Cheese is a Condiment

Cheese is a condiment - use it as a condiment or be in a plateau: the choice is yours. If you're eating cheese rolled up with deli meat or in slices by itself, you're probably experiencing a plateau.

Cheese Warrior Theresa

I'm determined to become a cheese warrior - I will conquer cheese!  

I really get this - CHEESE IS A CONDIMENT - and I am treating it as such. I no longer eat slices of cheese, unless it's on top of a burger, mixed in a salad, or on top of a dish.  It's OK to have cheese a couple times a week, but I'm even pulling back from that for a couple of weeks. Why? I'm glad you asked...

Cheese is probably THE thing that has kept me from reaching my goal size. Cheese isn't allowed in the way I was eating it - by the slice or in big chunks. I was reminded of this rule a few weeks ago and I put this concept back into my life full-force a couple weeks ago.

I swear I can feel the difference after just 2 weeks. Those jeans that I had to lay on my bed to zip up last December, well they fit rather nicely now, thank you very much. I just moved a ton of capris and tops that I wore all summer into to the bag of clothes I'll be giving away because they're too big now.

Cheese is a BIG THING for many of us and we have to put a stop to overeating it NOW!

Cottage cheese is a different story. We can have cottage cheese, but we must have it with lots of meat. I had forgotten the rules on cottage cheese, so I stopped eating it and I'm happy to be eating it once again - with meat of course!


  1. Well, you got my attention. I will join you. Cheese is a CONDIMENT. Got it. Starting now. Thanks for bringing that home. You rock!

  2. Anonymous9/26/2013

    I'm with you Theresa!! This is OUR challenge....more important to me than squats, being a rugged maniac!

  3. Funny and timely that you wrote this blog on cheese. I have been eating some slices of cheese with my meals. Not a ton, but a few times a week. I thought last night that I need to just cut it out of my weekly schedule.

    I'm in, I will cut out my cheese this week.

  4. I read this post again this morning and to keep the force with in me strong, I will read it again and again.

    May the force be with all of you too.

    And Eva, you're right - this is more important that exercise because exercise is something we get to do all we want and cheese is only allowed in small doses.

  5. I never eat cheese unless there's some protein in the immediate proximity. I was at a gathering a couple weeks ago and a very well-meaning person there showed up with cheese, veggies and fruit stating that she "remembered that [I] was eating better and losing weight" so she brought these things for me. Ugh. I felt awful about not touching the fruit but she understood. I did, however, eat a couple pieces of cheese and coupled them with some immediately available meatballs so I could say that I utilized more than half the things she brought with me in mind. I am still losing weight. :-)

    P.S. I told her that I purposely bring food to potlucks that I know I can eat so I don't go hungry and not to worry about me next time.


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