Tenacity and Believing

If you are on a plateau, I encourage you to go and try on clothes in stores. Not crazy all over the place-just a few stores that you have tried in the past-Touch base with yourself! I learned A LOT earlier this week when I went shopping.
Talbots May 2014 (left) and Coldwater Creek February 2013 (right)
When I look in the mirror, I don't see ONE change. But, trying on clothes? Big change! In October 2013, I didn't buy these pants-they fit awful. I wanted them to fit so badly! But, tenacity paid off-I kept to my exercise routine and clean eating (meat/veggies/hardly any condiments) and 6 months later I found a prettier pair of pants in a smaller size!

Going to stores and trying on clothes helps you gauge a lot. Yes, using your own clothes is helpful, but sometimes can be frustrating. I am a very curvy person, so I do most of my shopping in women's stores: Chicos, Coldwater Creek (I will miss them as they are closing maybe by July-even the salesclerks don't know!) and Talbots, to name a few. I only grab a few articles-mainly pants as this is my toughest body part. I grab a couple of different sizes as well. But NEVER a larger size than what I want to fit into as I do NOT want my body to think that size is OK!
May 2014 (left) November 2013 (right) Not a huge change, but noticeable! Yippee!
This a pair of shorts (above photo on the right right) I have used since last October when I went to a refresher and decided I no longer wanted to be a 6-8, but a 4-6 (long story!!!!)  I have been trying them on and taking pictures. For the longest time, no change! Took more pictures today: BIG change in how they fit (above photo on the right left)!

The odd thing: When I just look in the mirror, I don't see the change! Only in the pictures! Wild. I am not whining. I am being truthful about not seeing a difference. Moral of this story? Go shopping. Be realistic. And go WALK! lol. I can't believe I am posting these.....but, I guess it's proving what tenacity and believing can do. Your plateau will take as long as it takes! It is up to you to work through them! Move more, be consistent. Be careful with condiments! (This includes cheese! I hardly ever eat it anymore!)

Did I say move? I mean it! Most of you know I have a Fitbit, and I have logged over 480 MILES since March 13!!!! That commitment moved me from my plateau, I know it!!! And go try on some clothes!


  1. It's funny, this just happened to me this weekend! I was at Costco and bought a size 10 pants, got home, tried them on and they fit :) I had my sessions with Julie at the beginning of March (7 weeks today). I had seen NO change in the mirror but trying those pants on makes me believe. I was a tight size 14/16 on March 1st. Have not gotten out of the river and feel great!

  2. It certainly is motivating-and quite shocking if you aren't ready for it!
    The only problem is if you try on EVERY size 10 or whatever because that just confuses the bejeezes out of our bodies......we wont fit in EVERY size (whatever) but we sure can have fun IN the sizes that make us feel good!


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