to lose weight and leave my medications behind - but not if I'm sustituting one ailment for another. I would assume that all of you don't have medical backgrounds (and neither do I), but if you could give me some insight on this it would be greatly appreciated. The waiting is killing me and the speculation is even worse. I just want to be able to get in to see her and be helped - just as so many others seem to have been.

  6. Many who see Julie do in fact have medical backgrounds, but they don't announce this. Lots of doctors send their diabetics to her and are very happy with the results. This is not like Atkins or any other diet. I say, get healthy and then decide if it's worth it or not. Keep us posted when you go and how you're doing!

    1. We had a doctor in my original class and we didn't know it until the end of the last class. This woman stood up and told us all her schooling and all that, and all her medical stuff. And she said, Julie has it! Do what she says and it will work. I talked with the woman out in the parking lot and she hugged me and said, do it, do exactly as she says, it will work! She said I will be fine. So with that encouragement from a doctor, I am doing it. Yes, I worry about cholesterol, it is in my family, but with those genes, I may have it no matter what I do. I am taking vitamins and suppliments hoping they will help. I will be getting my blood checked in 6months, but I am also eating any fatty high cholesterol meats within reason. Also my butters are very within a portion. Fats do count and they are supposed to be used very carefully. Low fat, no fat made me fatter, diet foods made me fatter, I have leaped into this head first and am not looking back!!!

  7. Suzanne1/16/2012

    I will have been on the program for 6 months this Thursday and have done fabulous except for the whole scale issue. I keep getting on the scale. The good news is I have lost 54 pounds!! The bad news is I cheated big time this past weekend (2 family birthday parties) and feel like I am going to blow it! I cheated here and there through the holidays but continued to lose. Now I feel like I am cheating regularly which is NOT good! Thanks for the inspiring words I found here I will hopefully get back on track today!

  8. Congratulations on your success in losing 54 pounds! Bravo!

    I struggle with the scale too, but it's a battle I've been able to win. I intended to ask my weight loss total when I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago, but in the end I didn't ask. Instead, I just wanted to know if I've lost more than 50 pounds. The answer was yes. I knew if I knew a number, I'd get all into my head about it not being "enough". I'm confident I dropped 50 pounds many months ago, so this wasn't news.

    It did leave me thinking I haven't lost as much as I should by now. This is a good thing and a bad thing. It's bad because 50 pounds in incredible and I should not beat myself up for that! It's good, because I am really motivated to beef up my program (pun intended) and exercise to take more.

    I try to take the word "cheating" out of my vocabulary. We are all learning and this is part of the process. We are learning about making food choices that make us feel good. When we choose differently, we learn how that makes us feel. The more we choose foods that make us feel good, the stronger our resolve to continue with such choices. Getting "back on track" is relative, as is how far "off" we go. Sometimes we get away with a tiny detour and other times we don't. The more we go "off" the harder it is to go back. Learning this is part of the process.


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