My ah ha moment...

This week was such a challenging week emotionally for me.  My son and my husband both got hurt within a 12 hour window of each other which meant an awful lot of time spent in the ER all the while juggling my other two children.  In the past if I had a weekend like this, I would have run to my bucket of ice cream to console me and that would get me through.  Not this time!  I am proud to say that I not once thought of eating anything that is off program.  I actually sat down on Monday around 12 to try and get some work done while everyone was sleeping and realized that I had not eaten in 24 hours.  I know that is almost as bad but it hit me for the first time that I now eat to survive rather than live to eat.  This is such a great feeling.  Though this may be a little silly, I finally realized how much Julie was helping me.  It is not always about the measurements or the size cloths that I am in.  It is about the baby steps that lead to a better me.  Not depending on food to get through a tough time was one of the steps that I needed to get through before I could continue.  I did it!


  1. Adrienne, I'm sorry to hear about your trips to the ER and I hope both your son and husband are both okay. You are so right to acknowledge this type of change of habits we fall into under crisis, that you didn't even think about blowing the new habits you've learned instead of falling back on what used to work for you (food). Bravo to you for seeing this change!

    These kinds of changes are major in the big picture of our journey and it's uplifting to see you become conscious of this change. These are the types of changes that are essential to our path, as it reaffirms permanent changes in our lives. New healthy habits that happen as our auto pilot process in times of crisis - priceless,

  2. Anonymous7/13/2012

    Adrienne -I hope everyone is on the mend now. And good for you that you were able to recognize that your reaction to the situation did not involve food! Verna

  3. Yea Adrienne!! Good for you! I'm proud of every step we all take. In so many ways we take them together.

  4. Adrienne I sure hope they are ok!!

    HOW EXCITING for you!! That is one of those things I call a 'non scale' victory!!! It is amazing if we really think about our lives now and former habits and how they have changed and we don't even think about it!!! It amazes me when I have to make desserts to bring places that I don't eat half the batter before the dish is even put together and then have to make more to compensate for what I ate!!! Or when others are eating desserts in front of me and I can actually refuse it. OR (now this is major for me) LEAVING FOOD ON MY PLATE BECAUSE I AM FULL!!!! That one alone is a major miracle in my life!!!!!!!!!

    Happy for you Adrienne and thank you for reminding me to look at these things also instead of just looking at clothes sizes!!!! I am making major progress even if the sizes are slow in coming off!!!!

  5. Susan Azar7/23/2012

    Susan July 21, 2012

    Dear everyone else, hope all is well with your family. I also congratulate you on your success. I have to share that I also have finally realized that I now eat to live and NOT live to eat! It is a very liberating feeling! Good luck with your family and rock on with the program!


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