I'm not sick! LOL

I got a round-about funny compliment this weekend. I ran into one of my mom's friends who I haven't seen in a while. We chatted and then went our separate ways. My mother calls me to tell me her friend had called her as soon as she had gotten home from running into me. My mother proceeds to tell me that her friend was shocked at the weight I had lost. She was worried that I had been really sick and was calling my mom to see what was going on and if I was alright. She didn't dare mention the weight loss to me when she saw me because she was positive I was or am really sick.

I had to laugh! I needed that. I have been a bit down as the weight isn't coming off as fast as I want it to and the compliments had slowed down also.

Then in church yesterday I wore a shirt my friend Luanne handed down to me and low and behold got a few more compliments, so something is happening, I am just not seeing it in my sizes.

Then thinking over my adult life, I have never been a size 16 since I had been 20 years old, a long time ago. So I guess I can see why my mother's friend was so shocked.

Also, I have never in my adult life, been able to accept hand-me-downs and have them fit! That alone is MAJOR in my life!! No one had hand me downs big enough to fit me!!!

I am SO VERY THANKFUL that I am NOT SICK and am loosing weight so effortlessly and enjoyably! and not starving myself!!!

helps to put things back into perspective!!!! Thought you would all enjoy a chuckle today!!!


  1. Anonymous7/23/2012

    Hi Linda, Thanks for the chuckle! Since beginning this weight loss journey what has baffled me most is people's compliments or LACK OF compliments. The people closest to me are the ones who seem to give no compliments though I am literally shrinking right in front of their eyes yet people who are casual acquaintances are the ones who are continually giving positive feedback on my changes. I'm curious to see if anyone else is experiencing this. I haven't determined if it jealousy, envy or just mean lol.... However I am DETERMINED to surround myself around positive people & continue until I've owned this program :•D

  2. Congratulations on your new perspective Linda! I'm glad that you're not sick too!

    Recently I had a similar experience. I received a phone call from someone who had seen me earlier in the day and they asked if I was sick. I appreciated their concern, but no, I'm not sick, my weight loss is intentional; thank you very much!

    It has been interesting observing comments or lack of comments over the past year and a half as my size has changed. I too had some unusual comments along the way.

    My favorite is "do you have new glasses?" I heard this a lot in the first nine months and in the past whenever people asked me this happened whenever I had dropped weight; I did not have new glasses. In fact, someone just asked me this last week. I smiled, inhaled deeply, and accepted their non-verbal confirmation that I've dropped another size.

    Another favorite comment "is that a new coat?" It was a new coat, but it's interesting I never heard this when I had worn other new coats the winter before. I took this as another non-verbal compliment about my weight loss.

    My feeling about all this is that I had so much weight to lose, that it wasn't until I lost a huge amount of weight before people could see the change. This is especially true for those who I see the most often. Family included. Just a few days ago one of my brother said to me "wow-you have a waistline!" He's proud of my journey, but this is the first non-solicited comment I've had from him.

    One day I commented that someone had lost a lost of weight to an associate and they said "oh, she does that from time to time; she drops weight and then gains it back, then repeats the process." This gave me moment to pause. They are used to most of us gaining the weight back. Hmm. We are not going to gain the weight back.

    My motto used to be "I am more than the sum of the scale," back in the days when I used to weigh myself. I would say this to myself at both ends of the scale. It's still true, but I don't say this anymore. I'd rather focus on more positive things in life.

    I try not to be so full of myself over my weight loss. While it is an incredible journey, really life changing, it is bigger for us than it is for other people. I continue to work on letting go of the expectation that people will say something. It is my ego that wants to hear these compliments. I am giving my power away when I wait for validation from others about my change. I don't need their validation and the further along this journey I get, the more this concept becomes my truth.

    To go all Zen-like here: what others think of me is none of my business. It's a happier journey for me when I remember this.

  3. I have had people ask me if i was sick also!!!! I just smile and so no...I was fat and lost weight, and I feel great!. AND I have experienced close friends not commenting on my weight loss also. My husband is sure it is jealousy. I just want to inspire others to do the same!


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