What's Your Story?

What's Your Story? What are you telling yourself that will have a positive impact on your future? Is your story taking where you want to go? Tell you story and tell it often, to help you remember where you're going and to embrace your truth.

Unlike other weight loss programs, key hypnosis has never felt like a roll of the dice, a spin of the wheel of fortune, or a crap shoot. I never find myself thinking I hope it works this time. Instead, I made intentional changes in my life to support my weight loss goals. The stories I tell myself along the way are an essential part of my journey. One story I focus on:
I am going to reach my goal size and maintain that for the rest of my life
That is my story and I'm sticking to it. No, really - I am going to reach my goal size and maintain that for the rest of my life. Yes, yes, I repeated myself - and that's my point! I repeat this story because in doing so it has become a part of my life plan.

In a recent blog post by Michael Hyatt, We Are What We Remember, Michael says this in a more poetic way:
We live up to the narratives we tell ourselves. We make decisions and act in certain ways because it fits into our story. If we change that story, we can change our lives.
There are times when I look back to review what worked and what didn't work. I cannot change my past, but I can learn from my past and make new choices today. Once in a while, I look for new ways to support my weight loss goals, try new recipes or new physical activities, or stop to look ahead to where I'm going and ask myself if there's anything I'm doing that doesn't support my goal that I need to stop doing and then figure out how to get out of my own way so I can reach my goal.

The latter usually has to do with realizing I'm beating up on myself in non-productive ways, such as feeling bad for not making a better choice or not losing more weight. The solution there is not to focus on that story, but to instead focus on the story that will take me where I want to go: I am going to reach my goal size and maintain that for the rest of my life.

No matter where I am in my journey, disappointed I'm at a plateau or happy I've dropped another size, I have never lost the optimism I embraced at my first session with Julie: I am going to reach my goal size and maintain that for the rest of my life.

What's your story? Will it take you where you want to go? Please tell!

1 comment:

  1. one of mine is, " I LOVE how I feel"! That to me is amazing in itself. I LOVE how food doesn't control my life anymore. I get up in the morning and instead of panicking of what will I eat, when will I eat, do I have enough to eat, am I getting in all the food groups, can I get in all my oils, that amount of food can't weigh that much, I'm not hungry but I have to eat breakfast, and so on... I FEEL FREE!!!


    NO MORE constant eating! No more constant looking for something to satisfy the constant hunger! No more eating from morning til night! It is so simple I could cry. Meat and more meat!

    Yes, I might have to become creative with meat so as to not get tired of something, but cooking and feeding my family has become a pleasure again. No more cooking 2 meals at meal time, they can all eat normal food again!!! No more fat free meals and normal meals at the same meal!


    There is a calm inside my body. Not those uncontrollable cravings! I LOVE HOW I FEEL!!!

    I could go on and on... When I get compliments - OH WOW!! I LOVE HOW I FEEL!!

    When something tempts me, as I push it away, I repeat in my mind, no thank you "I LOVE HOW I FEEL" and I don't want to mess with that!


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