Another "Before and During"

I thought some folks would like to see an even more dramatic "Before and During" pic. This one is from earlier this year. The one from 2011 had me at about...340. The "Before" was this past April at the beginning of a paranormal investigation out in Wachusett (yep, I hunt's how I roll). I was about 365-375 pounds. Truth be told, I never took my final weight before going to Julie but it was at least 365 (and I know it was higher). You can REALLY see the difference in the "during" picture which was taken this past Saturday. Enjoy!


  1. Congratulations Joe! Men lose so much faster than women. How many sizes have you dropped?

  2. You must feel so much better. Good for you!

  3. I started out busting out of a size 46. I was struggling to reach the first notch on my belt and none of my clothes fit right. Today I'm still wearing the larger shorts and jeans only because they don't bag enough to look bad yet but I can easily fit into size 42 pants and I have a ton of clothes that have been waiting in my closet that now all fit, all in the 42 waist category. I've gone down about 3 shirt sizes but the belly still drags things down a little too much to abandon the "tall" sizes. I will be heading to Men's Wearhouse soon, though, since my dress pants are all too big now AND I'm on the very last notch on my belt!

  4. 3 sizes is an incredible drop in 7 weeks! Whoohoo!

    I know all about having a closet full of clothes that don't fit. I had tons. I'm working on a piece "What's in Your Closet?" that I'll post in the next few days. I am so beyond all the clothes I had that "some day when I lose weight" will fit - they're all gone now! I had them for stored for years.

  5. Well, I'm just glad that I have some jeans that fit at this point. Eventually all the clothes will have to go because they're too big but not abandoning these kind of anchored me to hope. I really had resigned myself to always being fat but I refused to give up the clothes because "someday" I was going to find something that worked. Well, hello, Someday!

  6. Anonymous7/19/2013

    Joe - Congratulations. I just started this past Monday and feel great. Hope to achieve some results. Any advise you can give me?


  7. People obsess over food and call the office before they eat anything wondering if it's "on program." Don't do that, please. Keep it simple and you will probably not make a whole lot of mistakes. If you do make any it will come up in the next couple sessions and you can fix things then. I've never knowingly cheated on this diet but I have absent-mindedly done things like grab my son's root beer and gulp some down, lick peanut butter off my finger, etc. and it didn't faze me.Your iIntention has more of an effect than the action. If you bite into a crouton at a restaurant because you didn't know it was there SWALLOW, remove the rest and move on. Oh, and when you feel hungry between meals, drink water. if that doesn't work, eat again. Our brains often send confusing signals when it comes to thirst. You might just be thirsty, especially in this heat. That's the best advice I can give you.


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