
Ok everyone out there-big question of the day: Can we have avocado?


  1. Plus isn't it considered a fruit?

  2. Anonymous4/30/2012

    I asked her about that at my last refresher. I had thought she said they were a fat so we could have a little, but then at the refresher she told someone before me that you couldn't have them. When it was my turn I asked her about it, and she said she tells people just starting they can't have any, but you can have a little bit later on, and that it's considered a fat.

  3. Anonymous4/30/2012

    The problem is dfferent classes can get different messages. For instance in my classes she never mentioned anything about exercise but I do remember reading something here about exercising and I see that many of you do mention it. Also she never said we could measure ourselves, but as we were leaving our last class someone asked about how we should measure our progress and she said to measure ourselves. I read here about someone using measurement ribbons which suggests to me that you don't actually know the true measurement, but would be able to see if you are larger or smaller. If that's what we are supposed to do - I missed the boat on that because I did take beginning real measurements with a tapemeasure when she blurted out we should measure ourselves. I'm just frustrated with the different information. Another mixup was that she told us we could have all the milk we wanted and I had always drunk skim milk.
    She said we should drink whole milk and I switched. However, again during the last few seconds of our last class someone mentioned milk again and she said not to drink too much whole milk. HELP!!!!!!!

    1. The long and short of different information seems to be that you get out of the classes what you need. Try not to beat yourself up about the "little stuff". If you want a glass of milk, have a glass of milk! (I actually never heard that we could have any milk, and totally didn't have any, but then someone said it was ok, and I now put it in coffee/tea. I am not a milk drinker, never have been) I am the one who used ribbon to measure-I did not use anything with numbers on it, just wrapping ribbon. She seemed pleased with that, so I kept doing it. Try not to concentrate on numbers. They mess with your head. I marked on the ribbons with a little line when I had a drop, and left it at that. (I did take my measurements to order some uniforms online, but never wrote the numbers down, and I do not remember them.) As for exercise, I recommend it. I didn't the first 5 months, lost a lot of weight, but I now have sagging going on. I don't think I would have as much sagging if I toned while losing. Don't go crazy-Just do something you can stick with! Remember to make it a life-style switch, and make it reasonable. Getting back to the milk thing-do everything in moderation, and do not do the same thing day after day. That is what the real message is to this whole thing!

  4. Anonymous5/01/2012

    I remember her saying be careful how much milk you drink but you can drink any kind you want even whole milk. I drank a lot of milk the first 2 months and I decided to cut way down on it since I felt like I needed it all the time and a week after I did I felt like I had a big drop! I do want to throw a question out there does any one order Chinese food and if so what do you get? I love the boneless spare ribs but I don't get them because I'm not sure if we can have the sauce they put on them.

    1. Chinese food is tricky, because they use cornstarch to thicken. NO to cornstarch! But, you can always have MEAT AND VEGGIES! lol! I have gotten seafood, and beef, with a side of veggies. NO RICE!!!!!!!! NO NOODLES!!!!!!! (The waitstaff can kind of look at you funny, but just tell them you have an allergy, and they wont bring it!) My favorite is asparagas rolled in beef with soy sauce. Just take the starch out of the equation, and stay away from sauces. Soy sauce and some teriaki is ok.

    2. Anonymous5/01/2012

      Ok thanks i didn't think about cornstarch...

  5. The one thing I remember her saying that helps me every day is "when in doubt, go without".

    1. That sums it up in one tight little sentence! Which is why I never had avocado. And I never will. Not worth it!!!!!!!! It is too much of a grey area. My friend wanted to know about using quacamole to go with pepperoni chips, and I told her no, but I would ask anyways! (I will stick with cottage cheese and my pepperoni chips!)

  6. Anonymous5/01/2012

    I have a question that I hope someone can clarify? At my second session a few people admitted to having cheated and Julie said that from that choice on they were off program. If you do give into a craving, can you get yourself back on program or do you have to go to another session to get back on? I am still having a lot of cravings but have not given in, but this weekend is my sons college grad party & I know it will be very hard and I am very nervous. Any suggestions to keep strong? I too find that I get confused as to what we can & cannot do and whether or not what we can eat now is the way it always has to be.

    1. Hypnosis is all about removing your desire to have flour and sugar. Period. End of story. You cheat, you have to start all over again. Remember the mantra "I DONT WANNA WANT IT". Meat and veggies! That's it! Any combo! Keep saying the mantra, and the food will stop talking to you. You should not be nervous at all going to the party. I have been to MANY parties, and I go prepared. I have had birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, vacations, holidays, you name it. And I have not once "cheated" because I either ask ahead of time, make something to take, or say "I DONT WANT TO WANT IT". And NOT once has food talked to me. You have to live the hypnosis with every fiber of your being, and it will protect you. Bring lots of water with lemon in it, and a bag of beef jerkey if you have to! And enjoy your sons accomplishment! Take the food out of the picture, and live the moment for something other than the food! Have a great time!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous5/02/2012

      Thanks for he advice. I will use the mantra & plan to make dishes that I can have for the party. Hopefully soon the food will stop talking to me. I want nothing more than to stop thinking about food all the time. It's only been a few weeks and I do feel it happening.

    3. Anonymous5/04/2012

      By 'starting all over again', do you mean it will not work untill you go back to hypnosis? If you slip up once...I can't imagine that you've undone all the previous week of being on program...especially if after the slip up you stay on program. I have heard her say that before too...about being off program. Truly it is the diet that is causing the weight loss, and the hynosis just helping to not crave the sugar and flour, right? Is she saying you need a refresher after a slip up, or you will compromise weight loss? I have ttally been on program and still have hard core cravings..every day is a struggle. I am feling frustrated, and like I totally could have done this without the hypnosis part.

    4. Aqua5145/07/2012

      I have the same questions & hope I can get my answers at my 3rd session this week. I have stuck to the program, but am finding myself very bored with the menu and still having a lot of cravings - miss my fruit. Having a hard time understanding how I can eat this way for the rest of my life if that is what is required, which is another question I have since Julie has mentioned some things like having non sulfate wine, & other things. Does that mean in time we will be able to add some things ??? Hope this last session answers alot of my questions. At $200 per session I cannot afford refreshers and if I cannot get control of my cravings & bordum, then this will have been a waste of money. I am not ready to give up however, and would love to see more recipes or suggestions for food ideas.

    5. Anonymous5/09/2012

      Aqua514, Julie will answer all of your questions at your last session. I would also let her How you are feeling with your cravings. This all could be part of your body loosing weight and trying to stop it. Remember to say I dont wanna want it. Slap your hand and put it behind your back. Just keep telling yourself that you don't need it. The urges get better and the food noise does go away. If you look back through the posts, there are a lot of suggestions as to what to eat. I found those posts very helpful especially in the beginning. Best of luck and keep posting.

    6. Aqua5145/09/2012

      Thanks. The more I read on this blog the better I feel. Someone that hadn't seen me in awhile at work ask me today if I had lost weight. Made my day so it must be working.

  7. Aqua, it is amazing to me how this works. Because my eating goes along so easily and I am not starving or obssessed with my food, I feel like it isn't working. This plan is so unlike another I have done. Yet it is working!!! I have lost 4 sizes since the end of October with very little effort. I think we get so into the mind set of hunger, deprevation, miserable and so on, that as we go along on this, I have to really remind myself that it is working!!!

    If someone has noticed then CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Someone made the first comment to me at 3 weeks and I was shocked!!

    Alot of this is PATIENCE!! That word I don't like! I wrote a post about it. But it really is patience. Enjoy the ride! It is one of the easiest rides I have ever been on!!!!!!!!!


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