
Hi All,

I wanted to address a subject that has been a bit ... Well.... Inconsistent for me since I started with Julie.

Although I used to eat sugar and carbs, I was a regular girl.  No issues at all.  Now, 2 months into my new journey, I find that I don't go to the bathroom for days....

Is anyone else dealing with this issue?  I bought some fiber pills, mistakenly fruit flavored and couldn't chew them because they were so sweet.

Any suggestions to conquer this problem?  I would like to get back to being a regular gal.




  1. This is an issue for most of us. I do remember Julie saying "What's wrong with taking an ex-lax." You can also drink some tea with slippery elm in it to help this issue.

  2. Welcome to my world!!! the pain of it all!

    I take 1 prunelax and 2 softeners daily. Still not regular, but helps when the time comes.

    DRINK lots of water as that helps naturally.

  3. For me, the constipation comes and goes but it can still be days at a time in between. Flavorless fiber supplements might help but I try to stick with veggies that are high in fiber like asparagus and broccoli. It helps. I've only had it bad enough to be concerned once. For the most part it's just a timeframe issue. It basically means that your body is making better use of what's going in. I had the opposite problem all the time before this.

  4. I added fiber pills to my daily regimen and things are MUCH better.

  5. Corn corn corn! If I eat corn every day, I do not have this problem.

    Plus, if you eat your Siggis yogurt 2 x/week, that will help as well.

    I too do the Prunelax (I take 3-I buy them at CVS) and I do 5 fiber pills daily.

    Julie said "do what your doctor says" and you can talk to them.

    Also, WATER WATER WATER!!!!!!

    And I agree with Joe-look for fibrous veggies to help you. But, for the most part CORN CORN CORN!!!!! That ALWAYS does it for me!!!!!!

    Welcome to the poop pack! OR should I say Poopless pack!!!! ;-)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I find I'm in bathroom less often, but it hasn't been a problem for me so far (knock on wood). I used to have the opposite problem every time I ate a big meal, so this is a welcome change for me!

  8. Ellen Kirstein9/12/2013

    I have had the same issues! First I have to remind myself of the "input/output theory" If you don't put anything in, you are not going to put anything keep that in mind.. you just may not have to go the same amount. Colace has helped me 1 a day, make sure to drink lots of water! Have also taken a probiotic pill for a while till I got myself back on track.. I have been pushing the water and am finding things are much better of late.. Hope this helps!

  9. Hi All, I bought some fiber/lax pills today at CVS. Hope this helps to get things moving, have a great day!

  10. I take a probiotic once a day - CVS brand. It works well.


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