Linda Returns

Back home from Amish country Ohio and am thrilled with how I did on vacation and the holidays! For once I do not have to repair damage done with trying to stick to a weight loss program or a total binge for the holidays!

Does anyone else feel this free? It is amazing to me. I also discovered wasabi peas. They are dried green peas with wasabi on them. VERY hot but crunchy. No way you can over eat with them. I had them in the car with some beef jerky and was quite happy! <We are not allowed dried foods on this program. Wasabi peas are not on program. I learned this the hard way. - Theresa>

Now that the new year is here, and by the way, Happy New Year everyone, it's time to start getting in some exercise. I have Richard Simmons tapes, so I will be dragging them out of their hibernation and starting Tuesday I will do them. Yes, I have to start Tuesday when life gets back into its normal routine.

Don't laugh, I LOVE Richard, and believe it or not, he is a friend of mine. He has been very supportive but very frustrated with me and my weight loss efforts. Have not told him about this program because I don't want him to think it is another crazy thing I am doing. Cant wait to hit him with some pictures as I really get going with this. I have gone from a size 22/24 to a size 20 at this point after 9 weeks. Is this possible?

How are you all doing? I am hoping people really start posting on here, as I need the support of others doing this and hopefully ideas and recipes as Theresa has put in her blog description. IS ANYONE OUT THERE. Where are all of you!!

Have a good day!!

Hope to read some posts soon,

1 comment:

  1. Love wasabi peas! I've been on Julie's plan for 8 weeks now, and so proud of myself for not giving into my cravings during the holidays! Thanks for your comments. I'm finding this blog very helpful!


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