I Thought you said Linda Was Here, I Don't See Her!

Last week I had fun. My dear cousin got married and a picnic turned into a reception/family reunion.

Lots of fun when many Italians get together to celebrate a happy occasion.

So my parents and brother were flying in from Texas. My parents had been there visiting my brother and one of my sisters for 2 weeks. I told them when they got to Bradley airport I would pick them up as I was so excited.

Hadn’t seen my brother for 1 year, and hadn’t seen my parents since Christmas.They all knew I was loosing weight.

I got the text saying they had landed, and they were outside waiting.

I drove up to the waiting area, I saw them and waved, and had to keep driving to find a place to park.

I got out of the car expecting them to be following me.

Where were they?

I saw them looking around waiting for someone.

I called my brother and asked him if they had seen me. He said mom thought she did, but then realized she didn’t.

I told my brother where to walk to. I saw them all approaching and I started waving.

I was so excited! BUT Not one of them waved back.

Hmmm what is up with this.

I see my mom looking all around and I hear her say, "I thought you said Linda was here. I don't see her!"


As they got closer I kept waving and started jumping up and down to get their attention.

I see them look, and they had quite the confused looks on their faces. My dad finally realized that it was me making all the commotion.

The shock that registered on their faces as they came over, and their repeated comment- “I didn’t recognize you” “Wow! We didn’t recognize you!”

Between you and me, my dad had something in his eyes that made them water and he kept hugging me and saying you look good!

I was so happy!

Kind of funny to have my parents not recognize me!

I heard comments all week and at the reunion! Makes a person feel pretty good!!!!

This is my dad and mom and sisters and brother, I love them dearly!!!!


  1. Anonymous4/25/2013

    That is great, good for you. What a feeling that must have been.

  2. What an awesome feeling that must have been. CONGRATS and you do look great!!

  3. Woohoo Linda! I'm so excited for you. This is really cool that they didn't see you. I'm so happy for you that you're doing so well!

  4. Anonymous4/29/2013

    What an awesome feeling! Congratulations! :0)


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