Angus Beef Meatballs

Here's one of the easiest meatball recipes ever. Remove bag from freezer. Open bag. Pour into sauce pan and top with a jar of your favorite tomato sauce. Heat for 30 minutes. Enjoy. Oh, for those of you with microwaves, it's even quicker!
Angus Beef Meatballs
I had these meatballs at a "friend of Julie's" house one sunny afternoon this past summer. She baked them in the oven and then served barbecue sauce on the side. They were yummy this way too - with and without the barbecue sauce.

For those of you with a spirooli, serve these meatballs on top of your zucchini "noodles."

Of course, I'm not saying these are better than my own homemade meatballs. No way. But they are delicious and it's great to have something you can pull from the freezer when you just don't fee like grocery shopping.


  1. These are by far my go-to meatball! Of course homemade is better, but, these do very well in a pinch-I most always have them in my freezer-And a lot of times there are coupons in the Sunday paper as well! Yummy!

  2. Good to know about the coupons, I'll watch for them.

    I bought these at Big Y, but they were hard to come by. I guess they too sell out a lot, because I kept checking again and again, and finally one day there they were. I will buy 2 bags next time.

  3. Allison9/30/2013

    I have tried these too and they are by far my favorite. Never as good as homemade, but I cook them for a few minutes in the microwave, pour some sauce over them and take them to work for when hunger strikes me.

  4. I hate to rain on anybody's parade but with all this talk about plateaus it's worth mentioning that these things contain soybean oil which is a clear and obvious no-no on this program. Not to mention Textured Soy Flour, Bread Crumbs (Wheat Flour, Salt, And Yeast), Soy Protein Concentrate, Milk, Soy, And Wheat. Soy makes at least three appearances in the ingredient list. They also have 8 grams of carbs per serving (and let's face it, we eat more than a serving) and 2 grams of sugar just to make sure those carbs have some kind of stimulant to stay and play. Hello, plateau!

    It's none of my business but I know those things will NEVER touch my lips. I will most definitely keep making my own. A tablespoon of breadcrumb, a teaspoon of parmesan, one egg, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper for every pound of ground beef. Add a little onion salt or garlic poweder. Heck, add both. Live large. Just don't buy processed meat food that will keep you fat.

    And one one last happy note: a serving of these is 3 meatballs. Each serving has 8 grams of carbs. If you eat 6 that's 16 grams of carbs. if it's your entree and you're eating half the bag, that's 32 grams of carbs. Plus whatever the carb count is in the sauce du jour.

    Again, none of my business. I report, you decide. :-)

  5. I will heed your warning about prepared foods, that they may have ingredients we wouldn't add to our foods at home. What you say here can be said about any food that we eat outside our home, which we didn't prepare ourselves. We don't know what restaurants add to our foods, so we ask questions, we clarify, and then we decide to order the item or not.

    I say this with good intent and kindness in my heart... As I read your comment, listing the ingredients and carb facts of these meatballs, I get that you're coming from a place of concern, but all I could think was "la, la, la, la, la..." as I do anytime someone reads labels aloud to me.

    Julie doesn't want us reading labels, so I don't. I imagine that long after I've learned to maintain my goal size I can read labels again, but today, I don't read labels.

    We do not have to think about "servings" because we eat when we're hungry and stop when we're not hungry anymore. We do not have to count carbs, because we don't eat carbs. Meatballs are allowed and certainly making them ourselves is the healthier option, as we can choose to skip the breadcrumbs or use smaller amounts.

    I hated meat when I started this program and I asked about meatballs at my first session with Julie. Without them, I would have really struggled to be on program. Since then, I have learned to really enjoy meat and I eat meatballs and meatloaf less often because now I have more options today. But I find them a great save at parties and when eating out.

    Is this one of the reasons my weight has come off slower? It's hard to say. Being mindful of this today is a good thing.

    I hear your message: be careful with prepared foods. Thank you.

  6. Theresa-they are so hard to find because so many of us around here are eating them! :-) And when there are coupons and they are on sale, I find they go fast.

    I too appreciate what Joe Q is saying about ingredients. There are 2 things that let me eat these: I personally heard Julie say I could eat meatballs. And I don't read labels. Never have. Never will. If Julie says I can do something, then I do (eat meatballs). If she tells me not to do something, then I don't (read labels.) I know others have heard all sorts of different things about label reading, but, I don't want to know what is in things, so I don't read anything but the front of a product. That is what I was told to do. There are so few things that I buy that are in a can or a bag (tuna, corn, meatballs) and since I have Julie's blessing, I don't need to know anymore than I already do. And I guess it's worked! As long as you are in a good place, and your program is working, then you are following as you should!

  7. She may have said "don't read labels" but then she also said "no soy" and "no fake food" so where does one draw the line: where it is convenient or where it is of most benefit?

    Bottom line: If you're happy with your progress then eat what you want. I just see a lot of tell-tale reasons floating around why people *might* be experiencing a plateau and have until now not said a thing. I should have stayed that course, evidently, and most certainly will going forward... at least on this blog. If it matters, I was trying to be helpful.

    For the record, they sell these by the gross at BJ's so if you're going to eat them you might as well save some money if you're a member.

  8. Joe - I appreciate your comments and I did take to heart what you said about these meatballs and plateaus. Nobody's asking you to stay quiet. It is the very thing I enjoy about social media - we can express ourselves and interact. We don't all have to agree.

    I do want to continue to hear from you, so keep engaging here. You're having great success, so you're doing something right!


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