Hungy, Hungry, Hungry

Hunger has been my middle name for a few weeks now. No kidding. I'm feeding the "beast" with lots of meat. What's behind this hunger and how can I move beyond it? Change needs to happen. Yes, it's time to change things up again. Before I tell you about the changes I'm making, I'll talk about what's been happening.
Portrait of my food monster; image by Theresa

What's Happening

Before I first started this program, I didn't know the food plan was meat based and I didn't like red meat. I ate hamburgers from time to time at home, but I never ordered red meat at a restaurant. At my first session, Julie told me she couldn't help me like something I didn't like, so I asked about the few meats I did like: meatloaf, meatballs, cold cuts, and pepperoni. She cautioned me to watch my fat intake and indicated the meatloaf and meatballs were okay because the breadcrumbs are inside and not on top of the meat.

Over time, I have come to love red meat. I haven't felt this healthy and full of energy in years and I believe it's due to adding red meat to my diet. This past January I decided to focus more on red meats and less on poultry. A month later I started having a sweet taste in my mouth and this has been going on 24/7 ever since. Looking back now, I think my appetite increase began about the same time the sweet taste started.

I saw my doctor about the sweet taste in my mouth and I had blood tests done. No diabetes (or sign of pre-diabetes) and the rest of my numbers look great. I wondered if this could be a periodontal issue. I checked in with a friend who is dental hygienists and she suggested it may be Ketosis. (If you're interested - Wikipedia provides a good explanation on Ketosis, scroll past the medical jargon in the first few paragraphs to the sections about Diet, Diagnosis, and Controversy.)

Where to go from here? To my friends of course. I asked them for their words of wisdom on all of the above.

Words of Wisdom

My hygienists friend reminded me that Julie talks about this kind of hunger and that it's usually the body wanting something and until it gets that, hunger stays with you. I haven't figured out what it is my body is hungry for yet, but this week I'm focusing on changing up my recipes to see if I can find out what my body is craving.

I asked a few friends if they've experience this kind of hunger or if they've had this sweet taste happen to them. Here's what they said:
  • When my mouth tastes like metal, I stock up on breath strips. Trying mixing in some veggies you used to eat long ago. Julie says our bodies hit a "fat pocket" that has stored vitamins, minerals, etc. from something we ate a long time ago. Our bodies have already gotten rid of the newest fat pockets, now we are into the heavy artillery from years ago and our bodies want something from that.
  • I certainly know the feeling and talking about it seems to have helped me move this out of the subterranean levels of my mind into consciousness. Yesterday I ate more like a normal human being instead of a saber toothed tiger at a kill. What helps me is varying my foods and not getting too elaborate with my cooking. It seems my "imagining" what I could have, how I could make it delicious, is what tips my hunger center into over drive. So I'm experimenting with going back to simplicity - at least half the time. Roasting a turkey breast, plain broccoli, etc., seems to remind my body of the nutrition it needs, and stops all the "imagining." Eventually I get bored and spice it up a bit.
  • I believe in the KISS theory (Keep It Simple Silly). Maybe it's because I'm not into messing up my kitchen!! I'm not one for sauces, dips, or cheesy things; just throw it on the grill & I'm good! Another thing I avoid is salad; too much veggies, and fat, but I love my corn, squash & carrots.

What's Next?

Good question, grasshopper!

I'm making some changes in my menu plan. I've been eating the same meats over and over. Meatloaf and meatballs are allowed on this program, but I'm eating them too often. When we eat the same foods over and over, our mind thinks we're on a diet. We're retraining our mind and giving our minds the impression that we're on a diet breaks the reprogramming we've been working on; this is not good.

I started collecting new recipes, which I'll post as I make them. I'm looking in the fresh veggie department for veggies I haven't had it a while, which is a wide range of items. Yes, a little bit of corn is supposed to be added to our foods daily, according to the plan when I started, but it shouldn't be the only veggie I'm eating. Yes, coleslaw is allowed, but not on a daily basis. I'm adding fish back into my menu. I don't know when I last had fish! I cooked shrimp for lunch on Saturday and had scallops for dinner. It's been eons since I had ribs too.

My plan for this week is to plan my meals the day before, to shop more often and in smaller amounts, and to avoid having the same meal more than once (as Julie teaches us). This means either freezing some of the meals I cook or cutting back on the amount I make. Either way, I win.

I don't know if these changes will get rid of the sweet taste in my mouth, but what I do know all of these are key concepts that I lost sight of along the way. I have more weight to lose and putting these principals back into action will help me continue on my journey to reach my goal size.

Cheating on this program is not just about eating foods that are not on program, it's also about not following the program rules. Either way, cheating slows down our weigh loss.

What can you change in your meal plan to encourage weight loss? Are you eating the same foods again and again? Is it time to switch things around? Jump in and make some changes in your menus!

Are you following the same exercise routine week after week? It's spring and it's time to get more energy into your life by switching up your routine (or starting one). Get outdoors and take a break at work for five minutes. Go to work earlier, drop your stuff in your office (or leave it in your car) and then go back outside and walk for ten minutes or a half hour. Park your car far from the office so you have a nice long walk at the start and end of your day!

Make a change today. Make another change tomorrow. Change your life forever.


  1. It looks like you have figured it out. Not sure, but I like your plan about trying something new and find different foods to cook, grill, etc. I try to mix dinners with Poltry, Seafood and of course Beef. If you break it down like this you might find it easier to prepare a meal. You are doing great Theresa! Keep it up!!

  2. Anonymous4/01/2013

    I also shake things up by making different things. I also have found that adding spices and different sauces (watch the ingredients) can also help to put variety into meats. I started on Jan 15 this year and have lost a lot of weight. I don't want to cheat but just wondering when we can start adding fruit. I REALLY miss fruit! Thanks

  3. I get a daily email from I can modify most recipes to be Julie friendly and if I can't, I go back to something that I loved. It has brought foods that I normally don't eat back into my foods such as eggplant and it keeps me always eating something new and exciting. I do however need to tame the cheese beast. I have just started to excersize. One week down, oh so many more to go:)


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