I Want it Bad

I'm really serious about reaching my goal size this year. I want this really bad, so I'm clearing the way all over the place in my life. What about you? How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do to reach your goal size this year?
For me, reaching my goal size (8) means moving, moving, moving. It also means eating clean, like my friend Linda and my size 6 friends who have been clean all along.

I wasn't aware that I wasn't eating clean. There were gray areas that I wasn't aware of; I was eating that are not on program. As you know, there are no gray areas; foods are either on program or they're not on program. So, I didn't know, doesn't work for me anymore! Now that I know about things I was eating that are off program, I'm done eating them. My eyes are open now. I can see! I can see at last! 

One area I've been cleaning up is my blog recipes. I've been reviewing my recipes and deleting ones that are not on program. Gone is my recipe for Popsicles, which combined half and half with Siggis yogurt. Sigh. You know something is off program when you sigh at the thought of not having it anymore. Last summer I made these a lot. I knew they were trouble, because I craved them, but I was in complete denial.

Until recently, I did not know half and half was not allowed. I was using it in my coffee and in other recipes. No wonder I was holding my weight during the fall! As of a few weeks ago, I officially too half and half off my option list. When I have coffee I froth my milk and if I drink it out, I pay the extra to have the milk frothed. I haven't had iced coffee, but when I do, it's with milk or not at all.

Back in Dec. I was informed half and half was not allowed, but I was not willing to give it up yet. If I want to reach my goal, I must give it up. My guess is I was able to get away with this for so long because of how heavy I was. Half and half is no longer an option.

Cheese is a condiment. Not only was I eating cheese with meat bite for bite, which I learned a long time ago is not appropriate, but I had recipes with way too much cheese in them. Gone from this blog are most recipes with cheese. Providing I keep the amount of cheese to a tiny bit and the veggie ratio low, my meat pizza recipe is safe. I'll buy only enough cheese to top off the pizza, so I don't have any extra cheese in the house. Recently I made meat pizza with pesto sauce instead of tomato sauce and I think this is a good idea, as it gives the pizza a lot more flavor and I don't add too many veggies with the pesto. (BTW, my pesto is just basil and oil - no nuts.)

What are you willing to sacrifice to reach your goal size? Have you too been in denial and eating foods off program?  Did you think you could get away with it and all the while wonder why you're at a plateau for so long?

Give it up! Let go of your free will and get back in the river! Join me and reach your goal size this year!


  1. I am with you Theresa!!! We WILL get to that magic size!!!! I pray it is this year as we both have only a few more sizes to go, but if not, I KNOW it will happen!!

    For me to help me to reach my goal is something I just don't do enough:

    I am letting my 'inner hamster' out of the cage more!!! LOVE that!!! I am going to do what I have to do to reach that size.

    I will try to write a blog post about my inner animal this week!! Should be a fun one to write!!!!

  2. Great post Theresa! Even being at my goal size, there are areas that can be tweeked. Since the refresher on Thursday, I have not eaten pepperoni (my crack!). I have pushed the line on fat, for sure. And I have cut back on the amount I eat at each meal. I would rather eat more frequently, if I need too, than overeat once. By doing it this way, I'm figuring out that not only do I not need as much food as I think, but I will not die if my belly rumbles. Most times when I think I'm hungry, turns out I'm not; usually I'm just too idle. Onward and upward we go! Yay us!!

  3. So it sounds like you were able to get back on track after a deliberate choice to be slightly off program. I am looking for this kind of encouragment but have not found it. Most responses say if you slip up you are done, unless you get back for a session. It has been two months slip up free for me, then a weak moment that turned into several. Now I feel i have turned a corner and can rededicate myself to the program. Anyone able to do this ???

  4. At one time half-n-half was allowed, as was cheese. Because people were over-doing it with the half-n-half, Julie put it on the “NO“ list. The same goes with cheese, it can be used as a condiment only (like on a cheeseburger). Some of us recently went to a refresher and shared the changes that we heard. But the rule of thumb is to go with what you heard “directly” from Julie. The fact that Theresa decided to stay with what she heard originally, I would not consider a “slip up” or being “slightly off program”. To eat something off program that was never allowed to begin with, now that I put into the “off-program” category. Personally, I don’t believe in “slip-ups”; you are either on the program or off, it's always our choice!

    The title of this blog says it all: “I want it bad!” To be successful, one has to want this more than any food or drink, and ‘BELIEVE’ that it is obtainable. It’s not a temporary diet, that after we are at goal we can go back to eating the way we did. This is a life-style change! We are making changes that will make us healthy and keep us that way.

    I applaud you for your rededication; I hope it works out for you. If you find that you are struggling to get back on, please be kind to yourself and get to a refresher. In the past, trying to get back on myself didn’t for me. It took me seven years of dieting frustration and hopelessness before I went back to Julie with an unshakeable commitment. Next month will be two years of following this program exactly as she designed it, and I can’t imagine living any other way. I have been at my goal size for 1 ½ years and love the freedom from dieting.

  5. Thanks for all your great comments! I'm in France and have a few minutes free

  6. We are on a journey and for some it is a straight and narrow and for other, well not so much. The straight and narrow is best, but if your road is crooked, know that if you keep going back to the river, it may be a longer journey, but you too will reach your goal size.

    This is not to suggest using your crooked journey as a reason to jump out of the river, off program, but to instead remember that you can get back on program is you go off. Keep going back into the river - don't give up.

    Count on yourself to get back on program as soon as possible, forgive yourself, and tap away whatever it was that caused you trouble.

  7. Thank you Theresa!!! I appreciate your long view. I am going to do this. A learning experience . Onward, the straight and narrow. Thanks again.
    Enjoy France.


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