
I said I was going to step up my exercise schedule and the next thing I knew, I was in a kickboxing class.
I wish I looked this good kickboxing.
There are now classes that I can take at the gym during my lunch hour at work and kickboxing came up first so I went. What a blast. It wasn't pretty, but I enjoyed it. I won't be able to go every week, but I'm going to do this every chance I get. We didn't use equipment like you see in the photo above, no head gear, nothing to kick, and we don't fight others. It's definitely a workout and I adjusted parts that I couldn't do.

I also started running again and this feels great. I'm still having stiffness in my ankles and working on stretching more. I do two stretches, every morning and will add one more tomorrow. So far I haven't had any improvement, but I'm hopeful the new addition in the morning will help work out the pain. It doesn't hurt when I'm running or on the elliptical.

I'm loving that Big Y now carrier Siggis yogurt. I even found coconut flavored; yummy. For those of you not fond of the yogurt, it may be something you like after the sugar is completely out of your system. I didn't have yogurt for a long time, so I suspect that's why I like it so much now. I know I wouldn't have liked it before, but I love it now. In fact, I have to be careful I don't eat more than the twice a week quota. Now that I can get it so close to home, I can buy two containers and I'll be good for the week.

You may have noticed, I rolled back the web design. There were a lot of technical issues with the new design. I still want to freshen up the look, but it will be a while. Meanwhile, I'm sorry that it was so difficult to navigate the site.

1 comment:

  1. Theresa, you have motivated me to get moving again.....Wish me luck this weekend as my entire office and I run in the Warrier Dash---My first "marathon" ever-We decided to do this thinking it sounded like a challenge and "fun". The closer it gets, the more I wonder if I am up to it....Oh well. You have to start somewhere, and I can only go up from here! Maybe I will find this to be so much "fun" that I will find other marathons to join......


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