I Looked....

Well, I am human. Surprise! And now I have to let my guilt go. I went to my doctor for a routine follow-up today, and had to get weighed. The girls in the office know that I am not supposed to know my weight, so there is no surprise when I turn my head. And they don't tell.
I am sitting with my APRN discussing this and that......my chart is open, and I think to myself-----9 months of not knowing what I weigh.....I am gonna look.....and......I look. Anyone else wanna cry with me?

On my drive home, I talk to myself about how it will be ok, continue on, persevere, you will be ok. Ho hum. Only time will tell. I just hope that my stupidity does not unravel the 9 wonderful months I have spent with Julie, and I must trust her and me. Well, I trust her, or else I wouldn't have gotten hypnotized! I have to trust that I am human, and one slip will not deter me.


To work this afternoon, and to Zumba tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I hope you are not crying because of what you weigh! I hope you are crying because you LOOKED!!! Dont dwell on the number and just continue on!!! you have gone from a 20 to a 6/8!!!!!! I am sure you will be fine! Human nature gets in our way sometimes! Do your relaxation like you told me about. I am positive you will be fine!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you Linda-------I really appreciate your kind words and encouragement! I feel better tonite! I did spend time with self-hypnosis, and it is a fabulous tool.

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  3. Old habits dye hard...true? For so many years we have been programmed by the scale. I sometimes play with sizes versus pounds, trying to figure out how much I lost by how many sizes I went down. It's really hard to break the habit. I started in May 2011 and went from a 14 to a 6....that's what I fall back on when my head gets the crazies!! Good luck...glad to hear you got pass it.


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