No Popcorn or Peanut Butter

This question was posted from Pat:
Hi everyone, I am new here and am scheduled to start Julie's program on January 15th. I'm excited and am hoping she can help me lose my weight. Can you eat popcorn on her diet. Or peanut butter for protein. 
Thanks. Pat
Congratulations Pat on your decision to change your life, which this program will help you do! You'll learn what foods you can and cannot eat during the weigh loss phase in your classes.

One of the things you'll learn early on is that you are going to change the way you eat. You won't want to return to the way you used to eat, because the way we used to eat is what made us overweight. If we go back to eating the way we used to, the weight is going to come back.

Most of us feel so good after a few weeks of being on program and feeling that good helps us stay away from foods we used to indulge or overeat. Julie empowers us with knowledge about foods and the tools to stay on program.

In answer to your questions...  popcorn is not part of the program, although you will be able to eat popcorn when you are at your goal size in small amounts. Peanut butter is not on program; we don't eat nuts. Protein options are in the form of meats.

Best of luck to you with this journey!


  1. Welcome Pat! Enjoy the journey!! I know I am!!!! Just relax and absorb all she tells you!! I don't miss any of the foods that are not on program!!! I LOVE all the foods that are on program!!! Good luck! Keep us posted!!!

  2. Welcome Pat! We are all in this together. Julie is remarkable and the contributors of this blog are incredibly helpful. I wish you much success and please keep us posted.

  3. You made the right decision. Don't look back. It is the first time on this healthy eating path that I know what to do and how to keep the loss of weight off. I feel in control,not deprived and very happy.I brought my big lady clothes to Goodwill and it was a great feeling.I only look ahead now and know it is a healthy journey.Good luck!

  4. Anonymous1/16/2013

    Started today on program after first hypnosis with Julie jan 15th, yesterday. I did well. Ate eggs ham for breakfast. Had coffee with no stevia only coconut creamer. Dinner was filet mignon and green beans with garlic. I drank some kefir since he said we could have milk. I did eat 2 altoids out if habit. Hope I don't mess this up. I fet dated after I left her session. I am a sugar fiend. Today was easier than it ha been. But sill ave a Lte urge. But chose to say no. Ifvanyone has any recipes I would love to know.

  5. Congratulations Paula on your new journey! This is a learning process and you'll have lots of questions along the way.

    I have a couple concerns about some of the items you ate that are not on program...

    Coconut creamer - real milk is allowed (any percent), but soy is not on program.

    I'm familiar with kefir, but I don't know if it's allowed. If Julie mentioned it in your group, then go for it.

    Altoids are definitely not on program in any shape or form (with or without sugar.

    Let go of what you may have done that is off program yesterday and today keep moving forward towards your goal size.

    Thanks for sharing and asking questions. I look forward to hearing more from you along your journey.

    1. Anonymous1/19/2013

      Too bad there is no list given of definite no goes..sure meat and veggies but what is humas and what about all the very heart healthy foods I love like raw sunflower seeds on salad. This diet sure is going to be very expensive .. Having a constant supply of lean meats available and veggies is no easy task. Not like popping a bag of air popped popcorn . Or eating toast. Idk

  6. Anonymous1/20/2013

    Thanks for the encouragement Theresa. I've done well these part few days. There is no fat in the coconut creamer so I thought it would b better than milk. It is still tough with the urge for sugar. Do I blow my progress if I eat one lil chocolate. Will I stop losing ? I had beef and cabbage today. Pork meatball soup. Eggs. Kefir is loaded with probiotics it's like liquid yogurt. Keeping it to a minimum. Lots of water and lemon water so far.thanks again

  7. Anonymous1/26/2013

    Will weever be Ble to eat peanut butter again, or nuts and seeds.


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