Success is Ours

This morning I started to think about what my life will like be beyond the weight loss phase and beyond maintenance. How different will my thoughts about food be (less food-focused)? How much energy will I give to my diet (less)? Will I forget all those thoughts that used to consume me and instead just naturally follow what I've learned from this program? Yes, this will be true for me and for you too.
Fresh local veggies in Italy. Photo by Theresa
I enjoy the fact that I no longer think "tomorrow I will start a diet" (or get back in the river) and I no longer wish I could turn the "switch" back on. So, this morning I took a few minutes to ponder what other thoughts will change in my life after I have learned to maintain my goal size. Join me in my quest and visualize what this journey will look like for us further down the road...

How great will it be when we can focus on new goals, no longer focusing on losing or maintaining weight, because we KNOW how to do that; our programming will be complete!

How great will it be a year from now, two years, five years, ten years, when the only comment people make about our weight is how proud they are that we kept it off all those years or they ask us how we manage keep in such great shape.

How great it will be that there will be people in our lives that never knew us overweight.

How great will it be when we embrace the idea that we no longer think about food as we do today (while losing and learning maintenance), when we eat the way Julie taught us as if we were programmed to do so.

How great will it be when we embrace the silence and no longer seek the voice of others validating our success, because that success is ours.

Success is ours every day we stay on program until we "get it" - we only have to do this program once and then we're done. I see others who are there and I am going to be there too!


  1. I can't wait to be THERE too!!! No matter how long it takes, I WILL GET THERE!!!!!

    1. Woohoo Linda - you are on your way! Keep up the great job. I'm so proud of you and I appreciate that you share your journey with the rest of us!

  2. That's right. We are doing it. We keep doing it until we're there.

  3. It is interesting how other parts of your life become so vibrant, even vivid, when the food stops talking to you. You can actually stop and listen to silence! I catch myself often doing just that. Looking out a window at the beautiful greenery, looking at plants that are getting ready to bloom, wondering how much rain we will be getting-Nothing to do with "what am I going to go eat next?" I get up in the morning, make my coffee, hop in the shower, go to work, work til lunch, eat because I am hungry, come home, make dinner, hang out with hubby.....go to bed-It can be dull and lifeless for some, but, to me, it's just living. I eat to live, I don't live to eat! I get that now!

    1. Yes, this is what I'm talking about...the focus shifts from the endless circle we used to feel trapped in (going on a diet, failing, trying another and another, some success, off again, on again).

      With this program, we sever the ties to that circle. That silences the voices that kept us in that circle (old way of thinking).

      We program ourselves (with Julie's help) to a whole new way of eating and thinking. We stay connected to that programming, but it blends into the core of who we are, which allows us to put all of our focus and energy into living healthy lives.


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