Losing weight has helped me overcome a number of fears. But what about looking ahead? What fears arise when I look ahead in my life and all I can see is empty space? I've been working on this piece for a few months. Over time I added and deleted stories about how losing weight has helped me overcome fears, but the piece didn't feel finished. A recent life transition has given me the final piece to this story.

Photo by Theresa
The one thing about empty spaces—their very existence seems to send a message that you are ready for something new to arrive. Martha Johnson, author of "Why Not Do What You Love?"

The Ice

Last winter I was walking on ice when suddenly I realized I was walking really faston ice. Walking on ice was a big challenge for me when I was a size 30/32. One freezing cold January day, more than a decade ago, I stood frozen in the middle of a hill on a side road. I was literally frozen. I could not move. The road was solid ice and I was afraid to move. No--I wasn't afraid to move--I was afraid of falling. I was afraid I would fall and not be able to get up. I couldn't budge an inch. Suddenly a man appeared out of nowhere, offered me his arm, and escorted me to the other side of the road where the ground was flatter and the snow was softer. He disappeared as quickly as he appeared and I never saw him again.

It's a great feeling no longer fearing that I will fall. I don't know when this change happened, but it was a great discovery to realize I have one less fear in my life.

The Hike

At the end of May a couple of friends invited me to join them on a 7½-mile hike that would take 8 hours. My only hesitation was a project deadline a few days before the hike. Not wanting to make a promise I wasn't sure I could keep, I told them that I couldn't commit until the week of the hike. Meanwhile, I asked for more details about the hike and that's when fear hit me. There was a long list of details, but the first two freaked me out:
  • Waterproof hiking boots or trail shoes REQUIRED!
  • You will need to be reasonably fit to enjoy this hike. That said, if you engage in a normal level of activity, you should be fine. The first mile is very strenuous however.
I'm confident that I'm in the "reasonably fit" category, but I didn't have hiking boots. I told myself, There's no need for me to freak out, I can buy waterproof hiking boots, but what do they mean by strenuous? Slippery trails? Muddy trails? Rocks? I can do this! I told myself. I am not afraid! 

It was not feat that kept me from going to this event. After learning there were no bathrooms on this all-day hike, I decided this hike wasn't for me. After seeing a photo a friend took along the hike, I was even happier with my decision.

The Hill

It was a gorgeous Sunday morning. My friend and I hiked walked about a half mile from the lake house through the neighborhood to the Mohegan Quarry. At the beginning of the trail lots of tails were wagging at the dog park. A few minutes later, the trail took us over a half dozen rocks, where skunk cabbage announced we were crossing through a wetland. We never saw another person after that until we crossed back over the wetland. It was incredible walking the sunlight dappled trails all by ourselves.

I looked up at steep hill we were about to climb and I realized I was hesitating for a moment and then remembered: Oh, I can do this! Sometimes it isn't until I reflect back and realize I just did something that I used to be afraid of doing, but I'm not anymore. This was one of those times. I had to remind myself that I no longer needed to be afraid of going up a hill and that I would be just fine when the time came for me to go back down the hill.

Two hours later, at the foot of that same hill, I turned and looked back up the hill and smiled. I hadn't hesitated for one second about going down that hill. It was only when I reached the bottom that I remembered my earlier hesitation.

It was the memory my body has of such hills that made me hesitate. My body remembers how physically challenging hills used to be for me. Today I look at this photo and ask myself what hill?

Empty Spaces

My big transition that I mentioned a few weeks ago: I was laid off from my job. I see the empty space (the transition) as an opportunity to dream big and to change my life yet again. I'm not afraid of the empty space. Yes, there are moments when this feels scary, but I tap those fears away the same way I tap (push) away urges for foods that are not on program. Successful methods that work in one area of our lives can be applies to other areas. Tap, tap, tap!

My weight loss journey has prepared me for this transition. I've changed my life in so many ways since starting this program. All those non-scale victories built a strong foundation and not having to deal with all that extra weight is a big bonus.

After more than three years on this program, my autopilot is to set to healthy eating and exercising and that's exactly what I've done through this transition. Not once did I think about meeting up with my old buddies Ben and Jerry or going on an eating binge. Instead I spend my time networking and envisioning my new life.

What about you? What challenges are going on in your life that your weight loss journey has helped motivated and inspire you to take on? Tap away (push away) your fears, whatever they are, and keep moving forward. You can do this - you can do this program and when your life gets interrupted, you can stay the course because you have this.

All those times that you felt it was "hard" and you pushed through the tough time and stayed the course - those moments can help you push through other challenges you have in life. Tap, tap, tap!
Being obese for so long, one becomes accustomed to embarrassing moments such as needing to ask for a seat belt extension when boarding a plane, or being uncomfortable the entire length of a movie because your body is too big for the chair, or realizing that you are the largest person in this room of one hundred people. After losing a lot of weight, I discovered some these were no longer issues for me. Some of these moments were embarrassing to admit, but they were too victorious not to share. I began to blog about these non-scale victories and many of you shared your stories too. Join me in a non-scale victory dance, as we look back at some of our non-scale victories. 

You may not know a non-scale victory until it happens - and dance when it does!
Things I Really Love
  • The compliments
  • Finding a pair of pants that fit, without stress
  • That my own brother didn't recognize me
  • My new body
  • The amount of energy I have in a day
  • I don't have to scan the room looking for a chair that I'll fit into
  • I'm no longer diabetic
  • My doctor has taken me off all my meds
  • Shopping in regular store (no more large women's stores for me)
Ah Ha Moments
  • I walked by a mirror and did a double take - OMG - that's me! I forget! 
  • No more chub rub
  • I can bend over
  • I get up from a chair with less pain
  • I discovered a hotel towel fits around me
  • I no longer see my belly protrude while I drive
  • When I sit in a hairstylists hydraulic chair and I know she'll be able to pump me up - with ease
  • Discovering everything I own was too big: underwear, shoes, bras 
  • I just found out my ring size went from an 8.5 to a 7
  • I can cut my toe nails
  • I no longer can use my stomach as a prop to hold up my book
  • I'm can cross my legs
  • I can paint my own toe nails
  • I can shave my legs 
  • As I wait for the movie to begin, I realize my chair has open spaces on both sides of me
  • I no longer worry about my body pouring over to the airplane seat (or any seat anywhere) next to me
Life Fits Me Better Now
  • I have to move the car seat forward after my husband uses the car, I used to have to pull it back
  • I can fit both of my legs in one leg of my old pants
  • My friend and I fit, at the same time, into a blouse I used to wear
  • I fit better in my husband's arms
  • I can walk between chairs in a restaurant - straight through without doing the side shuffle
  • I'm able to walk behind friends and family sitting at my kitchen island without have to ask them to get up so I can pass by
  • I comfortably fit into seats in movie theaters
  • All the clothes I bought last summer and couldn't wear now fit me
  • Feeling the bones in my butt when I sit on the floor
  • I fit comfortably into my camper shower stall
  • Getting up from sitting cross-legged on the floor without effort or contortions. 
  • I not only no longer need a seat belt extension when I fly - and I have extra room in my seat
  • I fit better in my car
  • Sitting on hubby's lab on a plastic Adirondack chair and not worrying about it breaking
  • My underwear doesn't roll down and your shirt doesn't roll up
  • I can tie my shoes without having to prop on a chair 
  • I can wear my ring that I haven't worn for twenty years
I Cover New Distances
  • I can walk through Walmart and Big Y on same afternoon
  • I can trot up to the second floor with a basket full of laundry from the basement without being winded 
  • I am a runner once again
  • I finished my first 5k in twenty-five years
  • Finishing my first 10k in thirty years
  • Finishing my first half marathon 
  • Finishing my first, second, and third marathon
  • I went kayaking for the first time
  • I zip-lined for the first time
Short Victory Stories
  • I was away with friends and it got cold and I had not packed a sweater. A friend offered me hers and I was horrified at the thought of her seeing me struggle to put on her little sweeter and not being able to get my arms in. She insisted and it fit AND closed! She said she knew it would fit; it was a medium! There was a time I struggled to get into a 3x. That was a moment for me. umbrellas are not the only thing that fits me at Victoria Secrets.
  • Every time they check my license at the airport and ask how much I have lost! Or they wonder if it's really me!
  • Going shopping in my own store and fitting into clothes that I have not worn in years! My store is as bag of clothes that have been packed away for years. Some still have tags on them.
  • I used to make excuses for not getting on the floor with my grand babies and now I'm on the floor...running in the yard...playing hide and seek and can find places to hide...and just able to play and make memories with the girls. This made my day, my week, my month!
  • Seeing my tattoo, which is located a little lower than my bikini line. I had forgotten all about it till it appeared recently.
  • I can reach the gas door release lever that sits on the floor of the car without having to open the door to get better angle - my belly is no longer in the way. I was amazed the first time I was able to do it. 
  • I went rock climbing and I couldn't climb up very far. I didn't look around to see who was watching because I felt victorious that I tried and that someday I will try again. 
  • One evening it hit me, as I looked around the large room full of people: I'm no longer the largest person in the room - I'm an average size person. 
It's these kinds of moments we need to remember when something sweet or salty and off-program calls our name.

These are just some of the non-scale victories I've heard from others and I've experienced myself. Life is about living and losing this weight has helped me live a fuller life. I fit better into life and I feel better than I have in decades. There are simple things that I couldn't do when I was obese and there are still a few things I can't do, but when I can do them, I will do a non-scale victory dance.

What about you? What new things can you do today that you couldn't before you lost weight? Stop and do a victory dance for yourself - because you are worth celebrating too! What new things do you want to do that you couldn't do before because of your weight? Keep doing what you're doing until you can celebrate those changes too.
While searching for an old email this morning, I found a message from my California friend Mary, who I've known since I was six. Her message was in response to my blog post Live in the Moment (7/23/13), in which I expressed my frustration at how long my journey was taking while others passed me by and reached their goals. Inspired by her words of encouragement, I want to share the gift of her message with all of you.

December 2000 (my California friend on right)
Going through my email, I reread this piece which feels, to me, so honest. We do so often get discouraged in our journeys and we have to remind ourselves of our successes and remember to keep our eyes on the prize.
Think of it like attending college. Sure, lots of folks finished school before you... and perhaps even the people who started the same time as you finished sooner. Some semesters are better and easier than others—our grades higher, the work is more fluid and easier to learn.
It seems like a long process when you are in it, and like so many sacrifices have to be made. And they do. And you make them because the final goal is what is important to you—more important than being able to buy a new car and eat that big piece of cheesecake.
All you can do is live in the moment—get through that paper, study for that final, finish one semester and then the next, until one day, you’re standing there with that master’s degree in your hand thinking “WOW! I did it!”
You can’t waste time in the middle of it or cry “Boo hoo, I haven’t graduated yet,” because the important thing is that you’re there—focused—and intent upon the reward that you know awaits you at the end—a better life, deeper satisfaction, greater physical and mental health, stronger self-confidence and self—esteem.
So, you are right. Get into the moment and ENJOY every minute of it because it is your WONDERFUL life and you ARE on the right road and heading in the right direction.

Consider this. Yesterday I spoke with Jane. She weighs 77 pounds now. She has to walk with a walker. Last week she fell and broke a rib. Her MS and the complications from the chemo she did to fight her breast cancer have essentially made her disabled and she is barely 60 years old. She is having a hard time coming to terms with her own self-image; she is no longer the buff massage therapist she once was. But she is still Jane, regardless of her body’s strengths or weaknesses. She is trying to focus on that.

Think of what a blessing it is to have a healthy body. Appreciate it. Use it. It is a gift.
I agree with my friend—having a healthy body is a blessing. I only need to look back four years to remember how I unhealthy I was and how I could barely walk five minutes in my size 30/32. I appreciate that I have a choice to be healthy or not—many others do not have this choice. This choice is a gift that I proudly accept.

What about you? Will you accept your choice as a gift?

Related Stories

I had a conversation with a key friend yesterday that a few of you may relate to. She gave me permission to share this story, but I changed her name in this story to Nikki.

I just ate three spoonful's of ranch dressing. You know, the creamy homemade hidden valley kind. I ate some with my dinner and then I ate three more spoonfuls after dinner. I ate the dressing like a special treat, as if it was ice cream.
This is something that I've never done before! Since I began this program two and a half years ago, I have never eaten anything I shouldn't have. I know ranch dressing is a condiment and that I shouldn't be eating it by the spoonful.
Some people crave sugar, but I crave saltiness. I've always been more of a tortilla/Doritos chip and dip snacker kind of girl with no sweet tooth. I miss tortilla chips. I don't miss cake or cookies or bread or pasta. I miss salty foods.
I'm not really sure what I'm trying to ask you, but I could use some guidance.
My Response:

The way you interact with ranch dressing is similar to how I am with yogurt. I have trouble with yogurt and no matter how much I promise myself (and everyone else) I'm not going to eat it, I still do. I have long periods of time when I'm able to push yogurt cravings away, but then I cave in again.

I convince myself yogurt isn't going to make me obese again. This is a gray area. This is making up my own program and not following the program as I learned it. This can lead to a plateau.

I've been on this weight loss journey for more than four years and I'm SO ready to be at my goal size. Every time I choose yogurt in an inappropriate way (too much) I'm pushing myself further away from reaching my goal.

I must decide a) goal size, or b) yogurt.

You have a choice to make too: a) goal size, or b) ranch dressing.

Each time we choose A over B, we teach our bodies not to trust us and our goal size pushes out further from us.

We must choose A so we can reach our goal. Otherwise, this program this will be like a diet that we never get off.

We aren't meant to stay in the river for the rest of our lives. We're supposed to do this program once and be done. We return to the river as we cycle through maintenance and after that a few times a year to drop back to our goal size.

You've inspired me Nikki!

I choose option A.

What about you? Will you choose A too?
Note to self: saying that I want to walk 15,000 steps every day requires having a plan. It does not happen without a plan. Realizing at 10:15 pm that I'm shy 5,000 steps of my daily goal—is not a plan! Having this realization is not a plan either.
Don't let your little mean girl (inner critic) run around telling you failed because you only walked 10,500 steps. There will be days when walking 15,000 steps is not possible. Feel good about the amount of exercise you do and accept the times when it just can't happen.

Last night my little mean girl was all over me because I called it quits at 11,359 steps—I didn't reach my daily goal of 15,000 steps.

Hush little mean girl, hush!

Remember this: there was a time when you couldn't walk for five minutes.

Move on and make a plan so this doesn't happen frequently.

Enough about me—what's you plan to reach your daily exercise goals?
I bought corn at a local farm this week and I enjoyed every bite of my fresh sweet corn. This morning one of my key-friends mentioned it isn't corn season yet. What? Say it isn't true! This morning I searched online to find out when is corn season and where does off-season corn come from. Here's what I found, along with some great tips for cooking corn...
When is corn season?
  • Corn season is mid-July to early October.
Where does off-season corn come from? 
  • I couldn't find the answer to this question. If I really want to know, I'll need ask the farm where I bought the corn.
Tips for cooking corn*
  • Buy and eat corn on the same day. The older the corn gets the starchier it will become.
  • Try to not to refrigerate fresh corn. Like tomatoes, when corn is chilled it loses some of its sparkle.
  • If you prefer to boil corn instead of steaming it in the husk on the grill like I suggest, try this:
    1) Cut the top of the ear off with a sharp knife about 1 to 2 inches below where the silk appears.
    2) Next peel down the husk one section at a time and carefully tug the silk along with the husk. 3) Continue until you are all the way around the cob. This is the best way to remove the silk.
  • If you are in polite company or just got your new false teeth, you always can shave the kernels off the cob (after they have been seasoned) with a sharp knife. Simply make sure the top and bottom of the ear have been cut flat, then hold the corn vertically on a cutting board and run the knife down the ear about 1/2 inch into the cob removing just the kernels. If you get into rough territory and the knife just won’t go through the kernels, that means your knife is too far into the cob and all you have to do is start again with the blade closer to the kernels.
  • Always use fresh lime with this dish. The additional acidity makes this go from a good dish to a sublime taste experience that will change your life forever.
How much corn are we allowed on program?
  • Do you want to eat three ears of corn? Go ahead, but make sure you eat three steaks along with it. Eat as much corn as you want - as long as you have an equal amount of protein to corn. 

Related Posts

*Source: Corn, Mexican Style, by By Rocco DiSpirito, MassLive
It's summer time and my grill is the focus of my cooking method. I found this Barbecue Mexican Corn recipe and modified the ingredients to fit the key program. You may choose to pass on adding butter or oil since there is also mayo in this recipe. You might also adjust the amount of cotija cheese.

Photo by Matthew Mead
Rocco DiSpirito's easy-to-make barbecue Mexican corn offers big flavor without giving you a big gut.

Cooking Time Start to Finish: 20 minutes

  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon barbecue spice rub (use your favorite)
  • 4 ears local corn, in their husks
  • Butter or olive oil
  • 1/2 cup (about 2 ounces) cotija cheese, grated
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 lime, cut into 4 wedges
  1. Heat a grill or grill pan to high.
  2. In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise and barbecue spice rub. Set aside.
  3. Place the corn, in their husks, on the grill or pan and allow to steam cook for about 5 minutes per side.
  4. Peel back some husk and check for tenderness. When corn is tender, remove from the heat but leave the grill on or the pan over the heat. Cut 1 inch off the top of the cobs. Grasp the husk, along with the silk, and peel the husks off the cob like a banana. Continue peeling back the husks around the rest of the cob. Peeling them back together in this way creates a handle for holding the cob.
  5. Lightly coat the corn with butter or olive oil and place on the hot grill or pan. 
  6. Grill until the kernels begin to develop grill marks and become charred, about 2 to 3 minutes.
  7. Turn the cobs occasionally.
  8. Using a pastry brush, brush the mayonnaise mixture onto each cob. 
  9. Sprinkle the cheese and cilantro over the cobs. 
  10. Serve immediately with lime wedges.

Related Posts

*Source: Corn, Mexican Style, by By Rocco DiSpirito, MassLive
I had just big discovery: I am eating way too much fat. Seriously way too much fat. Why didn't I see this sooner? Because I was living in the grey area of this program. You may be asking what grey area? Great question! There is no grey area —you are either on program or you're off. The grey area is the third program — a program that you and I made up. And guess what — it doesn't work.
Here's my discovery as it unfolded for me this morning...
As I mixed salad dressing into a large bowl with coleslaw and carrots, I glanced over at the plastic containers of ham salad and sriracha chicken salad that I bought from the deli last night.That's when it hit me: I'm not losing weight because I'm eating way too much fat. 
I plated the salads, took the photo above, and then I tossed the jar of dressing into the trash, despite the fact that there's still more dressing inside the bottle. I headed upstairs to my computer to eat lunch and begin writing this post. 
The right thing to do, I told myself as I took a bite of chicken salad, would be to cut back on these salads. It's too much food and it's too much fat. Or not eat everything on my plate. Or toss everything and go for something else.

I made the choice to eat everything on my plate. As I ate my chicken salad, I kept looking at the MOUND of ham salad. I really should not eat all of this. 
Continuing my inner dialogue: I know that I will eat the rest of the coleslaw for dinner tonight, despite the fact that I know I've already had too much fat today and I'm not even done eating my lunch.
Despite the fact that I have more coleslaw than chicken in the refrigerator, I know, as I type this, that I will eat all of that coleslaw for dinner tonight.  I'm leaving town for a few days and my kitty-sitter won't eat it. 
I debated about posting this today or waiting until tomorrow.
I don't want anyone to call me on my choice to eat the rest of that salad tonight.
I don't want anyone to call me right now and convince me to stop eating the coleslaw that is on my plate. 
This weight loss journey is all about choices. I'm going to make the right choice right now. Right this moment I am choosing to stop this insanity of eating too much fat. I'm taking this plate downstairs and throwing away the coleslaw that's on my plate and in the refrigerator. 
I'm done. I fell into this fatty lunch today because I didn't plan ahead. When I stopped for groceries last night I decided chicken would take too long, so I ordered deli salads and picked up ingredients to make coleslaw.
This is what's between me and the size I want to be: fat, fat, fat. I'm done with eating all this fat.

I've been making myself promises and lists of foods I'm going to avoid. I never had a list before. Why do I need one now? I needed a list because something was off. I was off-program. I was eating too much food and too much fat.

I wasn't tuning into the clue that it felt hard to be on program. Anytime this program feels hard, I'm doing something wrong.

I seized the moment and I took my power back. I choose to eat clean right here and now.

What about you? Are you eating too much fat? Are you eating too much food? Are you playing in the grey area? There is no grey area on this program. The grey area is the third program, the program that we make up instead of following Julie's program.

Get the fat out of here —go back to eating clean and losing weight!

Do you resent the efforts you have to put into losing weight? It's time to embrace choices that support what you want: to lose weight and reach your goal size! It's time to become enthusiastic about your journey and allow your enthusiasm to energize your choices and your process.

I had a good news / bad news experience this week, but now that I'm on the other side of it, I'm enthusiastic about my journey once again. Here's my good news / bad news story...

The good news: all my Capri's from last summer are too baggy in the waist and they could slide off me at any moment. One pair fit me nicely, so I kept them and put the rest in a bin for consignment.

The bad news: I dropped all my larger clothes at a consignment store last Saturday and yesterday I discovered the pair that of Capri's I wanted to keep were nowhere to be found. I must have put them in the consignment store bins. I have no shorts or Capri's!

The good news: I'm in a size that I can go into just about any store and buy clothes.

The bad news: I discovered that I cannot just walk into any store and buy clothes! Oops! I should have listened to my key friend and had those Capri's altered at the waist.

Yesterday I walked into Marshall's full of confidence that I could buy Capri's, shorts, short skirts or summer dresses. I was determined that size didn't matter. I just wanted to buy two or three items.

The summer dresses and skirts were full-length, so I didn't try any of them on. I sifted through the racks and grabbed Capri's and shorts in size 16 and 18. I really didn't want to buy 18's...I want to be a size 14, but I need something to wear. With nine items in hand, I went into the dressing room. Nothing fit me.

I wore jeans all day yesterday and I was hot all day long, so I know I can't survive the summer in jeans. Summer is here and I have nothing to wear? Do I go back to Lane Bryant or the Avenue?


To say I was feeling a little panicked is an understatement.

So, what's a girl to do? Finish my weight loss journey — that's what I'm going to do! I'm going to keep eating clean and bump up my daily exercise. Switch up my menu, eat lower fat foods, and have more chicken and fish. Oh, I'm going to do what Julie teaches! Brilliant.

I'm at a point in my journey where my body doesn't need as much food as I used to eat. I'm starting to listen to my body. This means I'm serving smaller portions. I made chili the other night and instead of eating the whole pot for one meal, which is almost a pound of hamburger, I spread it out over two meals. Each meal time I ate the chili I two bowls, so my goal is to make the same pot of chili last for four meals. Instead of a second bowl of chili I'm going to have a side dish of green veggies.

I've stopped eating mindlessly. I was telling myself the things I was eating were okay because "it's on program." That was true, but it was also true that I was eating too much.

A new thing I've discovered about myself is that when I take a break from working on a project or something I'm focused on (other than food), once I go back to whatever I was doing my hunger goes away. I forget about having more of whatever I ate because my focus is elsewhere.

My meals are like a book — they have a beginning (cooking), middle (eating), and an end (clean up). At the end, I close the book (walk away from the leftovers) and I forget about food.

These guidelines are essential for me at this point in my journey, so I made a stickies note on my computer so I can see this daily:
  • 3 coffees a day (to cut back on the amount of milk I drink)
  • No wings
  • Minimal take out
  • No cheese
  • No bacon
  • No yogurt
  • No stress or mindless eating
  • Cut back on how much I'm eating
  • 15,000 steps daily
I know I won't have to keep looking at this list, but for now, it's what I need to do to evolve my weight loss journey. A friend suggested it may be time for me to switch to a different diet. I understand her thinking, but no this is not the solution for me. My solution is to follow this program, reach my goal, learn maintenance, and then live my life without being this focused-on food.

As I write this post, I think about why I'm having to set up these guidelines for myself. Shouldn't all of this be programmed in me by now? Perhaps, but the reality I "got away" with things before now that I can no longer continue if I want reach my goal size. Since I'm no longer a size 30/32 I need to rein in what I'm doing to reach my goal.

This is a solo journey. Julie gave me the tools, but I have to implement them.

None of these thoughts are new to me. This is where I am, once again. No judgement. No little mean girl. I see myself as stuck and that this is an opportunity to change  once again. I'm looking at all of this as if I'm being put through a test of patience and I'm accepting it gracefully. I accept this challenge — bring it on!

Oh, and about that tangerine skirt and white blouse photo at the top of this story — that's the type of look I want to wear. I could have bought the outfit on Saturday, I even tried on the skit and it fit nicely.

The truth is I don't want to spend that kind of money on clothes until I reach my goal, which is why I must stay steady on my journey. If I want to be successful, I have to stay the course. I must see this journey through to the end and then reap the reward of maintaining my goal size.

What about you? Do you need to clean up your eating or kick up you exercise program? Do what it takes to stay on your journey. Let's do this! And let's do this with great enthusiasm!
Since I began this weight loss journey four years ago, I've lost a lot of things: about hundred pounds and a lot of aches and pains and swollen body parts. Inspired by my physical changes, I lost my glasses, I had Lasik eye surgery, and I lost about 12 inches of my hair. But I've found far more than I've lost on this journey: I've found a life abundant with energy and motivation.

Changes along the way: Dec. 2011  |  June 2013  |  April 2015
Things I've lost
  • Nine sizes and about 100 pounds
  • Back and hip pain 
  • Swollen legs, ankles, and hands
  • Shortness of breath
  • Prescription glasses
  • About 12 inches of hair
  • My chance of becoming diabetic
Things I Found
  • Motivation
  • Energy
  • Health
  • Endurance 
  • Attitude
  • My ability to be physically active
  • Awareness that change is an option every day
  • Creativity
Every one of these losses and gains were well worth the effort. This journey isn't just about losing weight, it's about making changes to live life to the fullest, something my obese body didn't allow me to do. As I evolve my weight loss program, by listening to my body and what it needs, I'm excited knowing my goal size is ahead and with this I will find even more in my life.

What about you? What have you lost and found on your weight loss journey? What more do you hope to find?

Stay on your weight loss journey and see what more life has in store for you. If you've taken a side trip—get back on the main road—right now. No matter how long it takes, stay the course and change your life.

If not now-then when? And why not now? Skip the psychological battle with yourself—just do it! Your life is waiting for you.

April 2015 vs September 2010

I haven't posted lately on here. Life has been so busy!

I have a few weeks off from my job at the bakery as we rest up and gear up to a busy summer season with farmers markets (yup, still working at a bakery and staying on program). So I decided to clean out my closet. YUK!  Hate that job!

Anyway, while digging through my closet, way back, in the dark recesses of the closet, I found some clothes.  I had put these clothes away when I first started on Julie's program. These clothes were hidden to remind me of where I was.

Well, first horror, absolute HORROR! Then giggles started in my room!!!!

First is a picture of me with a bathing suit that I thought helped me look THINNER!!!!
Linda standing inside one side of swimsuit
I am actually standing inside one side of that bathing suit! What in the world was I thinking when I wore it!!!!

Next is me with my favorite size 28 jumper!!!
This jumper was tight on me when I used to wear it
Was that really me? PLUS that jumper and that bathing suit were tight on me when I wore them!!!!

My husband and I just got back from a trip! This next picture was a thrill for me!!! I USED TO NEED A SEAT BELT EXTENDER!!!

No more seat belt extensions when I fly
I had fun that day I cleaned out my closet! Then, I carefully put away those old clothes away for another day when I will pull them out again and remember where I came from.

One thing I noticed, my whole total thought process has changed. On all the other plans I have been on, I always, and I mean always, no matter how I stuck to those plans, deep in my mind, I always doubted loosing all my weight and keeping it off.

This time as I played with those sad old clothes, I noticed, there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, that I will never gain the weight back again. This program is so ingrained in me, I live it and breathe it. It has become me!

I am 1 or 2 sizes away from my goal. I am looking forward to beginning the maintenance process when I reach that goal.

This has been a journey of intense patience, learning, laughter, tears, victories, soul searching. I have made so many new friends on this journey and shared so much with people!

How are all of you doing?

Everyone's journey is different and unique to themselves! We really do have the tools!!! I have discovered that so many times over and over again!!!


I will close with another picture:
Half her size, Linda is happier in her skin than ever before
The woman who wore that suit is long gone! I feel like a butterfly who has hatched!

I will never have the perfect body (that is a whole other blog post), but I am so much happier in my skin than I have ever been before!!!!
Milk: is it the final frontier? Are you mindful of the amount of fats you take in a day? How often do you eat chicken wings, bacon, or cold cuts? Are you eating more cheese and yogurt than we're allowed? How much milk do you drink in a day? Seriously--stop and think about this--do you eat more fat than you should in a day or a week? How much is too much? You know how much is too much, but okay, let's go there...if Julie spent the entire day with you, would you change your food choices?

Up until recently, I drank 3 cups of coffee every morning, but in early March I increased my coffee consumption to 7-8 cups a day. Coffee wasn't my concern, because my mug is only half filled with coffee. My concern was the amount of hot foamy milk I added to each cup of coffee.

I put a half cup of milk in my frother and after it foams up I add it to my coffee. This equals 1½ cups of milk, which isn't a problem. That is unless I'm drinking 7-8 cups of coffee, which adds up to 3½-4 cups of milk per day. That's a whole lot of fat and that's a problem, especially considering I was also eating too much cheese and yogurt, and I wasn't exercising. Now we're talking about a big fat problem.

In addition to the amount of fat in milk–milk turns to sugar*, which is probably why I started drinking so much milk. I was using hot and foamy milk as a way to deal with stress. No amount of milk, cheese, or yogurt will resolve stress. I know this, but for nearly a month, I battled with myself and continued on with my milk, cheese, and yogurt party.

As my clothes began to feel tight I had an epiphany: Milk is the thing between me and my size 8's. I can't let a little thing like milk get in my way. It's all about the math:
No exercise + extra fat = no weight loss or weight gain.
Wait, wait, back up. Did I just say out loud that my clothes were feeling tight? Yes, I did. It was a frightful feeling that I walked around with for about a week. I freaked out. I pondered. I freaked out.

I didn't talk about it because I didn't dare. I've been doing this program for over four years and I have never had this happen: my clothes have always become loser–never tighter! I was following the program, so why were my clothes getting tighter? I had to work out the answer by myself, which is precisely what I did.

I realized I could no longer drink that much milk, and that I had to stop eating cheese and yogurt. I realized I had not been following the program.

On March 28th I decided the party was over. The next morning I cut back to 5 cups of coffee a day and five days later I cut back to two cups a day. I also broke up with yogurt and cheese. I have Parmesan in the house for meatballs and meatloaf only. When I eat out I ask them to hold the cheese. If an item comes with cheese, I will eat it, but I don't ask for it.

I looked to see where else I was eating too much fat in my diet. I don't eat chicken wings often, perhaps once a month or less. If you're eating wings several times a week, you may want to reconsider, as there isn't much chicken on them and there's a whole lot of fat. I haven't bought bacon in a long time, but I decided to no longer order bacon on my burgers. I was eating a lot of fatty meats and mystery meats. I'm stepping away from the deli counter, as I was eating bologna and salami far too often. I'm also pulling back on deli coleslaw and focusing on green veggies. I sauté kale with onions and garlic a couple times a week. It's really yummy and my new favorite vegetable.

I made one more change: I started walking again. I joined a 7am Saturday morning walking group last Saturday. I walked by myself on Sunday and Monday. On Wednesday I discovered I had lost my FitBit and by Friday I realized I had also lost my motivation to walk. Yesterday morning when I joined my walking group, I used an iPhone app to track my distance. I used the app again later that morning when I walked another 45 minutes with my friend and her dog and again when I mall walked. By the end of the day I walked a total of 11,373 steps (4.90 miles).

I'm determined nothing is going to get in my way of reaching my goal size eight this year, so on my way home last night, I picked up a FitBit Charge. My FitBit keeps me motivated plus one of the features of the Charge is it cheers you when you reach your daily goal. Who doesn't love getting cheered? It vibrates, so nobody but you knows. LOL!

This morning I walked 12,900 steps (5.56 miles) as I talked with a friend who walked in Long Beach, CA. It feels great to be walking again. Size eight–here I come!

How about you? What's in your way that's keeping you from reaching your goal? If you've been stuck in the same size, it may be time to take stock of what you're eating and how much activity you're doing.

It's time to spring into action and remove any obstacles between you and your goal size.

*Confused about milking turning to sugar in our bodies? Here's a few articles that explain this:
This recipe and photo comes to us from key-friends Andrea and Emily. Use this homemade mayo the same way you use jarred mayo. Andrea kicked things up a bit by adding garlic and grey poupon and dill to add a little more flavor to her egg salad.
Important Tip: about 1.5 hours before you're going to make this mayo, set out your eggs, lemon, and mustard, so they are reach room temperature when you begin to make this recipe.

  • 2 whole pastured eggs
  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 3/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. prepared mustard
  • 2 cups light olive oil (not a vegetable blend)
  1. Blend eggs, vinegar, salt, and mustard in a food processor or an immersion blender
  2. While machine is running, VERY SLOWLY add oil.
  3. Continue until all of the oil has been added and the eggs and oil have formed an emulsion or Mayonnaise. 
  4. Taste for salt and adjust if needed.
  5. Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Original recipe source: Homemade Mayonnaise
The question for today is: To Refresh or Not Refresh? Many of you want to know "is it required to go to a refresher?" and "why should I go to one?" The later is a question that only you can answer for yourself. There are various opinions on this--but no, it is not required. I've written a handful of blog posts about my experiences, so today we'll hear what our key-friend Elise has to say about refreshers.

I definitely think refreshers can be useful for folks. For many, I think just hearing Julie's powerful voice is helpful. For others, hearing a repeat of the rules and making a re-commitment to the process is necessary. I even think that, sometimes, making the appointment and committing the funds is enough to keep folks on track.

Here's an elaboration on why I haven't been to one:
  1. I'm lazy. Booking it, waiting for it, and then going all take energy.
  2. It is kind of expensive, although that's OK with me.
  3. Julie said she gave us everything in the first sessions.
When I have had questions or doubts, I sit down and think it through. I decided that if I am ever going to resolve my yo-yo weight, I need to get to a place of peace with myself. I have to learn to read my body and I have to learn to make my own decisions.

So, I have very consciously and deliberately worked through struggles and quandaries with the goal of using the tools Julie gave me to get to the end.

Here's an example: my first year on Key, I was at a plateau. I was frustrated and upset. In the past, I would have handled this by saying 'screw it' and bingeing. But, this time, I thought about how my body needed to heal and reabsorb blood vessels and extra cells that had been necessary when I had more weight on me.

I looked at my eating and thought through the rules and whether or not I was following them. I found some areas that I was being excessive in (um, like drinking a 1/2 gallon of whole milk every day)!

I changed my routine, stopped obsessing...and started losing weight again!

Getting through that was empowering. It made me feel like, yeah, I really can do this! That, in turn, fed my confidence and good behavior.

Ultimately, each cycle and each time I worked through my issues I was creating new habits. In other words, each time I work through something I am practicing Julie's principle of example. If I had gone to refreshers, I would have been relying on Julie for that power instead of believing in myself.

 For little things, it was helpful to also work through it in my head...
Was I really hungry or was I just eating because it tasted good?
Was I really using cheese like a condiment or was I pushing the envelope? 
I didn't want someone telling me the answer. I wanted to retrain my body and my mind to work together, honestly and in synchronicity, to reach the same answers to all the questions I had (and I will continue to have).

But, I also think I've had it easy compared to others. I barely have cravings and I've been lucky enough to escape super long plateaus.

To refresh or not refresh...it's a personal question custom to each person's experience.
Hmmm, I don't know about you, but I can relate to Elsie's comment about finding "areas that I was being excessive" far more than I care to admit. This in of itself is a reason you may be on a plateau. Proceed with cation if this is the case. Elsie's suggestion to "stop obsessing" is also wise wisdom!

Related Stories

Key-friend Gail Ann, who made up this recipe, says "With this diet we have to become creative. Play around with the recipe. I may use turnip next time." It's this kind of willingness that helps us succeed on this program. Thanks for sharing your recipe and your photos Gail Ann!

  • 2-1/4 lbs of uncooked cod chopped in blender
  • 1 head of cauliflower steamed and mashed with a pat of butter
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 large onion chopped
  • A bunch of fresh dill chopped
  • 1 egg plus 1 egg white whisked
  • Salt, pepper, celery salt, paprika
  1. Mix all together and make little patties. 
  2. Bake 375 on greased cookie sheet for about 20 minutes per side until nicely browned.
This is a recipe I've been making for over a year now and I can't believe I haven't posted this recipe before now. I take a shortcut by using frozen shrimp that comes with pats of herb butter. I know I could make this completely from scratch, but this shrimp goes on sale a lot, so I use my shortcut. I've perfected this recipe and highly recommend it.
You may want to double this recipe, as I eat this all by myself. Also, be mindful of your protein to veggie ratio and adjust the recipe accordingly or have additional meat on the side.
  • 1 package of Bumble Bee Lemon Shrimp with Garlic & Herb - see image below
  • 1 medium sized zucchini (or yellow squash)
  • 2 cubes of frozen basil (or 2 teaspoon of fresh basil) - see image below
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Black pepper
  1. Use a spirooli to turn your zucchini into "noodles" (see image below) and keep them nearby to add later to the shrimp. 
  2. Place shrimp in skillet or wok - do not pre-heat pan - and set burner to medium-high. Do not add the butter to the pan yet.
  3. Cook shrimp for 4 minutes, turning frequently.
  4. Leaving the liquid from in the pan, pull the shrimp out of the pan and place in a bowl and put to the side for now.
  5. Add the 4 pats of butter to the liquid in the pan, as this will turn into a delicious broth.
  6. Add red pepper flakes and black pepper on top of the butter.
  7. Stir frequently as the butter melts.
  8. As the butter is melts, peel the skin off the shrimp.
  9. When the butter is almost all melted, add the zucchini noodles to the pan.
  10. Continue to stir for about a minute and then add the shrimp.
  11. The shrimp only need to cook about a minute longer, until they are no longer pink, and the noodles should be done about the same time as the shrimp.
  12. Pour shrimp, noodles, and broth into a bowl with the broth.
  13. Optional: sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top.

I'm not referring to icy walking conditions when I say watch your step. I'm taking about not stepping on the scale, because that one step can lead to a major slide on your weight loss journey. The urge to get on the scale can be as strong as the urge to eat sugar (or any non-key food). Avoid getting on the scale using the same technique you use to avoid eating sugar: push away urges to get on the scale.

I kept my scale all these years because it was because the most beautiful and the most expensive scale I'd ever owned. Sad, but true. Once in a while I was aware of my scale resting between the bathroom cabinet and the wall, but I never stepped on it once I started this weight loss journey.

That beautiful scale, by the way, is no longer in my bathroom and guess what? I have no memory of who I gave it to or when. None. Zippo. Once in a while I look at that empty space between the bathroom cabinet and the wall and I wonder: why on earth did I keep that scale for so long?

There were many times that I was dying to know my weight and I was fortunate my home scale never tempted me. I coached my nurse practitioner and her staff really well, so they never accidentally told me anything weight related. I really wanted to ask two questions, but I didn't dare ask: Am I under 200 pounds yet? and Have I dropped a hundred pounds?

A recent 'incident' answered both questions for me. Trust me, you are better off not knowing such answers. If you stumble or fall and suddenly the number is in front of you: don't share it with others and forget it as quickly as you can. This sounds easier said than done, but if you don't repeat the number you don't see the number over and over. This is especially true if you post the number in social media- don't share the number with anyone.

By the way, you will not lose all the knowledge you learned from Julie because you saw your weight, whether you sought the number out or it was revealed to you accidentally. It's what you do after knowing the number that determines what happens next in your weight loss journey, so don't repeat the number - just move on. Use the situation as a reminder as to why you should stay off the scale.

Why shouldn't you get on the scale? Because seeing how much you weigh messes with you head and can lead to a big setback on your weight loss journey. There are more reasons than this, but do you really need more reasons than this? No you don't, but let me simplify this for you...

Step on the scale and you risk telling yourself one of two things:
I'm doing so well; I deserve a treat! OR 
I may as well give up, no matter what I eat this weight isn't coming off.
Regardless of what the scale reads, the truth is this:
if you stay on the course you are on - you will continue to lose weight.
Watch your step - don't get on the scale. If you have a scale in your house and it's calling your name, do something with that scale right now.

Push back on those urges to get on the scale and they will go away--or as I like to say: tap, tap, tap. Share your non-scale victories - these are the stories to share with others - stories of you success. See earlier blog posts of non-scale victories in the related stories list below.

Allow yourself to reach your goal size and to live the rest of your life focusing on living instead of worrying about a number on a scale. You can do this!

Related Stories 
Veggie crust pizzas are the rage these days, so I'm posting yet another pizza recipe. This one uses spaghetti squash for the crust. I've only made meat crust pizza, but one fine day I will try making these other pizzas, so I'm posting this recipe for easy reference.  You'll need a knife and fork to eat this pizza.
Key-contributor Megan made this recently and here's what she had to say:
Definitely tasty. I added lots of meat to offset the spaghetti squash and small amount of sauce that I used. It was crisp around the edges but the middle was mushy. I'd definitely make it again and hopefully get it more crisp. I flipped the crust, but I think I made it too thick in the middle.
Megan and her husband Lou teamed up and make this pizza again and here's an update from Megan...
Lou's pesto was the key! I sautéed onion and red peppers in olive oil. Added cooked grilled chicken and pesto and warmed it through. Brushed the crust with pesto, added the topping and some cheese. OMG, this is the most delicious meal I've had in a long time! I have to make myself stop eating!
Cook Time
1 hour 15 minutes

Crust Ingredients 
Modify herbs to suit your taste

  • 1 medium/large spaghetti squash
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten (or you may use 2 egg white)
  • ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 tablespoon shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Salt & pepper
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp oregano, dried
  • 1 tsp parsley, dried
Topping Ingredients
Modify ingredients to suit your taste
  • 1 cup chopped mushrooms
  • 1/4 diced onion
  • 1/4 cup pizza sauce
  • 1 cup fresh torn spinach
  • 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • Bacon
  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 
  2. Cut spaghetti squash in half with a large, sharp knife. 
  3. Remove seeds and stringy guts, and brush the cut sides of the squash with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. 
  4. Season with Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. 
  5. Place spaghetti squash, cut side down, on an aluminum-lined baking sheet and roast until tender, about 45-60 minutes. 
  6. Test if your squash is done: scrap the flesh with a fork and if the strands come off easily, it's done. 
  7. Let the cooked spaghetti squash cool for about 5 minutes, then scrape all the flesh into a beautiful pile of spaghetti strands. 
  8. Taste and season with some more Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper if needed. 
  9. Measure out approximately 3 and ½ cups of spaghetti squash. Reserve the rest for another use. 
  10. Wrap measured-out squash in a cheesecloth, clean kitchen towel, or several layers of paper towels. 
  11. Squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Let sit for a few minutes. The drier the squash, the more crispy the crust can get.
  12. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the squash, egg, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, and season with salt, black pepper, minced garlic, oregano, and parsley.
  13. Press squash in a thin, even layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet and form into an approximate 10-inch circle.
  14. Bake for about 10-15 minutes. 
  15. Remove from oven, carefully flip, and cook for another 10 minutes. Note, some recipes don't flip the crust, they just cook it longer.
  16. Spread the pizza sauce over the crust and add toppings.
  17. Bake another 10 - 15 minutes - until cheese is bubbly and edges of crust are browned. You can place under the broiler for a minute or two if you really want to brown things up. 
  18. Let sit for about 5 minutes before cutting. 
  19. You can use the parchment paper to slide it off the pan to make it easier to cut. Run a butter knife around the edge to loosen from the sides of the pan.

Original recipe source: Yummly.

I made roasted cauliflower a few days ago and it's now one of my favorite key-friendly foods. The original recipe is called "cauliflower popcorn," but I agree with my key-friends who make this all the time — cauliflower popcorn sounds too misleading — it's not at all popcorn-like. Call it what you like, but make this soon and make it often! It was so delicious I didn't event take a photo.
  • 1 head of cauliflower (or equal amount of commercially pre-cut cauliflower)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil 
  • salt to taste (1⁄2-1 teaspoon, optional)
  1. Turn oven on to 425 degrees.
  2. Trim the head of cauliflower, discarding the core and thick stems; cut florets into pieces about the size of ping-pong balls.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the olive oil and salt, whisk, then add the cauliflower pieces and toss thoroughly.
  4. Spread the cauliflower pieces onto a baking sheet and roast for about 1 hour, turning 3 or 4 times, until most of each piece has turned golden brown. 
  5. The browner the cauliflower pieces turn, the more caramelization occurs and the sweeter they'll taste.
Other Suggestions
  • For easy cleanup line the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Sprinkle granulated garlic or roast fresh garlic along with the cauliflower.
  • When it comes out of the oven sprinkle lightly with Parmesan.
  • Make a cream of cauliflower soup using cauliflower, chicken stock, and shallots, and just before serving add caramelized cauliflower.
When I cooked the roasted cauliflower I put these these bacon-wrapped sirloin medallions (from Target - see package below) in the oven too. The meat was delicious, but the medallions were so thick that by the time they were cooked well enough for me they weren't visually appetizing because the meat was so black. I'll make this from scratch next time and when I do I'll cut the meat thinner and use better bacon.
Photo and recipe source for cauliflower popcorn: Food
This recipe looks delicious. Adding sausage or your favorite meat is an even better idea. Otherwise, serve this as a side dish with meat.
  • About 3 cups cooked spaghetti squash
  • 2 large garden tomatoes sliced
  • Kosher Salt
  • Garlic Powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Basil (dried or fresh)
  • Parsley (dried or fresh)
  • 5oz of fancy shredded Mexican cheese blend
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray a 11 x 9 casserole dish with non-stick spray.
  3. Spread about 1 cup of spaghetti squash on the bottom.
  4. Top with a layer of sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle with kosher salt and spices.
  5. Top with 1.5 oz of cheese.
  6. Add another layer of squash, then tomatoes, spices, and cheese. 
  7. Top with a final layer of squash.
  8. Add the last 2 oz of cheese on top of the squash and sprinkle with more spices.
  9. Bake for 30 minutes uncovered.
  10. Top with fresh cut basil.

Photo and original recipe source: Simplex Food
This recipe comes from key-friend Barb, whose family thoroughly enjoyed this dish right along with her. Blog contributor Jennifer jumped right on this recipe and made it her own by adding soy sauce (see her photos and recipe alterations below). I had every intention of making this for dinner last night, but it turned out to be one of those nights where I skipped dinner. Skipping dinner never happened before I started this program!
Prep Time: 16 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Servings: 6

  • 3 pounds (21-26 count) Unpeeled Shrimp (more or less works too)
  • ½ cup Olive Oil
  • Salt And Pepper
  • 3 whole Lemons (juice Of)
  • ¼ to ½ cup Worcestershire Sauce
  • Tabasco
  • 1 stick Butter
Preparation Instructions
  1. Thoroughly rinse raw shrimp w/shells still on. I use 21-26 count (that means 21-26 shrimp per pound) but I’ve certainly used bigger. Any smaller than this, and it’s difficult to peel, so stick with 21-26 or bigger. 
  2. Place the shrimp in a large baking pan in a single layer. 
  3. Drizzle about ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil over top of shrimp.
  4. Generously sprinkle black pepper over top of the shrimp and then sprinkle salt (I use kosher). Be very generous with the salt and the pepper.
  5. Squeeze the juice from about 3-4 lemons over top of all of the shrimp.
  6. Drizzle ¼ to ½ cup Worcestershire sauce all over the shrimp. 
  7. Drizzle Tabasco sauce over the top to your desired heat/temperature.
  8. Cut the stick of butter into pats and then evenly distribute the pats on top of the shrimp.
  9. Place the pan of shrimp under the broiler for just about 10 minutes until the shrimp are no longer translucent. 
Blog contributor Jennifer Churchill made this recipe and here's what she had to say about her spicy shrimp with soy sauce:
"The only addition I made was about 3 tbs of soy sauce added after the pats of butter. Just amazing.."

Original recipe and photo source: The Pioneer Woman
This Pepperoni Pizza Cauliflower Casserole recipe looks delicious, but right now I'm seriously restricting the amount of cheese, so I won't be making this any time soon. It calls for heavy cream, which you may want to substitute with whole milk and also cut back on the amount of cheese. When I make this, I will update this recipe to reflect my adjustments and I'll add my own photo.

For the Puree
  • 1 medium head of cauliflower
  • 2 Tbsp Heavy Cream
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 8 slices pepperoni
  • 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • salt and pepper
For the Casserole
  • 12 slices pepperoni
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

For the Puree
  1. Clean and trim the cauliflower, breaking it into medium sized pieces.
  2. Place in a microwave safe bowl with cream and butter.
  3. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 10 minutes.
  4. Stir to coat cauliflower with cream/butter mixture.
  5. Microwave for another six minutes on high (or until tender.)
  6. Remove from the microwave and put into a high speed blender or food processor along with the 8 slices of pepperoni and 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese.
  7. Puree until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Adjust the cream and butter to your preference for consistency. 
For the Casserole
  1. Spread the cauliflower puree into an 8 x 8 oven proof casserole dish.
  2. Cover with 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, and layer with pepperoni.
  3. Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes (or  microwave for 5 minutes).
  4. Serve hot. 

Photograph and original recipe source: iBreathe I'm Hungry
Here's a recipe for the cauliflower and ham hash, which is similar to the description Jennifer gave me after I had this at Earlee Mug last week.
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil 
  • 1 head cauliflower, cut into florets (5 cups) 
  • 1 medium onion, chopped 
  • 1/2 pound baked or deli ham, chopped (2 cups) 
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • ¾ teaspoon kosher salt 
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper 
  • 4 large eggs 
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 
  1. Heat 3 tablespoons of the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. 
  2. Add the cauliflower and onion and cook until browned, 10 to 12 minutes. 
  3. Add the ham, season with the paprika, salt, and pepper, and cook, tossing, until tender, 10 to 15 minutes; transfer to a plate. 
  4. Reduce heat to medium and heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil in the skillet. 
  5. Fry the eggs to the desired doneness, 2 to 3 minutes for slightly runny yolks. 
  6. Serve on the hash and sprinkle with the parsley. 
Recipes for the other foods I had last week at the Earlee Mug:

Cauliflower and Ham Hash recipe modified from: Real Simple
Last week I made a visit to the Earlee Mug (Granby, MA) and I had three delicious foods that are specifically key-friendly: Chicken buffalo burger (recipe below), cauliflower ham hash, and a cauliflower bun. All were delicious and Jen has graciously offered recipes. I live so close to this place I just go there instead of making these foods.
Ingredients for Buffalo Burgers
  • 1 lb ground chicken
  • 1/4 cup hot sauce
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp celery seed
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 egg (optional)
Ingredients for Cucumber Slaw
  • 2 medium cucumbers, seeds removed and grated
  • 2 Tbsp shredded carrot
  • 2 Tbsp homemade mayonnaise
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 1/2 tsp celery seed
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt and pepper
Note: if cucumbers aren't available, top your buffalo burger with blue cheese dressing.
  1. Combine all the cucumber slaw ingredients in a bowl and put the bowl to the side.
  2. Mix all of the ingredients, except the chicken, in another bowl.  
  3. Add the chicken and stir (or use your hands) until the buffalo sauce mixture is incorporated.
  4. Form the meat into 3-4 equal patties.
  5. Grill the patties for 5-7 minutes on one side. Oil as necessary to prevent sticking. 
  6. Flip the burger over and brush with additional buffalo sauce. 
  7. Cook for another 5 minutes or until cooked through.
  8. Serve the burger on a lettuce leaf and top with Cucumber Slaw (or blue cheese dressing).
Key-friend Lou stopped by the Earlee Mug and took home some of their ham hash. He heated the ham has on his cast iron skillet and served it with two eggs over easy.

Original recipe source: Holistically Engineered
Today's recipe is from Lou, one of our key friends who is a fabulous cook. The beauty of this pesto is that it does not contain pine nuts. It's also fresher and cheaper than store bought pesto.  Pesto is one of those ingredients you can add to just about everything you make. Fresh basil is available year-round and you can make this in large batches and then freeze it in smaller portions. This recipe is inspiring me to try growing basil summer.
  • 1.5 cups baby spinach
  • .75 cups basil
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • .5 cups grated Parmesan
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Place everything in a blender or food processor and blend while adding olive oil until smooth.
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