Get Off the Hamster Wheel

Last week Linda wrote about following Julie's advice to get off the hamster wheel in her post "Letting My Inner Animal Out." In reading her story, I was inspired to do the same. I want to share what this experience looked like for me, so I created a few short videos in hopes to inspire you all to get off your hamster wheel too. Or, at least provide some comedy for you.
image source: Big & Small: My Cartoon Collection
In my first video, I capture what we look like when we fail to switch up our exercise routines: we look like and act like hamsters spinning round and round going nowhere. Just like our foods, which we mix up instead of eating the same foods over and over, allowing our minds to think we're on a diet, which halts our weight loss, our bodies want us to mix things up too. Do something different for exercise this week, rather than the same exercise week after week.

Get off the Hamster Wheel (5 seconds)

It's so painful to watch oursleves looking like a rat in a cage, I ended it quickly.

This is next video is me jogging. I did three takes and I crack myself up. I hope you get a good laugh too.

Jogging: Take One (1 minute 57 seconds)

Take Two (36 seconds)

Take Three (1 minute 12 seconds)

If you've been having a hard time getting off the hamster wheel, read this inspiring article
Get Off the Hamster Wheel, in which author Karen Kimsey-House writes deep and profound thoughts about how to see the difference between doing something because it comes from a a genuine desire inside us rather than the hamster wheel approach.

Here's an excerpt from Get Off the Hamster Wheel:
We need to be in action to make dreams real in the world, but action needs to be connected to a larger sense of meaning. Why are you doing what you're doing? Are you doing it because you should or is it coming from inside you from a genuine desire? The Hamster Wheel approach: If I exercise three times a week, I'm "good." Or, if I go to see my mother-in-law twice a month, I'm "good." The Co-Active approach I am advocating for you: I care deeply about my health and well-being, so I devote time to nurture my body. My relationship with my mother-in-law is important to me, therefore I'm going to invest in it. See the difference?
Now go outside and get moving in the real world!


  1. I really like your videos! I am impressed with your walking/jogging/talking abilities....I know how hard it is to talk when exercising. Please keep the posts coming; I enjoy them all.

  2. Kristenanne21@aol.com4/26/2013

    I Just had my first session last night,, any tips?
    also can someone answer this for me... i know i have to eat protein and veg but can i just eat protin? also is canned tuna protin?
    thank you i cant wait to see the out come!!

    1. Welcome Kristenanne!!! You are in for the journey of a life time. Just relax, and let it happen!!

      Yes, you can just eat protein. But you should get in veggies and a variety of them when you can. They help with vitamins and stuff and they actually taste good to me now. And I am known in my former Weight Watchers life as the Queen of Hating veggies!!! LOL

      Canned tuna is a protein. The fish had eyes and a mom and dad so you are safe!!!

      Feel free to ask any questions!!! Once you are finished with all 3 sessions it will all come together!!

      This is a wonderful journey!! Welcome aboard!!!


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