I Feel Good

Anonymous posted this on the FAQ page: 
I am almost one week into this journey. I am amazed at how I can walk into Costco and could care LESS what samples are being offered. I walk down near the bakery section of the grocery and I am NOT enticed by the aromas. I feel good!


  1. I know just what you mean. Early in my journey I realized I too was no longer enticed by the aromas.

    This has always been difficult to express, but one day I was walking in the chip isle and I began to appreciate the beauty of the packaging instead of what was inside. I began to see bakery items as works of artwork rather than something to eat. I often say: I enjoy the beauty of a rose, but I don't have a desire to eat it; I feel the same way about sweets.

  2. Anonymous, I just want to tell you that it has been 15 months for me, and I haven't ONCE been enticed to eat a sample. Enjoy your journey, and your freedom from food!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous9/23/2012

    One week for me tomorrow and I feel like things are going well....however in the past few years I started reading about and seriously thinking about going plant based or vegan and I keep wondering about the consequences of eating so much meat...does anyone else have any reserves about this??

  4. When I first joined this program, I had to learn to like meat, as I was not much of a meat eater. I believe the lack meat in my diet was part of my reason for being obese, I wasn't eating enough protein. I've never felt a good as I do now.

    I have thought about going vegetarian over the years, but now is not the time because this program is working for me. I also notice most of my vegetarian friends have added organic meat to their diets.

    You said you feel like things are going well, so I want to encourage you to see this journey through before making that change. Get to the size you want to be, learn how to maintain your ideal size for at least a year, before seriously considering a plant based or vegan diet. Meanwhile, buy organic meats.

    Ask Julie about this at your next session.

    1. Thank you Theresa...I actually had my second session today and am understanding things better...and since I am feeling good I think I may just try to wipe out all that I have read and just follow the plan. Cindy

      Is it still possible to join the Facebook group??

    2. Maryann9/25/2012

      Not everyone can afford organic meats. In reading thru this blog, I do get the feeling that most of the participants are somewhat "well to do". There is nothing wrong with that and if you do have disposable income and can afford the better things and food well good for you and I'm not knocking it. I'm just saying that for those of us who don't have a lot of money, we do the best we can and buy whatever we can to stay on the program. So do I ever eat free range, grass feed or organic - NO, but that doesn't mean that I don't follow the program or deserve to be as healthy as I can with what little money I have.

    3. Hi Maryann! Welcome! I don't eat grass fed or organic meats as a rule. My husband had an absolute fit when he saw the prices of the meat when I did buy it. So, I figure, my husband works very hard for our money and has spent a small fortune on my weight loss efforts in the past, so for now, I just eat whatever meat I can buy and it is still working for me. I wish I could eat exactly as Julie explains, with the seasons, grass fed and so on, but I can't, so I am following her guidlines exactly (YIPEE) but am not doing organic and grass fed.

  5. I, too, am a relative newcomer to the program but I am very excited about it. I have been reading all the posts and have had many of my questions answered. However, I still have a couple and wonder if you already have the answers to them so I don't have to call and bother the office. I notice that olive oil is allowed but are olives? Also, I have a question about soy sauce made without wheat. I am so glad you started this blog.

    1. Hi Elaine and welcome! Ask any and all questions!!!!!! Yes, olives are allowed, but they must be eaten with meat. Think of them as a condiment. Only a little bit!!!! Enjoy, Jen

  6. Hi Jennifer - Thanks for your info - I seem to keep having questions - my newest is cheddar cheese - is that a meat or a vegetable?

    1. Cheese is allowed, but we are to use it like a condiment, as it tends to store in our body rather than move through it.


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