Baggy Blue Jeans

There's nothing better than feeling good in a pair of blue jeans. Well, there probably is, but just for today, feeling good comes in a pair of blue jeans. Tomorrow, I'll aim for bigger goals.
The jeans I bought in January are getting baggy in the thighs and butt - woohoo!  And I'm finally wearing the jeans I bought in Dec. Until this week, the only way I could zip the Dec. jeans all the way up was to lay on my bed and hold my breath; sitting down wasn't an option. Now, they look great and I feel fabulous wearing them.

I went to Marshalls last Saturday hoping to find something in a smaller size, but I didn't try anything on because I didn't see anything exciting on the racks. I think TJ Max has better options. I'm still a bit gun shy when it comes trying clothes on; I'm afraid they're still not going to fit. I should probably stick with Macey's and JCP until I'm in a size that I can find easier. Those two stores are more consistent with sizes. I understand TJ & Marshalls tend to run small, which is fine if you're small enough that size doesn't matter. I'm not there yet.

I know: size really does matter. My size 6 and size 8 friends, and I have a lot of friends in 6's and 8's these days, pointed this out to me recently. I thought that when you're a smaller size, you have so many more clothing options. It turns out this isn't true. Who knew? I certainly didn't!

BTW, those jeans that I felt frumpy in two weeks ago - I wore them again last week and this time I felt good in them. Frumpy is sometimes all in our head - or all in my head at least!

Victory comes when we least expect it. We feel as if we've been stuck at the same size one day and the very next day: we drop another size. Sometimes we drop weight and we just can't see it. Our rings are a little loser. Our thighs align with the rest of our body. Our blue jeans become baggy. Our tops accent in the right places instead of clinging in horrible ways. Frumpy turns to DAM!

How's your journey coming along? Anybody else out there dropping weight?


  1. I have taken what I was reminded about from my refresher on Thursday, and I am going to push through "not a different size", but making this size "fit better". Julie reminded me that eating a lot of fatty meat meant my "old fat" wasn't going to be burned off. Ah. No wonder why I have been maintaining, but not losing! You all know me and my bacon! I don't actually see bacon as "fatty" because of the way I cook it, but I know that I can CERTAINLY make better choices with my meat! Plus her gentle reminder about MOVING really hit home (she is so good at explaining herself!) If anything, I am seeing this past year of maintaining as a way for my body to forget that "top number" that I ever was, and that this "new weight" (which I don't know!) will be my "top number". Halleluiah! It was a wonderful refresher, and even those of us that are "old dogs" can learn new things!!!!

  2. This is exciting Jennifer - that you are ready to "own your size" now. Your year of maintaining is not a complete lost, as you've learned so much. I like the idea of your body "forgetting the top number!"

    I've often heard Julie caution us to watch our fat intake for the rest of the day when we eat fatty meats.

    I am having more variety of meats and am eating a lot less cold cuts. When I started this program and didn't like meat, so cold cuts was an option for me. I was aware they weren't Julie's favorite option for us, but it was where I had to begin for my version of "meats." Now that I enjoy all kinds of meat, cold cuts are less common for me.


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