Stomach Bug

This question was asked on the FAQ page and I'm posting it so those of you who have been there can respond. Anonymous asked what to do when you have a stomach bug. 
stomach bug (image source)
This week my family had the stomach bug that lasted for days. Myself included. I am now over two months with the hypnosis and have been doing great...up to this point. I tried just eating chicken broth and staying hydrated with water. I just found that I was not getting my energy back. The thought of eating protein made me nauseous. I finally broke down and started to eat some saltines and drank pedialite. I quickly got my energy back but sure enough that made those darn Army men come running out. 3 days off (and I would love to say I just ate saltines but I would be lying) and today I am back on and feeling better.

What is done is done and I hope I have not messed up my hypnosis too much. I live far away and do not want to have to travel (or pay!) for a refresher.

Has anyone else faced this? Is there a way to stay on the plan yet be able to get better?


  1. Hi,If you are sick, you need to do whatever it is to make you get better. I have been in your position and anything I ate I considered medicine. I believe Julie also says to do what you need to get better. Don't beat yourself up. Just jump back in the river and you will be fine!!!!!Good luck

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for your feedback Susan.

    I can't provide firsthand experience, as I haven't been sick in any way that stopped me from being able to stay on program.

    People I know who experienced stomach bugs, also took their doctor's advice and ate crackers etc. When they were well again, they jumped back in the river. Guilt is often a factor along the way, and a bit of worry that they won't be able to get back on program, but they did. You can too!

    Note: Susan's comment above appeared twice, so I removed the duplicate.

  4. I too just had a stomach bug this weekend and it was AWFUL. I didn't go off the plan but I am struggling with being weak as well. I asked my cousin, who is also on the plan, and she said there was nothing that I could do so I sacrificed but I'm still a little under the weather and struggling to get strength back. I've also been on it for about two months and I started second guessing myself this weekend and fiending for anything NOT on program. Thanks for the post, I should have had a little something, although I made it through. I guess there's sacrifice and then there's logic - and logic should have prevailed. Taking care of myself has to come first.


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