First Session

I just started and had my first session - I already feel better


  1. MaryJane11/10/2012

    Just think how wonderful you will feel as the months go by - just keep to the program and you'll be fine. Now, if I may - I need some answers from all of you. What exactly is the reasoning for not weighing yourself. I understand that Julie mentioned something about your subconscience wanting to have you gain whatever weight you have lost back, but this is my dilema. My husband and I have been on this program for 9 months and are both feeling much better. I went to Julie - he did not. He is wanting to know how much he weighs. I tried to explain that we probably would weigh more than we thnk because we have lost fat and not muscle and Julie said just not to weigh ourselves. However, at this point (neither he nor I have strayed from the program - and don't intend to) is there any reason for us not knowing our actual weight. He thinks that I have a distorted view of my body and he wants me to realize that I have lost a substantial amount of weight. I, on the other hand, don't think that actually knowing the "number" will make a difference and if I weigh more that I "think" I do, I may be disappointed. However, at this point I feel that knowing or not knowing will have no bearing on my continued success as I am comitted to this way of life. Therefore, what is the harm in knowing your weight??? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    1. MaryJane,
      Don't get on the scale!

      Staying off the scale is part of what we agreed to in our first session. Here are some of the reasons...

      Part of this program is re-programming our minds. Our minds are used to losing weight and gaining it all back. The mind wants to know how much we weigh, so it knows how much weight to gain back.

      Once we reach our goal size, we learn to maintain that size by going up and down within our that size. When Julie's clothes are tight, she calls this her "sausage 6's."

      During the maintenance part of our journey, we will teach our minds that this is our new size. Otherwise, the mind wants us to go all the way back to the highest weight we've reached, because that's what it is programmed to do.

      We don't want that - so don't get on the scale.

      When the impulse to get on the scale is strongest, Julie suggests this means we are really close to dropping more weight.

      Like the impulse to eat sugar...when the urge is strong, we gently push that thought away, again and again, until it is gone. A weight drop will follow.

      I get what you say about having a distorted view of your body. Have your photo taken and look at it next to a photo of you at your heaviest. Keep both photos where you can look at them often.

      Remember being on a diet and how it never worked? This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Doing things the way we used to will have the same results.

      Congratulations to you both on your great success! Keep doing what you're doing and stay off the scale!

  2. MaryJane11/11/2012

    Theresa, thank you so much for that info. I thought it was something pertaining to the regaining of lost weight. It's just that when you have dieted your whole life, it's always been about the "number" and it is sometimes hard to teach an old dog new tricks. When I read your response to my better half, he was very agreeable with your answer (although it was quite similar to mine own, it sometimes is more receptive from someone other than myself and further solidified the fact that my explanation was in deed correct. Theresa, if I've not said this during any of my previous comments, I'm sincerely grateful for your starting of this blog. I have never attended a refresher and probably will not do so due to financial conditions and the fact that I am super super comitted to this new way of life and to be able to get continuing info and support from this blog is so greatly appreciated and we owe that entirely to your insight and capability of continuing to provide all of us with this wonderful vehicle. Thank you so very much!!!

  3. I, too, love getting support from this blog, MaryJane. On Day 4, and I am pleased to say I am feeling so much better than yesterday! Very little hunger...cravings have diminished. Not gone, but better!

  4. I also wanted to add, I began my first session last week. Looking forward to the next session!

  5. MaryJane, don't be afraid to measure yourself. I use a measuring tape and some others use a ribbon. When I get in a funk and think I am not losing, I measure myself and keep track of it. That helps me to feel better about myself. It shows me that I am always changing.

  6. I finished my sessions in August and have to say this was the best decision I could have made. Amazing! I have dropped 3 sizes and love the compliments and the many people who have noticed. My kids are in awe. I feel healthier. I rarely struggle though i still have dreams I have eaten dozens of cookies and have failed. i wake up happy knowing it was just a dream. i am wondering how i get access the FB support group..i think that will help to support me. I am also wondering about cream cheese in recipes, like in between chicken breast. I need to call the office but i keep forgetting. Do you know? oh...and i hate yogurt but bought siggi's...oh the creamy thickness of it. Big Y has had it on sale for the past month. Got some tonight for 2/$3 on St james Ave. They just started carrying them. Thanks for the blog...its been an inspiration.

  7. Thank you for starting this blog it really is great...I had my first session on the 18th of March and i am ready for my next one haha....Someone mentioned there is a page on facebook we could join ? Could i have more info please...


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