Home from Florida

At my last group session with Julie, there were a number of people who had been on vacation and couldn't get back "on program". Julie suggested ways to be on vacation and explore the foods of the area you're visiting: start with starches, such as a potato, skip a day, then have another starch; don't start with sugars and don't have sugar every day. Then, get back "on program" as soon as you are on your way home. She gave more details, but I immediately decided that advise was for people who are at their goal weight and not for me. I have a long way to go to reach my goal weight and I don't want to start messing with sugars until I'm there. Julie agreed.

Those in the group who who home from their vacation and had been struggling getting back on program, she prescribed 3-days of meats, and after that go back to the full program.

On my way home from the airport last night, I stopped at the grocery store and bought a few staples: meatloaf, chicken, coleslaw, and milk. Breakfast this morning consisted of meatloaf and a nice cup of coffee topped with foamy milk. I make a better meatloaf, but I wanted to have a good amount of ready-to-eat meats available and I knew I wasn't going to cook last night or this morning.

Thanks for your supportive feedback Linda; I do feel good about the choices I made during my vacation. And you are right - the week ahead will continue to challenge us, at the office and at gatherings with friends and family.

I was so focused on the bird in the
background, I didn't see the one in the foreground.
This was my birthday breakfast: blue crab omelet.


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