Meet Cecilia

Meet Cecilia, whose weight loss journey is about more than dropping from a size 22 to a size 14 - it's about dropping her medication levels drastically. The biggest benefit to losing weight is what it does for our health. Congratulations Cecilia for your great success and thanks for sharing your story with all of us.
March 20, 2013 and today
Hi Theresa, I enjoy reading your Julie blog. I've been on EVERY diet, and had just about given up until a friend of mine had lost a lot of weight with Julie... If she could do it, I could too! It hasn't always been easy, but what in life is if it's really worth it? I have been in the program since March 20, 2013.

I was motivated to make a weight loss journey because of my health. I was taking 70 uxs of insulin every night (my A1C was 7.9), medications for elevated triglycerides (800 level!) and blood pressure meds. Since following the plan, my new lab values are, A1C is now 5.2, my triglycerides are 84! I'm off the triglyceride meds, and my insulin has dropped to 35 uxs! My good cholesterol is up, and my bad cholesterol is down! Even eating eggs every day! Besides the improvement in my lab values/health, I'm now a size 14 from a 22!

I'm going today for a refresher, very excited to finish the last half of my journey.... Can't believe how wonderful it feels slipping into smaller clothes! Just wanted to share, good luck to everyone else on their journey, this program really works!



  1. Welcome Cecelia!!! I am so excited with your success!

    Looking forward to 'seeing' you more on here and getting to know you!!!!

  2. Hi Cecelia! You look great!

  3. Congratulations on your success with the program. I look forward to hearing more about your journey to get here.

  4. Anonymous9/11/2013

    You look 20 years younger, and so much more comfortable! Congratulations on your success, and thanks for sharing your story.

    These success stories help so much!


  5. Wow! That is some change in just six months' time. Congratulations on your success.

  6. Welcome Cecilia, congrats on your success so far and what's to come!

  7. Thank you everyone for the kind words, I really appreciate them :> Going through a plateau right now, but heading in for a wishes to everyone!!!


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