Sweets, Soup, Vacation, Questoins

Anonymous asked on How to Post to this Blog
I have been to 2 sessions. My third is next week. I am really struggling. I am staying on program to the best of my knowledge. I feel guilty using ketchup and BBQ sauce has condiments. They are sweet and I feel guilty for enjoying their sweetness. Also, I am sad, angry. I want to be like others and enjoy a piece of cake or chocolate. I went out with a bunch of friends and we ended up at a bakery. Everyone enjoyed a treat except me. Am I never ever going to enjoy a slice of apple crisp, birthday cake?
Anonymous asked on Mirror, Mirror
Just a quick question - does anyone know if Julie is on vacation or something? I've tried calling last 2 weeks to schedule a refresher, but only get recording and all the voice mail boxes are full. I've tried several times. Thanks for any info --(tried all times of day and night).
Anonymous asked on How to Post to this Blog
Can I use Lipton soup onion mix(not dry) but mixed in a crock pot with beef and tomato sauce?


  1. To the first question: sweets
    Please do not take this the wrong way, but how bad do you want to loose weight? Has having the occasional piece of cake/dessert helped you loose weight in the past? I have been doing this program almost 1 year and have not strayed once! I WANT TO LOOSE THIS WEIGHT REALLY BAD! I had exhausted all weight loss avenues and was desperate. I totally gave Julie my free will, didn't question anything and have never looked back.

    I think part of the detoxing of your body may be the anger, sadness and so on. Someday you will learn how to have your occasional treat, but for now it is poison. Think about all the stuff you CAN have, not the stuff you can't. When I was on weight watchers, I sure didn't eat red meat, ribs, hot dogs and so on, and if I did, I had to starve later to make up for it. I am not starving on this plan. If people we are out to eat with get dessert, I am usually to full to even care! Or I will get a coffee with real milk as my dessert and the real milk is a treat!! Or depending who is eating sweets in front of me, if they are over weight, that just re-infores my determintaion.

    Don't worry about tomorrow, it really boils down to, "how bad do you want to loose weight and be healthy"?

    and I say all this to myself first, please know I don't mean anything by this post except for encouragement to you and my own experience. I know it is harder for some people than others. I am loosing slower than others, we are all different. But from my experiences of past 'diets', this is by far the easiest I have ever been on. A totally new lifestyle for me!

    Good luck! Hope I didn't offend you, not my intention...

    1. Anonymous10/18/2012

      Thank you for the fast response and feedback.
      I am not offended at all. I do want to be healthy, I do what to lose weight. I would like to lose 20-25lbs. Yes, it may not seem like a lot but it is a lot for me and a lot to maintain off my body for good. I do need to change my attitude to look at what I can eat versus what I can not eat. It is hard, it is a struggle and I struggle with the being heavy or struggle with my diet. I rather struggle with my diet and be at a healthy weight. I am going to continue and take it one day at a time.

      Thank you

  2. Anonymous10/18/2012

    I have also had times of momentary resentful thinking..."why can't I be like everyone else?", but it gets answered pretty quickly in two ways: 1) I'm not like everyone else. I have a problem with addictive eating patterns. Not everyone does. And my body can't handle carbohydrates, and I don't want to become diabetic. Some people can handle carbs fine. So those are just the facts for me.
    2) "Everyone else" does not necessarily "enjoy" a treat. Almost every woman I know is pretty ambivalent about eating desserts, about eating in general. A huge percentage of the population are significantly overweight. Type 2 diabetes is soaring. How enjoyable is it, on a deeper level, to treat out bodies in unhealthy ways?
    So for me it isn't about not enjoying, but about re-learning deeper, healthier, truer joy, that has nothing to do with whether I can have a piece of cake or not.
    Once again, this is not to say that I don't sometimes struggle. I do. One of the things I loved at the end of our second session was Julie said, as we were walking out "Have a good week suffering". It was such a relief to not feel like this was supposed to be easy and if it wasn't then there was something wrong with me. This is hard. So are a lot of the most meaningful things in life.

  3. I too have an addictive food issue. Well, I HAD an addictive food issue. Ate everything and anything. And got to be a size 20 from all that "eat, eat, eat". When I went to Julie, I knew it would be a life change. And I gave her every fiber, every cell, of my being. Now I am a 6, and NOT ONE piece of cake is going to take that away from me. I too have gone out with people. When friends went to get ice cream, I knew there wasn't anything in there for me, and I was ok with that. Why? Because I went next door to the cute little jewelry store, and I bought a necklace. They don't have the ice cream, I still have the necklace :-) I am ok, after 16 months of this journey, and I understand that I will never be like other people. I cannot have the cake. Someday I will enjoy fruit or chocolate, but, because of how I became addicted to food, certain things I wont eat. Just like an alcoholic or drug addict. I feel good about the decision I made to start with Julie, and I now dont worry about what I "can't eat", I thorougly enjoy what I "can eat", and totally enjoy buying items like jewelry or clothes-things that can't hurt me emotionally or physically. Give yourself time, let the crappy carbs leave your body. I would reduce the BBQ sauce and the ketchup for a little while, just to get yourself away from the sweetness if you feel yourself dwelling on it. Slowly introduce those things back in when you are feeling more comfortable. I totally know you can do it. If I can, anyone can. Just use what she gave you, and spend some time doing other things. It will all pay off!!!!!! You will look back, be proud, and be all around healthier. Give yourself and Julie a chance. It was never meant to be easy-But, it is one of the best things I ever did for myself, and am totally proud of where I have come. No piece of cake will take that away from me.

  4. Anonymous ,
    Linda, Eva & Jennifer have given you wonderful insight from their personal experience. Also, Theresa, along with these & many other women have given me so much support through this blog that I cannot begin to thank them enough.
    This program works, the tools Julie Ann has given each of us are priceless & your life will be as its never been as you progress. After your third session, it's really all going to click. I personally found that after the second session I was a bit off because of the weeks wait until the last session but once you leave after that last session it's complete.
    As these women have said, how bad do you want this, free will is everything. I wish you could look in a crystal ball & see the impact this will have in your body, attitude & mind. I can't even begin to put this in words to describe how this has changed me personally. I no longer have high blood pressure, I'm medication free! No longer prediabetic, I no longer cry myself to sleep, I am no longer ashamed of the person looking back at me & the biggest thing is I am now healthy, happy & proud. This will be you, just take it day by day with the program you've learned. Those sweets will not call out to you, you won't feel as though youre missing them.
    Your body is in detox, once it's clean you won't feel those cravings, just remember Julie's voice "I DON'T WANT TO WANT IT!" or my favorite when there is a temptation " I know what that tastes like, I've had it before", every thought you push away is a victory!! Surround yourself with people that will support this journey. You're here seeking support & there is also the Facebook support group. We are all here to help each other through this, whether it's to laugh, cry, scream or get the pat on the back that you deserve, you are not alone in this journey. Give it time, patience is hard but remember you are reprogramming your body not only physically but mentally. You will own this program!! Best of luck to you!!

  5. Anonymous10/19/2012

    On the subject on refreshers - does anyone know what the current price is. I see in reading a past post that is was cheaper if you went in the morning or afternoon. Is that still the case? Also, how long is the session and do you get re-hypnotised? Are you able to ask questions, or is it like it was in the original sessions (which I found to be a little intimidating to ask a question, even when she opened the floor up to questions). Any info would be appreciated, as I still cannot get thru to the office. Thanks!

    1. Anonymous10/22/2012

      It is $150.00 for evenings. Not sure about the day. They immediately charge a $50 deposit to the credit card you give them. I also had trouble getting through and the messages were full. Frustrating, but keep trying. Some one might be out who answers the phones.

    2. Anonymous10/23/2012

      I'm going for a refresher this week, in the morning, and it is going to be $100.

  6. Anonymous10/21/2012

    This may not be on topic, but I still can't manage to introduce a new topic, so I'll just tag along here. This morning I went out to a big buffet brunch with some friends. A whole table full of pastries and, the things which really sing my siren song....homefries, great whole grain breads, etc. I had almost no difficulty at all in not only bypassing them, but once I did that, I didn't think about it any more. I realize that is what happens a lot. When I first see a food that I am usually tempted by I have moment-I really mean a moment- of imagining reaching for it. Then I realize that I can't/won't, and it's over with. Quite extraordinary!

    1. Eva, in order to introduce a new topic, you must become a contributor. Send a note to Theresa, and she will help you become one. Jen

    2. Me again----Eva, at the top of the blog is "HOW TO POST" Go to that, and it tells you how to become a contributor. And, congrats on being in maybe a tough place, but working it out with Julie's help. It truly is an extraordinary thing. And, as you go on, an people see what you are doing, they wont bother you anymore. That helps a lot too. Good for you! Love hearing about the victories!!!!!

    3. Eva, You are a contributor, so once you log in you just need to select "New Post" at the top right of the page.

  7. Anonymous10/22/2012

    Does anyone know if we can eat edamame?


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