
Decades ago I took a "health, mind, and body" workshop and over the course of six weeks I met with a  group of about 30 others three times a week for three hours. At each session a different speaker talked to us about  health related topics. We learned how to meditate to reduce stress. We learned about nutrition. We learned a lot during these 18 sessions. The really great part, for me, was what we learned about exercise.
Running is just one exercise option; find the type that you enjoy and just do it!
Photo by Theresa
One of the doctors told us "there is an exercise out there for everyone, you just need to find out what it is". To help prove his theory, every workshop began with a different form of exercise. With this group, I walked, jogged, played tennis, swam in a pool, learned a bit of yoga, and explored a  handful more forms of exercise.

Before I left for my vacation, I thought about all those workshops and I made a decision that this year I would explore more exercise options once again. While here in southern California on vacation this past week, I began the journey and I've have had a lot fun along the way. Last week I walked a mile and a half to the pool, swam 24 laps, and then walked a mile and a half back home again. I was home having breakfast by about 10 am and I still had a full day ahead of me - and tons of energy.  

Getting in and out of the pool was difficult, as I have no upper arm strength. My first day at the pool, I pushed myself to squat down and sit on the edge of the pool and pushed myself again to jump in. I've grown so stiff over the years, and all of these movements that used to be so natural to me years ago, easily could have stopped me from getting in the water.

In fact, I know this is why I've stayed out of the pool for the past decade. Oh, and wearing a bathing suit in public too. As I sat at the edge of the pool, I knew I was going to get into the pool and didn't let my hesitations stop me. Instead of sitting and debating if I could push off, I just bit down and jumped in. It wasn't pretty, but I was in! Getting out defied the laws of gravity, but I did that too. Swimming laps was exhausting and my arms burned, but I kept going back and forth until I couldn't swim another lap. Sore arms aside, it felt terrific to be in the water once again! 

If my arms weren't already feeling the pain after 3 days the pool, I went kayaking. My friend helped me sit in the kayak and later helped me get out. That was the hardest part and the part I was most fearful of--what if I couldn't get in -- or worse - what if I couldn't get out? I pushed beyond the fear and just did it. What a blast it was. My friend is a great teacher and taught me the ropes and I did not tip over, another fear - how would I get back in if I tipped over? I didn't need to answer that question!

I have been a couch potato for the past fifteen years, but I wasn't always a couch potato. It's been great getting exercise by moving my body in new ways and having a blast. It took me 9 months of being on this program before I started exercise, but I want to encourage you not to wait that long.

For those of you who haven't been ready to start exercise, I encourage you to create a list of all the different types of physical activities you can think of and start trying them one by one until you find a form of exercise that fits you. If you feel too out of shape to begin, consider walking five minutes from your house and then five minutes back, then slowly increase your walking time, even if it's just a minute more a week. Take it slow, but start moving. It may not be walking for you, but find something you can do and start doing it.


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