My BEFORE and on the 'weigh' pictures

Ok, I am going to bite the bullet and post pictures. I have never liked my picture taken and still don’t like my picture taken.

For those that don't like to look at pictures, please don't look and if you have a negative comment because I posted pictures, please don't leave it. It is taking all my courage to post these. I am doing this in the hopes that maybe my story will help someone to continue on this journey.

The first of these pictures is quite painful to me. It was me, not to many years ago at my absolute heaviest weight in my life. The woman in that picture was so sad, depressed, and just couldn’t stop eating. This was right before I re-joined Weight Watchers for the one millionth time. I was a size 26/28. I lost 60 pounds after that picture was taken. Got to a size 20 with WW. Couldn’t get any lower.

My dear husband would beg me to stop eating, he was so worried I would die. But even with Greg begging, I couldn't stop eating. I don't know if any of you has ever had your spouse beg you to stop eating, but that is one of the most humiliating moments, I didn't want to upset him anymore so I became a closet eater

Gained most of the 60 pounds back except for 20 before I went to see Julie. The next 2 pictures were in the few weeks before my first appointment with Julie.
The third picture was in December for our family Christmas card, I had gone down from a 24 to a 20 by that time. People were noticing and I was so excited.
The fifth picture is my in my size 16 jean skirt and my size large shirt. I personally can not see a difference from the middle pictures, but can see it from the first picture.

Never in the years I have been married have I ever worn a 16!! I have even got into some 14 skirts, can't wear them in public yet, but they are on and zipped!!!

My mind won’t let me see the loss. I honestly can not see my weight loss. I know by sizes I have lost some weight, but pictures and mirrors I can not see it.

I know I am loosing, people tell me all the time and I am really hoping someday my brain will catch up.


  1. Congratulations Linda! Your photos show you far you've come since that first photo! Look at you smiling away in these photos! In the last photo you look like you feel like a million bucks and I bet you do feel that way.

    Dropping from 26/28 to a 16 has to feel wonderful too! Bravo! Keep up the good work!

  2. You go girl!!!!!!!!! Inspiration! Inspiration! Inspiration! You are wonderful. Happy to call you my friend! And it is awesome to not have to be a closet eater. Did that myself! You are beautiful! I SO SEE THE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. CONGRATS Linda, you look amazing! Body language speaks volume. 1st picture arms folded and sad face, last picture BIG smile and arms wide open!! Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  4. Anonymous6/12/2012

    Linda, you look amazing!!!! Congratulations on your success and thank you for posting your pictures. I love to see the transformations. You look 10 years younger:)

  5. Thank you Lynn!

    Thank you Adrienne!

    I appreciate your comments!!! I really am a different person mentally from that first photo! and I LOVE the comment that I look 10 years YOUNGER!!! LOL!!!

    Next goal, pictures in a size 14 as soon as I can wear them in public!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous6/12/2012

    You look WONDERFUL and Congratulations!! :)

    I just want to say to everyone that is worried about posting pictures PLEASE DO! It's really helping me. I'm on the waiting list and kind of frustrated. This blog, ESP the pictures are really helping me get through waiting for my turn. Knowing that what Julie does is working is helping but actually seeing everyones before, during and some after pictures assures me that this will be worth the money. So thank you because I think this blog is amazing.

  7. Thank you! A few of us have emailed and decided we are not going to let one person spoil it for all of us. You will definately be seeing more pictures from all of us in the near future! Thanks for your encouragement!!

    JUlie's program does work! My friend called on Jan. 10 and they called her last week, so they are getting through the list. Be patient, it will happen!! I know the more flexible with your times you can be, seems easier to get people in.

    The pictures truly help me too! I LOVE seeing people's pictures!! Hope to see yours on here sometime in the future!!!

  8. you look great, you can tell you feel better too.

  9. Linda, You look wonderful!!! You're such an inspiration!!!! Thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous6/13/2012

    Congratulations, you look FABULOUS!!!!!!!! Be proud of your accomplishment. Keep smiling!

  11. Anonymous6/13/2012

    Linda, Thank you for your story, pictures & encouragement. My journey began in April and this blog has become a big part of my motivation, determination & success! The first thing I do in the morning, throughout the day & end the day with is to check for new posts! You look amazing, like a totally different person. I completely when you said you hate having your picture taken as I have avoided the camera for the last eight years. Today? Take as many pictures as you'd like because I'm so proud of my accomplishment in 54 days. Size 18/20 to a size 14!! This program has changed my life. For those if you waiting and questioning the fact of seeing Julie? Get ready for an incredible journey, it's worth every penny! Your life is about to change!!!!! Keep those posts coming.


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