Anonymous Heroes

Today's Hero story comes from an anonymous couple who are having great success with this program. They're taking a closer look at what they're eating (too much cheese?) and how they can go back to eating clean, so they can reach their goal sizes.

Anonymous couple. Photo by Theresa; taken in Italy - not the couple in this story.
BTW, if you think you're eating too much cheese - you probably are! Remember, cheese takes a long time to process through our system, so we must eat it with a protein and it should be treated as a condiment. The latest news I've heard about cheese: don't eat it unless it's on food you're eating out.

Anonymous Heroes

I love this website! All the questions that come up are the same as everyone else, and it is so helpful to know we are not alone.

I started in November of 2012 and made my husband do this with me through the holidays. I thought he was going to kill me! But he was on two blood pressure meds, one cholesterol med, and stomach medicine. His blood pressure and cholesterol are great and his doctor may take him off all of it soon. That alone makes it all worth it.

We both did great the first three months, losing 2 pants sizes. Then nothing.... I thought it was a plateau, because we have not cheated. But now we are 5-6 month into this "plateau" and I have snapped out of denial. It's time for a refresher. We go in a few weeks.

As I take a closer look at our eating habits, I think my problem is too much cheese, and I should just focus on eating meat. I hope to get back on track. I have no desire to go back to what we used to eat, but I want to finish what we started and lose another two pant sizes.

Read more Hero stories... or share your story - send me an email by clicking on my name (Theresa) on the bottom of the list of contributors in the left column of any page.


  1. Anonymous7/07/2013

    HELP! I just finished my 3 sessions with Julie and I'm truly lost. Would someone please explain what she means by "FREE WILL". Is it something we are supposed to have or is it something we were supposed to give to her. I tried to be attentive to everything she said, but I'm very, very confused about many things, however, I do recall that this "FREE WILL" thing was somehow very important (just not quite sure what it is or how we're supposed to use it). Does anyone know? Thanks!

  2. We are supposed to give her our free will. My interpretation is this: WE do as she says, no messing around. As soon as you stretch the rules you have taken back your free will. For example, Julie tells us under no circumstances do you get on the scale to see what you weigh. Someones curiosity gets the best of them and they do it anyway "just this one time, what will it hurt" you have just taken back your free will. Or it is using her rules only when it is at your advantage and other times you bend them or break them because it is easier. Remember her example of twirling?

    Hope this helps, if not let us know and I will try to explain it better!!!

    1. Anonymous7/08/2013

      Thank you Linda so much. Now it makes sense to me. I don't recall twirling...

    2. Glad that helped. PLEASE keep us posted on how things are going!! Feel free to email me if you need a support buddy. This program is easy if you just do as she says (we all hit road blocks and that is when a buddy comes in handy) You have just begun the greatest journey of your life!!! Welcome!!!!

  3. to the anonymous couple!!! What a great story!!! Thank you for sharing!

    I love the fact you made your husband do this with you!!! Sounds like he is doing GREAT also!!

    A refresher is a VERY good idea and I am all for them!!

    Cheese is my enemy now, who would have thought! LOL I stay away from it,I am afraid of it. My new evil is cheese of all things!!!

    Glad you are taking inventory of what you are eating. Very thankful to hear your determination. and sounds like you only have 2 more sizes to go. I have only 2 good sizes to go to hit my goal and I am wondering if because we are so close it makes it a bit harder or longer to loose the last bit!!

    Let us know how your refresher went!!! I LOVE hearing about refreshers, makes me feel like I went!!

    Good luck and continue letting us know how you are making out!!

    We are all in this together!!!


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