
Hi All,

It's a beautiful day and I thought I would ask everyone:

1.  How are you doing?
2. What month are you in with the program?
3.  Any current success stories?
4.  Any current challenges?
5.  Other topics?

I'll go first:

1.  Overall I feel great.  This is the first time in my life that I don't feel stymied by my "diet" or my way of eating.  I don't think about it anymore.  I eat the way I should and don't have the cravings etc that Idid in the pat.

2.  Success story:  My clothes continue to fit better. I have shorts that couldn't even button in the spring, zip up nicely now.  That makes me smile.

3.  My bathroom challenge has been solved.  I bought some suppositories at CVS.  Within minutes, success.  I'm happy that these worked but I do not want to rely on them n a routine basis.  So, I'm drinking plenty of H2O.

4.  Halloween:  with three children excited about Halloween, I find myself thinking about chocolate.  I don't  have the pull to eat it, just thinking about it.  I guess the scary part is, if I have some, how will that affect my progress?  I don't see myself eating any sugar, but I would be lying if a Hershey with Almonds doesn't cross my mind lately.  ;). I will be strong and continue on my path until I'm at my

Have a great day!


  1. Oops, I forgot to say that I've been n the program since July 15. So, it's been 2 short months for me!

  2. OK, two of the subjects in this post made me combine them in my head and laugh. You've heard of the gag where people substitute chocolate for Ex-Lax as a prank? Maybe you can use Ex-Lax and pretend it's Halloween chocolate! (Hope I didn't offend you- I have a weird sense of humor! If I did just tell me, and I'll delete this)

  3. Hi Jane! tap tap tap all that Halloween candy. I used to buy the candy that didnt tempt me in the least. No Reeses peanut butter cups in this house. To my kids, candy was candy, so I bought stuff I wouldn't eat, or the kids and I bought stuff that was fun, like erasers and pretzels things like that to give out.

    I am heading to 2 years at the end of Oct. Still going strong. Clothes fitting better all the time. Don't even think about what I am eating, it is just so natural now.

    I feel great and I see my goal closer than ever. Taking me longer than alot of people, but I am fine with that!! I will be writting my anniversary story about all that soon!

    Heading to Italy and feel very confident about my program. I love how I feel!!!!

    Keep on tapping, I did the most tapping my first year, now not so much, but I still tap every so often. I work in a bakery now (YUP, that is right, a dear friend owns a bakery and I am working there a few days a week) she follows Julie's plan also. I don't even smell the food, I don't even really 'see' it either. A major miracle in my life!!!!

  4. It's great that this program isn't making you feel stymied anymore!

    The fact that your clothes fit better than last spring - even better!

    Solving the bathroom challenge - priceless.

    Tap, tap, tap, Jane.

    Tap, tap, tap,

  5. Linda,

    Great advise. I don't feel like I need to tap tap tap just yet, but when I need to, I will. Congrats on 2 years! Awesome and incredible.


  6. 1. How are you doing?
    I'm just ducky. I have some new vocational goals that I am now capable of achieving at my new size

    2. What month are you in with the program?
    Four months on Friday

    3. Any current success stories?
    My middle fingers are now the size my ring fingers were 4 months ago, I haven't had lower back pain in at least two months, I have let go of about 100 pounds' worth of "fat" clothes and discovered I fit on many of the rides at Six Flags.

    4. Any current challenges?
    Needing to buy new clothes (which is very expensive), dealing with cravings and the growing need for "rewards." Trying to find some that don't involve food when it's food that I want... but that's been since I first started seeing results and I haven't cheated yet. ;-)

    5. Other topics?
    Um... Go Pats?

  7. 1. How are you doing?
    I am doing very well, thank you for asking!

    2. What month are you in with the program?
    I am in YEAR 3 with the program. Started June, 2011. Holy crap where has the time gone!?!?!?

    3. Any current success stories?
    a) I went away beginning of September to somewhere cooler, and had to pack clothes I hadn't tried on since April-May...I am happy to report everything fit...b) Food that is off program still makes me gag. That is a sign that I am still going strong!

    4. Any current challenges?
    a) My husband doesn't want to go to Julie, he wants to "lose weight his own way" which means counting calories. I told him he was on his own as I wouldn't be reading any labels....anyone want to tell him that he needs to go to Julie? He won't listen to me..... b) Fitting in exercise! Come on Man! Exercise! Get off the damn computer and go exercise!!!!!

    5. Don't worry about the upcoming holidays-This will be my 3rd time around with Halloween (eat lobster! Works every time!), Thanksgiving (I LOVE turkey! And I don't need to eat rolls! I know what they taste like!) and Christmas (Jesus is the reason for the season.....) and I have NO problem continuing to say "No Thank You".

    Remember: This is a test!


  8. Yes, it is another glorious day!

    I started in May of 2011, so that would be 28 months. As Jennifer pointed out, I’m in my third year! When I reflect back to how many unsuccessful years I spent on other diets, it just blows my mind to see where I am today.

    Within those 28 months, I have reached my goal size and gone through the steps of maintenance. Today I know what to eat to stay this size; there is never a question or temptation. I no longer treat food as a reward or an escape - eating has become as basic as brushing my teeth.

    Recently I have been going to the gym on a regular basis and I’m loving the feelings of accomplishment.

    My only ongoing challenge is to mind my own program and to realize that others have the right to find their own way. Since reaching my goal, my husband, daughter-in-law, my friend, and my neighbor have all been to Julie. It’s not always easy keeping my mouth shut! LOL

    Great post! I enjoy reading how others are doing. Thanks!

  9. Thanks everyone for your updates. It's nice to hear how things are going, especially with those that are in maintenance.

    Enjoy this incredible day. And update as often as you wish.

    Today, I tried on pants that haven't fit me in years. I'm happy to say that they zipped up without a problem.

    Love love love how I'm feeling!

  10. Anonymous10/09/2013

    I found this blog before I started to see Julie in August. I had gained a lot of weight (about 30 lbs) due to having back surgery. I heard about Julie and thought why not.

    1. How are you doing?
    I am doing fantastic! Feeling healthy and happy. Althought there have been a couple of days where I have been frustrated (mostly in the beginning).

    2. What month are you in with the program? October 15th will be two months that I have changed my diet.
    3. Any current success stories? Well, I started off at a size 16 and am now a size 10 so yes, this is a huge success for me. My goal size was originally an 8, but I think I am ready for a size 6. I cannot believe how well I am doing. Even going to the Big E did not deter me. I have had so many people say you should be eating everything in moderation. This is not a way to eat. I tell them it is how I want to be, so let me be.

    4. Any current challenges? I still think of myself as fat. I recently bought new jeans because all of my old clothes were hanging off of me. I look at the pant legs (for the new pants) when I iron them and think they are never going to fit me. I am too fat and they are too small. I know that I tried them on in the store and they do actually fit. I just keep thinking I am not thinner I am fat. But I am thinner. Anyone else have this issue when adjusting?

    5. Other topics? Last night I had a yogurt for the first time in months. It was like heaven. But I will say that eating chicken with it was different. My tastebuds were like really?

    Thanks for sharing all of your experiences.I find them very helpful.



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