Basic Concepts

After I went to a refresh a few weeks ago, I went to the Facebook page and proclaimed "Once and done. Great refresh! Not going back because I got it." A few people have asked me what I meant by this and I've been meaning to write about this, but I'm heading off for the holidays tomorrow and I haven't had a spare minute to write.
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The bottom line is that I finally get the "once and done" concept and I have never felt more confident about where I am on this weight loss journey and where I'm heading. Julie's refreshes are incredible and while sitting in the refresh class a couple weeks ago, I realized "I know everything she's saying and I own this!" I believe all of you do too.

I proclaimed I'm not going back because one of the foundations of this program is that you only have to do this once and then you're done; it's not like any other diet. I have many more thoughts on this I want to share, but you'll just have to buy my book...just kidding. I will write more on this when I get a chance during the holidays - I promise.

Meanwhile, I would love to hear from some of you about what it means to you when Julie talks about:
  • compromise
  • sacrifice
  • example
  • free will
These words are key to understanding the core concepts of this program. Let's get a conversation on this going...


  1. Wow, that's powerful. I really needed to read this. Thank you so much Theresa. I got off the plan for a couple of months and I am back on it for just 2 weeks and I feel the difference. It's incredible. I totally agree with what you're saying because it's pretty simple, powerful and true. Our Christmas party is tomorrow night at work. Temptation. But I choose to 'sacrifice'. At this very moment I have a hug platter of cookies right in front of my nose on my desk (for anybody coming in) and I have no desire to take one. I will not do it. I appreciate this blogging site, but I am not that savvy with it. I will learn and I will use this tool to help me.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Wow, didn't expect that, but what a great surprise. You made my day, Michael. Thanks for taking the time. :)

  3. Theresa, I'm doing really well. Thank you. It's just like a switch was flipped and I am 'on'. We'll see how Christmas and New Years will be. Those are the tough times, but thank God for this blog because it helps me stay on track.


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