The Conspiracy Theorist

Note: I cleared this post with Theresa before setting it loose, because there are some VERY negative and unfounded things said about Julie in this story, but it definitely demonstrates why some people fail and why it's so important to keep our eyes fixed on the Big Picture. Enjoy!

My son and I were having dinner at 99 the other night.

I love going there and having the smothered sirloin tips because I can get them on their own with no starch, just veggies.

Apparently, one of the women sitting in the booth across from us (I fit in the booths there now… couldn't for a long time) heard me placing my order.

I asked the server to hold the starch.

I told her I didn't need extra veggies because I had to balance my veggies with my protein.

So the woman sitting across from us hears all this and when the server walks away she leans over and says, "You went to Key Hypnosis, didn't you?"

I told her that I had.

She smirks at me and says, "You're in for a surprise."

I said, "Well, I've experienced several in the last couple months. Being able to fit inside this booth for one."

"Sure," she said, "But wait. You're gonna stop losing in another month or so and when you do the office is going to miraculously call and offer you a 'refresher.'"

I told her that I had requested a followup call in September so that wouldn't be a surprise.

"Yeah but by the time they call you're gonna stop losing weight."

"What makes you say THAT?"

"It's a huge scam. She programs you to lose for a couple months, then you stop. Then, if you want to keep losing you have to attend a 'refresher' and pay her another $200."

I said, "Really… that's quite remarkable. A hypnotist that can manipulate my physiology and make me STOP losing weight while still keeping the diet."

"No," she said. "You'll start cheating on the diet. After a couple months you'll go back to eating like a normal person and then go running for a refresher. It's all factored in to what she does. I went back TWICE for refreshers and each time I was OK for about two months, then BOOM! Bottom line: we're fat. It's how God made us. Accept it. Don't keep paying for false dreams."

I thanked her for the information and told her I'd take her advice to heart.

A few minutes later when the server showed up with her nachos, I said "BOOM!" as she put them on the table. I just couldn't help myself.

Throughout that whole night I kept going over in my head the things that Julie said about this whole thing being an act of Free Will.

I willingly submitted to the hypnosis. I willingly follow the diet and I am subsequently willing my way to health.

Some people just want nachos more than they want to be well but they can't just admit that, can they? It has to be someone else's failure.

I see the holidays this year being very difficult. I might need a refresher to get through them.

Then again, I may not.

What I'm sure of, though, is that if I do need one it'll be because for that month or so between Thanksgiving and Yule there's going to be a LOT of interference and I may need to clear up the signal so I don't get too depressed.

But that's all about me, not the program, not Julie.

I wonder if nacho lady realizes just how much money Julie COULD be charging for what she delivers.

I wonder if she realizes that every time I tell people how much this program cost me they're SHOCKED by how LITTLE I paid?

People who have never done the program see its value and think Julie is selling herself short.

But for some, paying $8 for nachos makes more sense than spending $200 to help themselves continue on a path to wellness and that's just that.


  1. WOW! I mean WOW!!

    I had to wait a couple hours after reading this so I wasn't so mad at that RUDE lady before leaving a comment. WOW!!

    Anyway, my 2 cents:

    I guess the woman didn't hear plateaus talked about.

    She must have missed the part about free will.

    She must not have been desperate enough when she went to really give it her all.

    She must have missed the tap the temptations away segment.

    She might have let negative comments from others sink into her mind.

    I could go on and on...

    All I can say if that is the best money I ever spent in my life!!!

    I have been ON PROGRAM 2 years this October and am doing fine, plateaus and all!!

    Joe you will meet all kinds of naysayers in this journey. I find myself not telling people to much about program because I am sick of the comments about eating balanced, fruits and so on. BUT when someone sticks their nose into your business, a complete stranger, well, I feel really bad for her.

    Anyway, Joe, my first holiday season I did not go for any refreshers, and made out just perfect!!! I went a few months after just to reinforce in my mind that I was doing it right.

    Then I went again some months later again, just to get rid of my self doubts.

    We really do leave her last session with the tools to do the program!!

    I hope someday you can run into her again and show her that it really does work!!! You just have to play by the rules and have patience!!!

    oh, and another thing, when you think about the price of nachos, and what it will cost her body because she ate those nachos (and who knows what else she is eating) it turns out that those can be quite the expensive nachos!! LOVE the BOOM comment!!!!

    Keep on doing it Joe, you will truly get there!!!!!

  2. I deleted the part about the loaded baked potato with her dinner on top of half a plate of nachos she shared with her not-overweight husband/boyfriend/brother/whoever. I also deleted the part about how she kept making comments about being fat and happy in that just-loud-enough tone that says "I'm talking to my companion but my comments are directed at you." I don't mind not eating fruit. I was dealt enough sour grapes that night to last me for quite a while. In a cruel turn of events, though, I'm experiencing a bumper crop of strawberries in my garden this year that I can't eat. Bummer.

  3. don't think of it as you can't eat it, think of it as you choose not to eat it!!! I cook, can, freeze and have a family that eats stuff that I don't. I think of it not that I can't, but that I choose not to!!!

    After a while, you wont even notice how good the forbidden stuff looks. Just keep tapping away!!!

    That lady sounds pretty obnoxious to me!!! Use that as a good reinforcement for yourself!! I do that when I see what people eat and what they look like. Makes me sad, but makes me stronger.

    Glad she is happy being overweight, as I don't believe that for a second!!!!

  4. Joe-I too had to "digest" what you wrote, and I too had to decide if I was going to respond. There is so much I want to say!

    I don't know if you were on this blog when I wrote about my sister saying "You are no better now just because you are skinny" about a year ago-but boy did that sting. Anyways, this person that you came across had something in her way that caused her to not succeed, and she had to provide you an excuse for her failure instead of just keeping her mouth shut and letting you be. You will come across this type of judgement A LOT! I (and a lot of other people) am proof of that! And you handled yourself in a way that showed class, spunk, humor, wit, charm, I could go on and on. Those are adjectives I would rather have people say about me than the words we are thinking of about her...And that is growth.

    You did not allow yourself to get drawn in to her anger and jealousy. She failed! And she is not ok! But you ARE! I still come across people who are waiting for me to gain weight back, fail, etc.

    I am so deep into this way of life that I can't even imagine my "former life". I can attest to not NEEDING any refreshers, but CHOOSING to go to them. NOT ONCE have I "fallen off" in such a way that I HAD to go back to Julie to ask for forgiveness! And I know MANY MANY others who have succeeded as well! I am over 2 years on program!

    THIS IS A TEST! I say it ALL the time! When you come across other naysayers, you will continue to feel good inside as you continue to handle yourself with dignity. Think about all the other facets of your life where you will be able to hold your head high! Good for you! I am proud of you!

    And who else along with me is wondering if this woman is on this blog, reading this story about herself, cringing, crying, eating more nachos? Sad. Hopefully she will find her way....

    Thank you for sharing your moment.


  5. When Joe asked me what I thought about this story before he posted it, I told him I needed some time to think about it.

    My first response was - what an incredible story. As I read the piece, I thought about the negative parts and I was worried someone may read this and agree with Nacho woman and stop following the program.

    Chances are they were looking for a reason to quit and nothing any of us say would change that.

    Nacho woman spoke her truth. Joe spoke his. What's my truth?

    My truth is that I was in size 30/32 and today I'm a 16/18.

    My truth is that this program works for me.

    My truth is that if eating like a "normal person" means being a size 30/32 - no thank you!

    The only false dreams in my life was when I too believed I had to continue living my life in a size 30/32.

    The truth is Nacho woman is in a lot of pain. I wish you well Nacho woman and I'm sorry for your pain.

    One more truth - they don't call you for a refresh unless you sign up for one.


  6. Hi Joe,

    I read your post and unlike our friends here, I wanted to respond immediately, quickly, like NOW.

    Through all aspects of our life, we meet the naysayers. They come into our life to derail our progress because they have been derailed. They have failed, couldn't stick to the program, used their free-will to well, eat nachos.

    I think you Joe, were put in her life to shake her up. Turn this situation around and view it as, instead of her pulling you DOWN, you might have given her hope to stand up and get back on her own journey.

    We all have suffered times when we were just OUT OF CONTROL. Maybe she met you on her downward cycle.

    Be that as it may, she projected her negative self worth on you, and Joe, you shielded yourself from her. EXCELLENT! Just as you saw her nachos, loaded potato, soda, etc.... She saw your protein/veggies. BAMM.

    In the end, we can only be responsible to ourselves. Working the program on a daily basis.

    In fact, I don't even feel like I'm on a diet program. I'm just finishing up week 3 and feel wonderful. No cravings, I don't feel as though I am denying myself anything..... Actually Life Is Good.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for the post.

  7. Jane - congratulations on your third week of program!

    Like you, I feel that one of the great things bout this program is that I don't feel like I'm on a diet either!

    Thanks for pointing out the positives in Joe's story - and there are many!

  8. Theresa,

    Someone here commented on Tapping our Cravings away. What does this mean?

    I head to my final session tomorrow night, but I don't recall this, unless subconsciously I do.



  9. I loved when you went, "Boom!" at the plate of nachos! Every time I see nachos now, I'm going to think "Boom!" in my head, laugh, and walk away!

  10. Jane - Julie will cover this in your third session. It's a technique she teaches us to push away cravings.

    Enjoy your third session!

  11. Theresa: That's what I told her. They had clipboards for every month from July through December or January where you could REQUEST a follow-up call just to be sure things are going OK. If you don't want to hear from the office, they're NOT going to call you. She went on her own both times and got it into her head that because she caved in a similar amount of time she was programmed to fail.

    Or she may have just made the whole thing up to compensate for her weakness.

    I do hope that my lack of reaction to every needling comment left her thinking about the exchange a little more.

  12. Anonymous8/12/2013

    How do you make sure you don't become the Nacho Lady? What makes this program work for some, and not others? How do I become one of you? and not her?

  13. By deciding that's not going to be you. The same way I decide every day that I want to be well more than I want foods that got me in this spot to begin with. I won't lie and say I don't still want it, but I want to be attractive more. I want to be sexy and handsome more. I want to be able to stand and walk without pain and fatigue more. I want to hike and climb and get spectacular pictures from amazing vantage points in Acadia National Park (where I am right now) more. I will be able to have certain things again. I know I'll get to have nachos again but when I do they will be shared with several other people and they will be had in reasonable amounts. I won't be eating pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving this year but by next year I should be able to have it in a reasonable amount (read: a taste) and then DECIDE to get back in the river so that when Yule rolls around I can have some Wassail and some sweets and then get back in the river after New Years and stay there so I don't undo all my hard work. That's all at least a year away and I have decided that the next time any of that stuff touches my lips I will see in the mirror the reflection of the person I want to be and I will do what I must to maintain that reflection no matter what. That, I believe is how you keep from becoming nacho lady: by not making your weight loss a zero-sum game but allowing yourself to see an appropriate time somewhere in the future where you might be able to step out of the river long enough to enjoy a few things before getting back in and allowing your body to function the way it was intended to: with periods of time when your carb intake is high and much longer periods when your carb intake is low. Some people will disagree with me and that's OK. I think that if you make this a zero-sum game it's easy to get depressed. There will come a time when things will be more "normal." That day just isn't today. You'll know when it gets here.

  14. I love the deep philosophy behind these questions Anonymous asks. No one program or diet works for everyone.

    This billion dollar question is what makes this program work for some and not for others. If we knew the answer to this then we would know the answer to your two other questions.

    What I know for sure is that this program does work for a whole lot of people, but I also know some that it doesn't work for them. They would love to know why it didn't work for them. Frankly, so would I.

    The other interesting fact is for some, the journey was a straight line from their top weight to their goal size, but this isn't the case for everyone. For some it's a longer journey. They too love to know why it takes longer for them. Frankly, so would I.

    I'm not going to know these answers. I am fortunate to be in the later group, that I am having great success on this program and my journey is taking longer than it does for others.

    It's okay that it's taking longer - I am losing weight and I feel incredible. There is no price I can put on the transformation that has happened in my life, so why should I feel bad that it's taking longer. This time would have passed anyhow. The time could have passed as I got heavier or didn't lose any weight.

    I like Joe's attitude, that he chooses to make this work. Others chose this path too, but why it didn't work is a mystery. And anyone who knows the answer to why it didn't work would be billionaire.

    Great conversation folks! Thanks for keeping it going.

  15. okay-one last pathetic attempt to see if I can master this thing that most 5 year-olds can do. Here is a message, let's see if I can post it.

  16. omy-did I actually send something successfully?!

  17. Just seeing if this works now. I took your advice and signed in first. It then came up in Portugeuse, which it does periodically (apparently not just on my computer, and it doesn't help to try to change the language settings), but it was obvious enough what to do, so I signed in with my new password et voila. Am I actually here?


  19. Re the question of why this program has worked for me:

    The first thing that occurs to me is the mysterious, but so important fact that it seems I was ready for it. What does that mean? Do you know the concept of a "tipping point"? Or of "saltation". They both mean that although one tends to look at the thing that happened just before a change as the thing that caused it, there has actually usually been a loooong incubation process, of many steps, and that final step was just the one that pushed you over the hump.

    For me, there were the years of refusing to "diet" ever again, in the ways that I had used for about 50 years. I didn't know what else to do, but I knew that path was exhausted for me, and not healthy. It had run its course.

    Then there were years of really powerful therapy work, which continued to metabolize inside, freeing me, at least to some extent, from some of the very early conditioning that left me feeling disconnected from my body, that my body was owned by others, and that all that really mattered was what they thought of it.

    Then there was a growing desperation. Almost nightly fears, terrors, over my health, what I was doing to myself. This program requires a lot of sacrifice. I'm not sure one can be successful at it without having some equally compelling reason on the other end. I don't recommend it, but for me, honestly, I think that was needing relief from the terrors.

    Then, in terms of choosing Julie specifically. A friend mentioned her and when I watched the videos it was so out of the box for me, so unlike anything I had ever done before, so weird, wild, unlikely, that something in me said "All of the approaches you have been more comfortable with have left you where you are now. Maybe you should try something that seems utterly foreign, totally new". I think that was a very wise voice. And I did exactly as Julie directed....did not find out anything more before I finished the 3 sessions. I have a very active critical mind. I didn't want to give it any room to reject this. I am, as is probably no surprise to any of you, pretty strong willed. I committed, before I even saw Julie, to giving up that critical mind, to turning myself over to the experience fully, for at least 3 months.

    I don't think anyone can make it be "the right time" to truly challenge a powerful addiction. People talk about needing to "hit bottom", but lots of people hit bottom and just keep going down. Or hit bottom, bounce and then go through that cycle endlessly.

    So, what made it possible for me not to become The Nacho Lady? When all is said and done, I don't really know. Perhaps I simply am lucky enough to care about myself a bit more, to have a bit more hope, to have incredible relationships that I don't want to leave ahead of my time. Whatever it is, I am eternally grateful.

  20. I have been on Julie's program for a year and a half with success. I found her when I was desperate and hopeless. She saved my life. g. I recently ran into someone who I haven't seen in years. She is a WW lifetime member. She is passionate about that program and didn't hesitate to tell me how unhealthy I was. It was so rude and condescending that I truly didn't know how to respond. I said I am healthier than I have ever been. To which she literally waved her hand on my face and said "oh, your hypnotized, you won't listen!" It was not worth trying to respond. I thought to myself "yes, I am hypnotized, and it has saved my life!"

  21. Megan, Congratulations on your weight loss success. I'm sorry you had such a rough encounter.

    Her rude and condescending behavior has nothing to do with you; that's all her stuff. Let her keep it. Shake it off.

    Keep doing what you're doing! Bravo to you for not responding.

  22. I don't know about the tap the temptations....what did I miss?

  23. Jane, see the post I wrote titled Tap Tap.


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