Food for Flight

Quick question: I have a flight coming up soon and it will be at an awkward time during the day, I don't eat breakfast, but get hungry around 11:00. I will be on a plane. Any suggestions as to what to pack to eat? Obviously I can't bring deviled eggs, I think I would get thrown off the plane!! LOL

I am afraid of beef jerky with all the sodium and then just sitting. Just looking for some ideas for a light meal that won't smell up the plane. My sister suggested ham roll ups but again, the sodium problem. Just wondering what you all would have in mind!


  1. My mother in law just recently jumped on a plane to Italy when her mom passed. She grabbed some turkey and rolled them up and had those. She also had some small slim Jim's in case she needed something(that's a long flight!).

    I would try to eat a little something, even if it's just a hard boiled egg before you leave, or right when you arrive at the airport. I usually don't eat until 11-2, but if I know I'm going to be out, I try to have a little something to hold me over.

  2. Sodium or starve? I'd go for the sodium, unless you have medical issues.

    Sodium filled foods aren't your only choice... you can take
    - hard boiled eggs
    - slices or real cooked chicken

    Sometimes I bring food with me to the airport in a baggie, check in, and then eat the food before going through the final check point.

    Check ahead to see if the airport has a Johnny Rocket or another burger place. I went through a final check point and had an incredible burger there (hold the roll and fries). Finding a good burger is often an easy thing at the airport and you can take it on the plane just like any other food you buy at the airport.

    Airports often have hot dogs too...but sodium again.

    I've also gone to sub-way type places at the airport and ordered just the turkey or ham; they were very accommodating.

    Be creative - we need to find the answer to this question for future trips too!

    Have a great trip. Tell us how wonderful your trip was when you return and how your solved the food question.

  3. I did salads with extra meat on my Vegas trip. Ordered before I got on the plane, and carried it on. And I had extra extra water-I never feel awkward about asking whomever that I have to get up!!! AND I have recently seen low sodium beef jerkey-I think it was at Price Chopper, but maybe Big Y? Sorry I forget!!!!!!!!!! Also, maybe now would be the time to buy a dehydrator and make your own? I have been seriously considering it b/c of the cost of buying pre-packaged!!!!!! And your time on the flight would be a great time to eat a Siggis too-What about tuna salad? Hope you're going someplace fun!!!!!!

  4. I have a brother, sister and niece in Texas, the outskirts of Dallas and that is where I am heading for a few days. Haven't been there in 4 years!

    My sister and niece have not seen me since I started this plan, so I am kind of excited to see if they notice. And then again, I am kind of nervous they may not. My mind plays tricks on me, and 99% of the time I can not see on myself the progress I have made. I have to think really hard about it. I can not even remember in my adult lifetime, the last time I wore a 16. I know it hasn't been in all the years I have been married. So I know I have made progress, but my mind just doesn't let me see it. Eventually I will go back to Julie and see if she can help me with that. How much is a refresher now?

    My friend Luanne is my biggest supporter and constantly reassures me that it is noticeable! She is a VERY patient person and never fails to miss a moment to let me know it is VERY obvious I have lost! I am so blessed to have a friend like her!!

    Thank you for all the tips for flying, I am planning my food stash for my flights and I already know I will have no problem in Texas. My sister is following the same type of plan so we are quite excited about the restraunts we will be hitting!!

  5. Anonymous5/07/2012

    Most of my flights since I started with Julie have been less than 3 hours, so I have been able to eat beforehand then grab something at the connecting airport or my destination.
    However this summer I have a LONG flight to Brazil (first to Dallas, then 8 hour flight to Rio), and in November I am flying to London. I plan on bringing some cans/packages of tuna, salmon and veggies like beets or corn that I do not mind eating cold (I will bring cans that have poptops). I have started to have these in my car too for my road trips - so I can stop for coffee and get some quick protein on the road if I am hungry.

    And Linda people DO notice! I work at a small company and most people there have said something about my weight loss (a few even told me I lost enough I can stop!) - even people who I almost never spoke with before.

    1. Aqua5145/12/2012

      Can anyone tell me if UNSWEETENED ice tea is allowed? I'm thinking it is since we can have regular tea but just want some reasurance before I order it at restaurants. Thanks.

    2. Anonymous5/12/2012

      I asked that very question the other night. Yes, unsweetened iced tea is allowed.

  6. Anonymous5/16/2012

    Yes, she told us at our refresher that unsweetened ice tea is okay, my fav is lemon seltzer but be careful bc often times waiters will tell you yes they serve seltzer but it's actually tonic or club soda which is not allowed. :p

    1. What is the difference between tonic, club, and seltzer? And why are tonic and club not allowed?

    2. I don't know what the difference is between them. But in my class she said that unflavored seltzer and club soda were ok. Just not tonic

    3. According to Wikipedia:

      "Tonic water is a carbonated soft drink in which quinine is dissolved" [not allowed on this program].

      "Carbonated water (also known as club soda, soda water, sparkling water, seltzer, bubbles aguita or fizzy water) is water into which carbon dioxide gas under pressure has been dissolved, a process that causes the water to become effervescent." [allowed on this program]


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