Summer Challenge

This is the first week of a six week mini triathlon challenge that I'm doing at work. I did this last year and it was a great way to encourage me to keep exercising no matter what, because I want to reach my goal for the challenge
Stationary bike workout summary day 1.
My work-out buddy Aime and I are kicking it up this year going for the gold, which means in the next six weeks we will each do a total of:
  • Run/Walk: 26 miles
  • Bike: 112 miles
  • Swim: 2.5
It's almost the end of week one and I feel like I'm already behind schedule, but I'm determined to get a gold medal this year. The "prize" isn't the point. I don't even know if there is a prize. The point is it's summer and it's time to challenge ourselves physically.

Three days in and I found myself already grumbling: Swimming is the hard part...getting my hair wet and then going back to the office...there will be some lunches I can't get to the pool...blah, blah, blah. I getting out of my own way and just do this. No excuses! Make it happen. Get it done. Hooha.

In one of the first three session I went to, I remember Julie telling someone "if you don't exercise, it's going to take you a really long time to lose the weight."

What about you? Are you ready to set a challenge for yourself? Is there someone who will join you for X number of weeks to either help you (and them) get moving and stay committed? Anyone with a dog who you can volunteer to walk?

If you haven't done any exercise, set a specific amount of time to walk in one direction and then turn around. If 5 minutes is all you can do - start there. One has to start where they are. If you're already exercising, is it time to add other types of exercise to your routine?

It's summer folks - get outside and start moving.


  1. Very motivational, as always! I just now sat down after my 9 hour work day, time at the grocery store (mmmmmm-Porterhouse was on sale!), and my daughter calling me to ask if I was going for a walk tonite (which I had, in my head, said I was going to do, but then said, "nah")-I can't tell her no-then I look like I am lazy! So-off we go-and are a while away from my house, when who comes driving up behind us, but Miss Jill! So nice to see her while we were out and about! (and I couldn't help but show my daughter Jill's "before" picture-I love watching people get blown away by or transformations!)

    Whatever motivation you need-do it! Whatever you like to do-do it! However long you have-do it! No excuses! Just do it!

  2. I have been doing strength training 3x/week. I figure if I work out every other day that should be enough? I get up very early in the morning to do it. The days I don't exercise are usually spend cleaning the house. I try to do it during the week because I don't have time on Saturdays anymore as we are spending the weekends on our boat. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining here. he he he.. I just try to make the most of it. Thoughts?


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