Fatty Meats

There's a great threaded conversation going on in response to my recent "Off-Program" post, which you may want to read through if you missed all the great replies. I'm posting a great piece of advice from twinglesmomma not to eat too much fatty meat as they slow down weight loss.
In response to a comment about not being able to lose weight, twinglesmomma wrote:
Stop the bacon, the ham, chicken wings, sausage. The bacon, ham, and sausage are fatty meats. Eat those sparingly! I'm talking once or twice a week. Granted, I may or may not sometimes as well. But when I read that, that's the first thing that came to mind. You seem to be eating fatty proteins. When I'm in a pinch, I will eat hotdogs, but that's not an everyday occurrence. Have more lean protein-chicken, turkey, etc. Have beef-steak, burgers, to maybe once or twice a week. And, if you are having bacon, etc, make sure that's your only fat for the day.
This resonated with me, as I too have been eating too much fatty meats. I was not much of a meat eater before this program, so I ate the meats I did like, which included pepperoni, bacon, and ham. Julie told me to be careful of eating too much fat when I talked about pepperoni, it is allowed, but shouldn't be a meal we eat on a regular basis. Many times I've had pepperoni, cheese, and coleslaw for dinner several nights in a row. This is way too often, way too much fat, and more cheese than I should have in one meal. Cheese is to be used as a condiment. I had bacon for breakfast every morning this week and ham has been a regular lunch item for several months now. I have forgotten these fatty meats can slow down weight loss, but now that I have been reminded, my goal is eat less of them.

Time to add fish back into my weekly meal plan. Oh, what weekly meal plan? I haven't been planning much and in fact I've had lunch out every day this week, which is allowed, but I'm leaning on too many foods that are not only fatty, but have mayonnaise. Time get a menu plan and shopping list back into my weekly routine.

I keep going back to thoughts about why I haven't lost as much weight as others who are blogging here, they started months after me and are several sizes smaller. Too much fat in my diet is most likely the reason. I don't beat myself up about losing weight slower than others, as this has been a healthy process for me and I won't negate the great success I've had just because weight is not as dropping as fast as I want. I often look inward to see if there is something I am missing and whenever I ask myself this question, I usually find that yes, there is something else you can change in your diet to encourage more weight loss. This week, it's fatty meats. Thanks twinglesmomma for helping me see what I was missing.

What kind of meat do the rest of you have for dinner? What's on your lunch menu that you really enjoy? Do you have recipes you want to share?


  1. Anonymous6/01/2012

    I made a delicious shrimp scampi the other day..it made me really happy! I didn't follow a recipe but this is what I did. i sauteed some shrimp in a little olive oil, remove from pan. to the pan I then added some minced garlic and a pat of butter and cooked the garlic in that..then some chicken broth and squeezed a lemon and simmered for a few min. toss the shrimp back in to reheat and serve over spaghetti squash. My hubby raved about it and said.."who needs pasta?' -Marie

  2. Marie that sounds delicious!!

    I melt a small amount of butter and add garlic and onions to it and cook till onions are soft. Then add milk to that and cook it down until thick, and sometime while cooking it down add my peeled shrimp. OH YUM!! Garlic is a main staple in my home!!! sometimes I add the shrimp to the onion and garlic and butter to cook first and then drain it all cuz the shrimp can be watery. After draining I will add a small amount of butter to the pan again or olive oil and continue on!!!

    I commented on the orginal off program post and have realized also that fatty meats is a big problem with me. I LOVE red meat. Crave it!! I ate so much chicken breasts on weight watchers that I can hardly choke them down now. MAJOR revamping time. No problem with bacon or sausage, ham is a problem. I would love quick and easy ideas. It is so easy to throw a burger on the grill, I need ideas!! I am also tuna fished out!!!!! Thank you weight watchers..... LOL!!!

    This blog is hopping and I LOVE it!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous6/01/2012

    Thank you so much everyone..It's CRY BABY here...I really appreciate your input very much!! This is great!!

  4. Anonymous6/01/2012

    Just came back from a trip to Trader Joes and got some things that look interesting..buffalo chicken meatballs, turkey meat balls, turkey bolagnese sauce(that i will have over spaghetti squash) beef burgandy,mojito salmon, and spicy beef and broccoli. I am excited for my next week of eating! I also found fried green beans...absolutely delish, but after eating a handfull, I panicked....these should be on program, right? _Marie

    1. Marie - your instincts are correct - if those green beans come in little bags they are not allowed. I love them too, but learned they are not on program. Julie said I may as wrll have eaten potato chips.

      Everything else you described sounds yummy!

    2. I also remember hearing Julie say no fried green beans, and no dried veggies either-they are too concentrated.

  5. Anonymous6/02/2012

    Aren't there bread crumbs in meatballs...I'm confused about that because Julie never mentioned the use of bread crumbs so I called the office and they said no bread crumbs unless your really close to your goal....

    1. Anonymous6/02/2012

      she told our class (a few times) that bread crumbs inside something like meatballs or meatloaf was ok, but not on the outside of something like chicken nuggets etc. -Marie

    2. she told my class the same thing and then just to make sure I called the office and they told me breadcrumbs in meatballs or meatloaf is fine becasue we can not see the breadcrumbs.

  6. I'm just looking for new breakfast ideas. During the work week I bring scrambled eggs or omelet. I'm looking for something other than ham, bacon or sausage to have with it. I had a small amount but everyday but since this post I stopped (I didn't realize it should be that limited but now it's clearer). Any ideas??

  7. Change it up! Who said it has to be breakfast items? I generally don't eat until 11am or later. Sometimes I have scrambled eggs with bacon/sausage/ham, or I'll have leftovers.

    Some things I've had for "breakfast": meatballs, salad with deli meat, salad with leftover chicken/steak, hotdogs, pork, buffalo chicken tenders....to name a few. I think maybe don't think of it as breakfast only foods, and that should help.

    Hope that helps some!

    1. Thanks Meaghan it does help. When I'm not working I eat whatever looks good (always have something ready in fridge) but when I'm working I eat breakfast on my 15 minute break. I tried a salad once and it was too much...can't talk and eat that kind of thing but I will try to shake it up more.

  8. Anonymous6/26/2012

    Meaghan I believe we cannot have chicken tenders because the breading is on the outside. Chicken wings are fine because their is no breading.


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