My Story

I have been on the weight loss roller coaster for years. The last time I was under 200 lbs. I was in high school. Weight loss was really never a priority in my life, even though as a police officer it would have been more beneficial to me to be in better condition. It took an appendectomy to get me down near the weight I would be comfortable at (around 215) and getting remarried also served as motivation to keep my weight down.

As time went on and over the course of 20 years, I tried a couple of different things, including getting hypnotized. I tried Weight Watchers, South Beach, Belly name it. I would lose 5 or 10 lbs, but when I went to the doctor last year, I was the heaviest I've ever been....259 lbs. Despite my wife virtually begging me to lose weight, I just couldn't get over my carb and sugar addictions. My knees were killing me, my feet were killing me and I've had a chronic bad back for years. I was resigned to the fact that I was never going to get past this. Even while having people my age develop diabetes and even dying of heart attacks, my addiction just wouldn't let me go.

I am a listener to a local radio station and one of the hosts on the program was talking about a "diet" he was on and the fact that he had dropped a lot of weight. Having seen pictures of this person and having him on Facebook, I noticed that he was indeed starting to look much thinner in his more recent pictures. One day, I messaged him on Facebook and he told me what he was doing...hypnotherapy. He told me about Julie and said that I should at least get on the waiting list, since it was fairly lengthy. Long story short, I went to my three sessions in March and April of this year and haven't looked back. I don't know what I've lost for weight, but when I went to my physical last week, my doctor said it was "substantial". As a bonus, my blood pressure is normal (I had been on medication for it) and my cholesterol had lowered quite a bit, including my triglycerides.

For anyone on the fence about this program, it the point where I tried to physically take a chocolate chip cookie and eat it (as a test) but couldn't lift it to my mouth. My family didn't believe me until I did it in front of them. This program has truly changed my life and I am grateful to Julie and the staff at Key Hypnosis for this program, as well as that radio host on a local station in Springfield. Best I can say is be patient, stay true to the program and look forward. It's a life changer.


  1. Thank you for posting your story! I can relate to so much of it, including my husband begging me not to die young because of my food addiction.

    Getting closer to my goal and stories like your's sure helps me to stay motivated!

    Isn't it funny how we all 'want to know' how much weight we lost. Our clothes sizes should just tell us all we need to know. Our brains have been conditioned for so many years on that number on the scale. I for one, got rid of all the scales in my home. Our youngest daughter has one hidden and I have NO desire to look for it.

    Thank you again PJ for posting your story. VERY motivational for me and encouraging. Keep up the good work!! I just know in my heart we will make it. For the first time in my life, I just know I will get to my goal. That alone is a comfort to me and a big difference in attitude. Still working on the patience part, but oh well, we all have crosses to bear!!

  2. I'll ask my question here since the post it pertains to has gone by. Julie never said anything to us about mantras or self hypnosis. Are these topics only brought up in the refresers? I'm presently out of work and can't afford the $200 at the moment. I'm doing quite well on my own and Julie said not to rely on her. I just don't want to have missed anything that might be vital. Thanks for any info.

    1. Diana, it's great to hear that you're doing well on your own. It sounds like you heard exactly what you needed to hear to be successful. Keep up the good work!

  3. Diana, what I've learned over the course of this program, is that we all pull different little pieces of information from Julie. Some sticks with us for good. Other bits, one of us may not listen to, or find as important as someone else. I've found, by going to the refreshers(I've done two in almost a year), that you pick up something new along the way. There's a good chance he said it during the course of the three sessions, but at the time, you just didn't pick up on it.

    I don't remember the visuals. It's something that didn't stick with me. If I go back, she may mention it and maybe then it will stick with me.

    I think you are ok. She doesn't want us to rely on her. If you are doing well, keep it up. I also find that she mentions many different things in all the sessions. What she says in one, she may forget to in another. There's a lot to remember! Personally, I wouldn't sweat it! I'm sure you are doing great and the fine contributors on here could talk more about the visuals if it's something you are really interested in knowing more about.

    1. Diana, I go to the refreshers during the day and the cost is only $100.00

  4. Thanks PJ for becoming a contributor and for telling us your inspiring story. Congratulations on your success in losing weight and for improving your health. We look forward to reading more posts from you!

  5. Thanks for the story PJ! I too heard that a local DJ went to Julie-I will have to go look at pictures as well! (We probably can say who it is since he has stated it on his show, but, well, you can never be too safe!!!!)
    I too have the same thing going when I try to put something in my mouth that is a no-no. For over one year now, I have told people that they could "pay me a thousand dollars" and I still wouldn't be able to put the food in my mouth. Love it! And it hasn't let up, because on Wed I had a "lunch and learn" at work, and ordered a Panera "meat salad", and it showed up with fried onions on it-------I couldn't eat the damn salad! Just picked off the meat, and called it a day!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!
    Congratulations on starting your weight loss journey-Enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous6/10/2012

    I also love the stories and the pictures, but please - enough of Theresa's.

    1. I read this comment last night, and just about fell out of my chair. Thought about it all day long today. And I still can't believe that someone posted this. This blog, started by Theresa, IS Theresas. She willingly let others of us post here for SUPPORT. THIS IS A SUPPORT GROUP. Note the word SUPPORT. In other words, if you don't have something nice to say, then keep it to yourself (I myself learned that at about age 10). We do not need to be tolerant of negative comments, especially here. We do not need to worry about posting pictures, concerns, questions, answers, etc. etc. I agree with Gilly that "Anonymous" has other issues she/he needs to work out. That is not what we are here for. We need to be protective of each other, and be here for each other. If you cannot do these simple things to keep this blog positive, then you need to look elsewhere for whatever kind of support you are looking for.

    2. we love Theresa!!!

  7. Wow, can't believe what I just read on the comments here. Guess I thought we were all adults. So sad someone has to be so rude, and then not to even have the courage to sign their name but hide under anonymous.

    All I can say anonymous is maybe you should go else where, because there are those who like pictures of progress along the way. Myself included in that. And I do enjoy all of Theresa's photos as I enjoy seeing her progress!!!!!

    There are some who may not like some of our blog posts, but certainly don't leave rude comments about them. As adults we learn to enjoy what we like and need, and maybe just ignore what we dont', and by ignoring we are not hurting someone's feelings with uncalled for comments.

    By your comments you have made it harder for some of us to even want to post pictures. I for one was in the process of writting a post with before and now pictures, but I will say, I won't be posting that anytime soon.

    So anonymous, please keep your comments to yourself, and truly maybe you should go somewhere else if you can't and stop the adolescent behavior on a blog that many find VERY helpful and supportive. Maybe start your own and do it your way as seeing this is Theresa's blog that she started to help others. I personally find your comments VERY offensive and VERY rude.

  8. Couldn't agree more Linda - Theresa obviously works hard on this blog, to the benefit of all of us! Keep up the good work everyone and ignore the rude and immature posting of someone who obviously has more serious issues than a few pounds to loose! Linda - please post your pictures - I personally find visuals very inspiring. Enjoy this beautiful day everyone!


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