
Last week while visiting with Mary, my childhood friend who now lives in Long Beach, Mary showed me photos she had of me over the years, to help inspire me to see how far I've come on my weight loss journey...
In October 2002, we traveled together in Italy (Mary took this photo)
South Hadley, MA, September 2010 
With Long Beach Mary, July 2012


  1. WOW Theresa!!!! Now there is an obvious difference when I see the first picture and the last one!!! WOW!!! YOu LOOK GREAT!!!!!!! Keep off the good work!!!! What an inspiration you are to me!!!

  2. You look amazing!!! Not only do you look like a different person, but you look 10 years younger! I hope you are doing the happy dance right now:)

  3. WOW!!! Theresa you look amazing. I haven't taken any pictures (it's just something I've never done since I have been overweight since birth), but your pictures really are worth a thousand words. What a transformation. How proud you must be. I just realized that today makes 5 months that I've been on the program. I haven't cheated at all, but have not really done any exercise because of my knees and ankle. I haven't been to a refresher, but Linda did mention that Julie can turn on your need to exercise. If that's the case, I would really be interested in going. How much are the refreshers presently and is there quite a wait time. Tried to call the office, but they are on vacation until 7/9/12. I was one of those who was not sure what size I wanted to be because I just remember being a size 6X (chubby little girl) and then went to a 16 overnight, but that was probably when I was about 10 years old. I know that I am smaller because my clothes are loose and I'm getting info a few blouses which were previously too small. I don't know about anyone else, but the first thing I used to do when I bought something was to cut the size tag out of it. God forbid someone would see it. So I'm not really sure what size some of my clothes are. I know that may seem crazy to some of you, however, as I stated previously, I basically wore the same outfits over a 50# weight range (gain and loss). Obviously, they were tight when I was at the top of that range and loose and the bottom. I don't have the ability to buy clothes in different sizes as I lose, so I'm trying to make do with what I have. Does Julie have to know an exact size you want to get to in order for the program to be completely successful or can I just continue sticking to the program and losing whatever I may. As always, I don't mean to ramble on but as most of us have noticed this is an amazing way to eat and lose weight and has been the only thing that has every worked for me in over 60 years and I do get excited.
    Once again, Theresa, you look absolutely wonderful. Hopefully one day I can get to see you guys in person. How inspiring! Keep up the great work.

  4. Anonymous7/05/2012

    Diana, I attended a refresher June 26 & it was only $100.00 during the day & &150.00 at night. It was approximately 3-31/2 hours long & so informative. I'm so glad I went. I'm not sure about the wait but I signed up for the next one for September before I left.

    Theresa, you look younger now than in your 2002 picture. What an amazing transformation! You are truly an inspiration! Also viewing Lindas before & afters is another motivator! I can't wait to post mine as time progresses!


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