Positive AHA Moment - Stress

As some of you know I am a grandmother of now 4 little ones. Our 4th was born June 12th. Such excitement to welcome a new little life again!

Except this time was different. I was going to be able to witness the birth of this little boy, my daughter wanted me in there with her and her husband and others. I was VERY excited but nervous, how would I be, watching my daughter in pain...

I got to the hospital when she was nearing transition. She was probably an hour away from having this little one. I sat in a corner away from the excitement, quietly observing and praying.

All of a sudden things took a turn for the worst and instead of witnessing a birth, I was waiting while my daughter and grandson were fighting for their lives.

To make a long story short, they are fine, a long long recovery is still ahead of us, but they are alive and with us today, by the Grace of God. Placenta Abruption is VERY serious.

Anyway, the reason for my story is that during all this stress, all this anxiousness, all this extra work for me, all this loss of sleep, I realized that I have not gone off program at all or even considered it!

I am a mood eater, an emotional eater, I binged when I was happy, sad, angry, frustrated, sick, stressed and so on. Especially stressed, I could eat the house when I was stressed.

As I sit back and contemplate the last 3 months of my life, it has been extremely stressful and the stress won't be leaving any time soon. And yet, without thinking about it, I have stuck to Julie's program. I don't need to start over again, I am still on my journey.


Automatic!! Part of my life now without having to give it a second thought!


For me, this is one of the GREATEST AHA moments I could ask for!!

By the way, my little grandson was 9 lbs, 1 ounce and 20 1/2" long and is named Dawsyn!! A beautiful Italian looking baby!!!


  1. This is a great story Linda! You have changed the way you interact with food and I encourage you to change change the way you describe yourself.

    You are no longer a mood emotional eater. You are no longer a person who eats when you're happy, sad, angry, frustrated, sick, or stressed!

    You eat because you're hungry. You eat to live. You don't live to eat.

    This is really great! Bravo my friend.

  2. Anonymous7/09/2013

    Congratulations on you AHA moment, and even moreso on your new family member. I'm so glad to hear they are both going to be ok.

  3. Anonymous7/09/2013

    Does anyone know how to print the recipes here or on Julie's website. Screen print doesn't capture the entire recipe. Any help for this novice would be appreciated. Tired of handwriting every one.

  4. To print the recipes on this blog, to to the menu options at the top of you browser, select print from the "File" menu options (point to file and pause for a moment and you'll see the list). You can also use a shortcut, which is to hold down the control key and the letter P at the same time and then select print.

    To copy a recipe, if you want to add it to a file (such as a Word document), highlight the recipe and it's title, select copy from the Edit menu on your browser, and then go to your document/file and paste the content there.

  5. Congratulations and I am glad that your daughter and grandson are okay.
    About your post regarding stress eating-Before Julie's program, I found myself turning to food when I was busy and stressed out.I find that since I have done Julie's program, I have a whole new relationship with food.My AHA insight was thinking, there are not many foods out there that actually make stress better.In the past, when I turned to food, it only made things worse because I still had the stress of the recurring problem and in addition, I felt horrible after eating stuff that was not healthy! So, I try to look at stessful situations differently-Usually stressful things challenge me to improve myself in some way.So instead of my past reflex to eat and self sabotage, it's an opportunity to take a deep breath, have faith in myself and know that I will get through it and it will open doors to something better!

  6. Erin, well said!!! I am so excited for you that you found that wonderful change in yourself!!!

    That stress eating was a vicious cycle: stress-eat-guilt-still stress-eat-guilt... I am so glad that the cycle can be broken from what we have learned!!

    LOVE your last sentence: "So instead of my past reflex to eat and self sabotage, it's an opportunity to take a deep breath, have faith in myself and know that I will get through it and it will open doors to something better!"

    That is a WONDERFUL AHA thought!!

    Keep us posted on your progress!! It is ALWAYS so nice to hear from others!!!

  7. Just wanted to pass on my refresher experience. Been on the program "to a T" for 1 year. Went to my first refresher this week. Julie stated that we would crave sugar in about a week - she said just like we had done with the original sessions (I never craved sugar after the first 3 sessions and have never gone off program) UNTIL NOW!!! BEWARE OF THE REFRESHER!!! I have been eating non-stop since I went and craving sugar like crazy. I'm so very disappointed that I went (especially since I was not having any problems and only went after hearing that it was good to go just to get "refreshed". I can't even call the office about this because Julie even told us that we would crave sugar and NOT TO CALL. Always felt great about this program in the past, but no longer. I'm just going to have to get a hold of this situation somehow. She said that she was using extremely powerful hypnosis that day and the we would feel very loopie. I didn't feel like that, but she told us all that we were all hypnotized. I'm so very, very disappointed - especially since there no recourse for this now. I'm hoping with all my might to get thru a day without this need to at everything I can think of and get back on the program. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Believe me, if she had said that we would have had this sugar craving at the start of the refresher, I would have left immediately as I was not having any problems and certainly did not need this, but se only shared this with us at end of the session and did not offer any solution to the cravings other than to tell us not to call the office. I feel ripped off, disappointed and extremely saddened that I may not be able to get back on track...

  8. Joan, I'm sorry you're having such a difficulty time with sugar. You followed the program for a year, so dig deep into your memory about what you learned on how to do this. I encourage you to stop stop stop the sugar now. Focus on eating a lot of meat. Eat meat when you're hungry and in large amounts. Feed your hunger - not the sugar. Every time you have an urge to eat sugar, tap it away.

    I haven't had any experience like you describe with craving sugar. I've had short term urges, but I was able to tap them away. I didn't crave sugar during the beginning of my program either.

  9. A problem with the comment field has been reported. I changed the settings to try to resolve this, so a new window should open when you click on comments.

    Let me know if this "solution" is more of a problem that the one I tried to fix.

  10. Anonymous7/15/2013

    Dear Joan,

    I am truly sorry you are having such a rough time of it. I thought long and hard before replying, because what I am about to say may ruffle some feathers, but I'm going to take the risk and just speak truthfully from my own understanding. I don't know whether Julie would agree with what I say here or not. So please be very clear-the is just Eva speaking.
    Julie is NOT MAGIC! As charismatic and wise as she is, she is not a sorceress. Hypnosis, no matter whose kind ,is NOT MAGIC!
    I am not a professional hypnotist, I have been involved in the field of psychology and meditation for over 40 years, including studying with some of the founders of hypnosis in this country. One of them called hypnosis "The art of suspending the state of disbelief". Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and concentration. That state can make it possible for us to loosen the grip of some of the left-brained, conditioned, beliefs (i.e. I eating sugar makes me happy...I can't live without that donut) and patterns which we all carry with us, and let in some new possibilities, which speak more to the right-hemispheric, bodily, feeling self.
    Julie cannot change our behavior! She has said this herself. WE can change our behavior, using Julie as a resource. And you did just that for a year. Very successfully. I know that it seems to make some people feel safe to think that Julie is magic and she is "Making us" lose weight. It's just NOT true. We are the only ones who can do that!
    I don't know why you responded in this way to Julie's comments about craving sugar, but I feel you are giving her way, way too much power. Can you let go of that and reclaim your own abilities, which, as Theresa said, you proved for a whole year? That wasn't Julie. That was you! This isn't Julie. This is you. And you have the ability to change it.
    I also did not have sugar cravings after my first sessions or after the refresher. Julie did warn that some of us might.
    Take care of yourself, and see if you can toss out this feeling that the refresher did something terrible to you. Something clearly went wrong with how you and it interacted, but that's in the past. You don't need to talk to the office, don't need to have the "spell" reversed. Just need to find your own relaxed and committed core again. It's there, waiting for you, beneath the storm.
    Good luck!

  11. Hi Joan,

    First, great job in doing so well your first year. I have been on the program over two years now and have gone to probably six refreshers (and I'm getting ready to schedule another one). I don't remember her telling us about the sugar cravings, so she must be doing them differently now.

    I can see where she wouldn't want 30+ phone calls because of temporary cravings, but if I were you, I would still call. You will have to leave a message, but explain your situation as you have here. Then see what happens.

    In the mean time, eat your protein and lots of it. I wouldn't worry about how much or how often right now. Remember, we will poop out what we don't need. It's more important to get past the sugar cravings than worrying about how often you eat.

    Also, try roasting your veggies. It brings out the sweetness in them and this could satisfy some of the cravings. I don't have cravings often, but when I do, I figure it's my body telling me it need some nutrient that it hasn't gotten. When this happens, I eat either corn, roasted veggies or sometimes colored peppers!

    I know it's hard right now but please do your best to push past this. You've done so well and we all what you to succeed. As a good friend likes to say "This is a test", you can do this.

    There are lots of us here to support you, so keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. {{hugs}}


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