Letting My Inner Animal Out!!!

To anyone who has been to one of Julie’s re-freshers lately you know what I am talking about. I am really working hard to let out my ‘inner animal’

Activity has never been one of my finer points in my life, but after hearing Julie explain and use the hamster example I realize, it is time to really start. She isn’t magic and it really is up to me to let this animal out.

So spontaneous walking I have started.

The first day I decided my inner animal was a rabbit, I walked with a friend and we walked for over 45 minutes, up and down hills and fast. OH MY!! I was sore for days. YUK!!

The second day my animal was a turtle, I walked with another friend, up and down hills for 20 minutes, much slower and that was better.

The third day, my animal was a dog, no one to walk with but my grandchildren. So with a 1 year old in a carriage and a 3 year old hanging on we walked to my daughter’s house and back to mine. Didn’t time it, as you can imagine, I had my hands full. When we got back to my house I let the kids play outside. I decided my ‘inner animal’ needed to do some yard work and thus made that animal start raking the yard.

That animal, HOWELED, GROWELED, BARKED, and BIT ME as we raked. I am lazy by nature.

But raked we did, and boy I went to bed very early that night…

Yesterday in church, I obviously couldn't exercise, but I did fidget! I felt like a sleeping dog whose legs run while they sleep, or tails wag while laying down. Wasn't a real sweat breaker, but parts of my body were constantly moving. We are in church for 4 hours with an hour and 1/2 lunch/fellowship break, so I really got in some major fidgeting!!! Basically sitting with my legs crossed (do you remember that post when I crossed them for the first time? Don't laugh at my non scale victory?)

Why don’t I like to exercise, who knows!

Do I know it needs to become a part of my life, YES!!

Will I do it to reach my goal size, I HAVE NO CHOICE!

I am writing this and trying to decide what animal will come out today, even though I feel like a slug, maybe I will be a monkey and get my 3 grandchildren and just have fun with them outside. And while out there let the dog out again and do more raking (YUK) but I know I must move.

Like Theresa’s previous post, what am I willing to do to make this goal size happen!! ANYTHING!!! I WANT IT SO BAD I CAN TASTE IT (ok, so taste it probably isn’t the best term to use but you get my gist!)

Hey, if I can learn to eat vegetables and enjoy most of them, I can learn to move this body!

What animal will you be today? Putting it in that kind of perspective for me makes it a little more fun and some day I may even post on here that I like to exercise. Won’t that be a miracle!!! LOL!!! My former weight watchers leader would pass out if she learns I eat veggies now and am trying to exercise!!!!

Have fun with your journey!!! This is a GREAT way to live and loose weight!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post Linda! I went jogging at lunch today and I thought of you the whole time. I let my hamster out of it's cage too! I don't even know when the last time I jogged, but it felt great.

    I had on long dark capri's and a dark tee, so it was way too hot for me - it was almost 70 degrees outside! I have to do this either before or after work.

    Thanks for sharing.


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