Success & Questions

Jodi posted this comment on a Nov. post:
I finished my sessions in August and have to say this was the best decision I could have made. Amazing! I have dropped 3 sizes and love the compliments and the many people who have noticed. My kids are in awe. I feel healthier. I rarely struggle though i still have dreams I have eaten dozens of cookies and have failed. i wake up happy knowing it was just a dream.

i am wondering how i get access the FB support group..i think that will help to support me.

I am also wondering about cream cheese in recipes, like in between chicken breast. I need to call the office but i keep forgetting. Do you know?

oh...and i hate yogurt but bought siggi's...oh the creamy thickness of it. Big Y has had it on sale for the past month. Got some tonight for 2/$3 on St james Ave. They just started carrying them.

Thanks for the blog...its been an inspiration.
Well Jodi - congratulations on your success! The food dreams are funny, but many of us have them. I figure it's life's way of balancing things, eating in an alternative universe while maintaining a healthy lifestyle in reality. HA!

Go to the Facebook group and you should see a link to click on in the upper right hand corner. I can't see it to tell you what it says, as It goes away when you join, but it's probably something like "request to join." If this doesn't work, send me your email and I'll ask someone to add you. You can email me by adding a comment with your email; I'll copy your email and delete your post so it doesn't go to the blog.

Cream cheese is to be used as a condiment, so as long as you keep the portions down, you should be fine.

I too love Siggis yogurt. Remember to have it with meat (never alone) and no more than twice a week.


  1. Hi Jodi-If you want to friend me on FB, I will then add you to the Key Hypnosis FB page. I am Jennifer Churchill from Hartford. Just when you ask to be friends, tell me who you are-Don't want to ignore you! And welcome to our circle!

    1. Hi Jennifer, I just tried to look you up on FB, but couldn't find you. Would you mind if I joined the FB group? I am having a little bit of a hard time with this blog thing, but I check it mostly every day and I am hoping to become more and more knowledgeable. I find good information to help me become more successful and I am so inspired by these posts. Thanks so much.


Include your email in your message if you would like to communicate with me, as I rarely respond to messages, as this blog is no longer active.

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