Zip It Up

I'm seeing another change in my size this week! Megan gave me some jeans a few months ago and I couldn't zip them up. I remember how bummed out I was that they were so tight. I thought I was a size 18, but not according to those jeans. Now, not only can I zip them up, but they are roomy.
I've been getting compliments all week on my new wardrobe (thank you Megan and Amie). A few people said they noticed another drop in my weight, which is always nice to hear. Yesterday someone complimented me on how professional I looked in my beige outfit on Monday and that I should wear that outfit more often. I have no idea what I wore on Monday!

Every morning this week I opened my "smaller" size closet doors, reached in to see what to wear, and tossed more items into the "too big" closet.  Somehow I managed to find a new outfit to wear every day this week.

I read a question from the Facebook support group a few days ago about whether to keep clothes that are too big or to keep them. Based on previous experiences, she was hesitant to get rid of them, in case she gains the weight back. I have a closet that I've spent the past year filling with clothes as they get too big for me. I'm confident, in a way I never have been before, that I'm never going to need those clothes again. This year they will either get sold on eBay or I'll donate them.

There is no looking back, only forward, and I'm excited to see what's ahead.


  1. I am looking forward to going to the containers I put my fall/winter clothes in and seeing what I bought last year-And looking forward to wearing them this year! This is probably the first time in my entire life that I am not having to buy new clothes because last year's didn't fit----Quite an accomplishment, I must say!!!!! It truly can be scary to get rid of clothes that no longer fit because they are too big....But, getting rid of them is also liberating. Makes one continue to follow the program, for sure!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous9/22/2012

    This is the first time that I've lost weight where I know that I'm not going to gain it back. I've still got a long way to go but I know that eventually I'll get to my goal weight. When my clothes get too big for me, I've been donating them to the Salvation Army. It's nice to know that I'll never have to wear those clothes again.

  3. Theresa how exciting!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!

    I agree with Jennifer, getting rid of clothes that are too big is a very liberating feeling! Especially when I can hand them to someone else and see that, that is what I used to look like!!!!


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