Race Day

Total of 5,500 ran or walked
5k Run

What an incredible day - I completed my first 5k since the 1980's and the results are in ... my running time was 45:11.95 and my pace was 14:3.

The race was wonderful. During my training this past week, my pace was 16:24 and the longest distance in my c25k was 2.02 miles, so I definitely kicked it up for the race. My target goal was a 15 minute mile and I beat my goal. Yahoo!

For a 56 year old woman, who wears a size 20, I think this is pretty amazing. I'm proud of myself and my friend Aime who trained with me and ran along side me for most of this race; she was kind enough to keep a steady pace with me for the first two miles. Aime jogged the whole race and it was inspiring to watch. Me, I had trouble breathing, because of seasonal allergies, so I alternated between jogging and fast walking, and kept her in my view.

About a quarter of a mile from the finish line, Aime's friend Kathy, who finished the race 15 minutes earlier, jogged along with me. That was great. She encouraged me and taught me about Chi running.

"Lean your upper body forward", she said, "and the rest of your body goes faster to catch up. It's just like when you were a kid."

This must have been just what I needed, as my breathing got easier. I pushed myself and jogged as fast as I could towards the finish line.
Before the race: me on the left and Aime on the right.

After the Race

Breakfast for Champions, photo by Theresa
I felt incredible after the race - no aches or pains - totally energized. It's now nearly 6 pm and I still feel great. At the finish line, we were offered free hot chocolate, baked goodies, and fruit, but I was not at all interested. I proudly accepted my mug and filled it with cold water.

After a bit of socializing, we went to the East Village Cafe, in Easthampton, and had a breakfast for champions: egg scramble with red peppers, onion, spinach, and broccoli. Note my 2011 hot chocolate run mug in the background.

I feel so good that I'm ready to sign up for the in April 1, 2012 Carlsbad 5k (in southern California). As soon as I have plane tickets, I'm registering!


  1. Anonymous12/07/2011

    Congrats on your race!! You must be so proud of yourself!! What an accomplishment!!!!! How exciting!!! Keep up the good work! And please keep us posted! I am loving this program and it is great for me to be able to touch base with others doing it!!!! Enjoy Florida! Post somse pictures! We go to Fort Myers, my parents live there!! Love Florida for vacations! Linda

  2. Anonymous12/27/2011

    I did the Hot Chocolate run as well!! It was amazing!!! and I have been following Julie since Aug 19, 2010..I have NOT gone off the program since!! I hope to be at goal by the spring.


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