Airport & Holiday Foods

Happy new year to all of you!  Later this month, I'll share photos from my 2 year journey on this program. Wow, two years! Meanwhile, I'm back home from my holidays in Florida.
Christmas in Punta Gorda, FL
Dorothy said it best "there's no place like home" and I was never so happy to be home as I was on Saturday night. It took 3 hours to get to the Chicopee exit from Worcester on I-90; I ran smack into the snow storm on the way home from Providence airport. There were long periods of time when I couldn't see anything and finally, 15 miles from my exit, I found apace to pull over and remove ice from my window wipers. I was shaking so bad, I stayed there for about a half-hour before driving again. I stopped 3 more times to remove ice before reaching my exit. That was the scariest driving experience of my life. I'm going to become an expert at reading weather reports; this will never happen to me again!
View from the plane landing in Providence. This should have been my warning not to drive home!
I started to write a blog from the airports on my way home, but I didn't get it posted, so here's what I wrote about airports and holiday foods...

Who knew Wendy serves breakfast? I certainly didn't. That was until I was at the Charlotte airport last week, waiting for my connecting flight, with just enough time to grab a bite to eat before boarding.
Wendy's egg, sausage, and cheese; hold the muffin please!
I was never a Wendy's fan, so I picked up coffee at one of those pastry places. I ignored the sweet things behind the glass counter and focused on just the coffee, then quickly moved to the line at Wendy's. I planned to order a couple bacon burgers, but I discovered they don't serve anything but breakfast food until 10 am. Breakfast at Wendy's? I didn't even know they made breakfast. I ordered an egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich and asked them to  hold the muffin. With my coffee and "sandwich" in hand, I had a seat in the area where we would be boarding and then gobbled up my sandwich. It was so delicious, I went back for a second one!

Earlier that morning, when I stepped on the plane in Fort Myers shortly after 6 am, I looked at the seat belt extensions sitting on a shelf for anyone who needed them at the front of the plane. I was happy to just breeze by; no need for them anymore! Gave them up about a year ago and I've never looked back. That was one of many experiences I'm happy to longer have to deal with when traveling.
No seat belt extension for me!
During my holidays in Florida I thought about my friends of the key hypnosis blog and the key hypnosis Facebook support group a lot, because I did a lot of cooking and even baked a few items. I don't usually have to deal with foods that I know many of you do because you cook for your families. I chose to bake a couple of times and when I did, I followed advice I remember hearing from some of you -- I washed my hands often to avoid tasting things I shouldn't.  

Nothing sweet to the lips was a familiar mantra while I was in the kitchen and when I was at parties. A soft voice in my head told me I needed to taste the batter, but I remembered the mantra and temptation melted as fast hot water to sugar. The moment passed. That's all it is really, a moment in time. A split-second decision; gone in an instant once you make a decision which direction you're going. But a taste of the spoon and that moment in time could have lasted for weeks. No thank you!

One party I went to had only one food on program, summer sausage. Everything else was either a carb, sugar, or both. I indulged in a cup of coffee while everyone had dessert. When we returned home, I had chicken salad I'd made the day before. The next night we had a party at our house and basically all I had was pepperoni, nothing else was on program. After the guests left, I helped clean up and called it an early night. The next morning I had a really big breakfast.

I don't find myself in these kinds of situations very often, where there isn't much control over the food options. I did the right thing by having something to eat at home after the first party, but I wish I had made something I could eat at the party at our house. At the end of the day I was hungry and I found it easier to go to sleep early that night than to fix something to eat, as we'd had a really long day. Next time, I will plan ahead. The host frowns upon people bringing anything to the party; she's an incredible cook (and baker) and she seems a bit insulted at this idea and I don't know her enough to explain myself. As it was, she wasn't happy that I brought seltzer with me, but when she found only tonic water in her cabinet, she agreed to add my seltzer to her vodka. Last year at her party I skipped the tonic water and had her add water to the vodka and I got a bit tipsy. That's not a good place to be when there's a table full of foods you don't want to eat.

In any case, I really do appreciate those of you who have families and deal with non-program foods all the time. I'm happy I was able to pass the tests of vacation in the various places I could have failed. As I said a few months ago, I own this program - it's mine! I'm pleased to say I'm still on program and looking forward to another drop in size soon.

How about the rest of you? What did you do to take care of yourself during the holidays? I'd love to hear what great tricks you put into play to stay on program!


  1. Well, Theresa, I have to congratulate you on your success. I think you did fantastic. Note to self… being prepared is so important. It can make or break a diet (if you want to call it a diet). I was on holiday for almost two weeks, and, for the most part, did pretty well. I did have sweets on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. I have to say though, it wasn’t worth it. But, I promised myself not to beat myself up over it. I made a choice and now I am back on track with the right foods and exercise. Like you mentioned, having the right foods at hand at any time is crucial. I also find it a bit disturbing when people get insulted if you don’t eat whatever is served. It’s nothing personal. I hope that doesn’t deter anybody from sticking to the plan. I think we’ve all been in situation like this and just to please someone else, you go ahead and do whatever you don’t want to do. I for one will not go down this road anymore. I will stick to my plan no matter how miffed the other person gets. I will imply this to all my life decisions. On the other hand, I will always be supportive to other people’s needs and decisions and not being judgmental or insulted about it. Come on 2013! We’re ready!!! 

    1. Anonymous1/02/2013

      It is amazing what happens when you decide to take care of yourself and not be run by what other people think/feel. And truthfully, if someone feels insulted by my bringing something, it's not someplace I want to be. It's been easier for me because all of the parties and dinners I've been to have been with people I'm close to, and they understand that this is a critical question of health for me, and once I convince them not to make something special for me (because it's so impossible to describe to people what the restrictions are), they are fine with my bringing something of my own. I bring turkey burger and squash, or sliced turkey, etc. I've found that I can't even trust it when people tell me that there will be salad because it often has fruit or nuts, and then I end up with nothing to eat along with the protein I bring. And I also eat before I leave the house, so that I won't be hungry while waiting for dinner time, while everyone else is eating nuts, chips, fruit, cheese, etc.

      I do a lot of cooking for other people, including supplying food and baked goods to our local community store, and what I've realized over these months is that I can't really make things I haven't made before, because I can't taste as I go. I did bake a couple of things I hadn't made in a while and asked a friend to stop by and taste it to make sure it was was very funny-made me feel like I was royalty with a taster making sure I didn't get poisoned.

      I have overdone it with cheese over the holidays. Made quiche lorraine and ate a lot of that, and have to get myself back on track with not fudging the line between cheese as a sometimes condiment and cheese galore. Cheese is the hardest thing for me so far. Maybe in part because it's a gray area. I do periodically feel like I'm going to die if I don't have some dark chocolate, but then I tell myself that as long as it feels like life or death I clearly shouldn't be anywhere near it. And then I just sit with the cravings, notice them, and find, surprisingly, despite what my mind is telling me, that I don't keel over and expire.

  2. I like cheese also and I have to be real careful not to overindulge. Usually for breakfast I have an egg, over easy, ham and cheese. I wash it down with 1/2 glass of V8. That keeps me satisfied for hours. Keep on doing your thing and keep on feeling better. I am so in to it. I have to drop a size soon because everything that I can still wear is tight and there are many articles of clothing I can't wear because it's already too tight. I have to make myself #1 and take care of myself. Exercise and eating right. I will keep you all posted, because that helps me so much. I am grateful for this blogging stuff. Keeps me honest. :)

  3. Sometimes I pop a mint into my mouth. Will that hinder my weight loss? I am not talking a handful, just one or two per day. After my work is done for the day and I (finally) sit down for a couple of hours to watch TV or read a book, I pour myself a small glass of Vodka with Seltzer and a squirt of lemon. Also, I am feeling a sore throat coming on and I am using lozenges today. How does that play out? What should we do when we get sick? As always, thanks so much for your help.

    1. No mints. Yes, this will hinder uour weight loss. Think of this as part if the sacrafice you agreed with Julie to make.

      Perhaps you can buy fresh mint and add it to your vodka drink instead. That would be a good compromise.

      Fisherman's friend are the only cough drops allowed.

    2. Anonymous1/04/2013

      I had bad cold and cough a few months ago. At first I tried just using the fishermans friend and it didn't work. Someone on this blog said that Julie basically said to do what you doctor recommends, or what you have to do, when you are sick. I used an herbal cough syrup that does indeed have berries in it, but I knew that it wasn't something I liked the taste of, or would in any way overdo, and it helped the cough, after two nights of no sleep with the Fisherman's. I think it always depends on knowing yourself and what you can handle and what has your number. Also, sweets are not my siren song....that's more in the area of cheese and potatoes, so it seemed safe.

  4. I will stop taking mints this minute. Thanks so much Theresa. Do you think we could create a list of what is allowed to eat/drink and a list what's NOT allowed to eat/drink? Perhaps another list for limited quantities. I watched Julie's Video's yesterday and it was great seeing her motions again. After I did the initial 3 sessions, I went back twice over the years for a refresher. This blog is so great though, because it reminds me of certain things I had forgotten about. Enjoy your day.

    1. There is a list of foods on the Facebook support group. I don't post a list because composing such a list is too complex, since different groups do get different information.

      What we all need to do is follow what we heard in the groups we attend. Go inward and ask yourself "what would Julie say?" The answer will come to you.

      When in doubt, leave it out.

  5. Anonymous1/05/2013

    I feel embarrassed to have my first post be one of failure but here it is...I started with Julie 3 months ago, did great through thanksgiving then fumbled over a couple of nuts which sent me spiraling for a couple of days. I quickly booked a refresher and got back on track early december, things have been going well straight through New Years. We have been away through the holidays and yesterday when we arrived home I suddenly crumbled grabbing a piece of candy I had dreamt about all christmas, then this morning I again grabbed for all the wrong here I am barely 12 hours into this disaster and I am afraid I have ruined it for myself. I notice there doesn't seem to be much of this amongst other followers of this blog which is great, but for me I feel quite alone. I will try to control myself and expect another refresher is essential but that scares me too, as I know refreshers shouldn't be used like this, but here I there any hope??? Jenn

    1. Jenn, Try not to dwell on the slip. We are only human and will make mistakes. Try to sit quietly and bring back the "want". Many people on the facebook page say that you can get yourself back on track by eating mainly meat for the next three days. They will be difficult but if you focus on your want for this, you will make it through. You are not alone, many have slipped off program, just get right back to it and don't look back. You will be fine! When in these situations, or in the 3 days ahead of you, remember the mantra "I don't want to want that" visualize yourself hitting your hand and sending it behind your back. This works very well for me. I have also told myself that I have tried that before, I don't need to have it again. I know what that tastes like. I have also yelled NO at the food so it stops talking to me. Best of luck, you've got this!!!

  6. Anonymous5/27/2013

    Hi just started with Julie...session one and already "cheated" go back this week for second session but I exercised and got right back on track. I would love to join your "facebook". Let me know if I can and how. Thank you so much!!!!!

  7. Friend JoAnne Young if Boston, Massachusetts and ask her to add you to the Facebook group.

  8. Anonymous6/21/2013

    Can someone add me on FB - Roseann Montefusco

  9. Roseann, the group owner is JoAnne Young from Boston, Massachusetts - ask her to friend you and to add you to the FB upport group.


Include your email in your message if you would like to communicate with me, as I rarely respond to messages, as this blog is no longer active.

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