Steady Your Course

What are you doing during the holidays to steady your course on your weight loss journey? Are you allowing yourself a few "treats" over the holidays or are you setting yourself up for success? Are you willing to shake things up and stay the course? Are you willing to commit right this moment to stay in the river? If you are out get back in now--not tomorrow or after the holidays - now!

Being in the river means you are continuing to lose weight. There may be plateaus on you weight loss journey or times when weight loss slows down. This is part of the journey. If you're not losing weight, make sure you are eating clean. Have you taken an alternative path leading nowhere? There is no an alternative key-plan - you're either on program (in the river) or you're not. Dig deep and ask yourself: am I only eating key-foods? If you the answer is no, or if you aren't sure, clean up your menu right now.

Congratulations to those of you who have stayed the course!

For those who have stepped out of the river: get back in right now! You too can do this! Forgive yourself for whatever you did and move on. Commit to push away cravings EVERY time they come at you, and if you stepped off-program they will come at you strong. They may come strong even if you've stayed the course. Start right now by getting in the river and staying there, so that you too can begin the new year feeling incredible. Feel the power of getting back on program on your own.

Beware: cheese can be just as tempting as all those sugary foods offered to us at holiday gatherings. Just because cheese is not sugar doesn't make it okay for you overeat cheese. Eating too much cheese will plateau us like nobody's business. I don't want to plateau! Do you? No you don't!

Do you need help? Make that call for a refresher and set yourself up for success. Meanwhile, don't give yourself a get out of jail card to go off program just because you're going for a refresher. The sooner you get back in the river, the better your life will feel. Don't give in to those cravings, push them away.

Let's see this holiday season through on key. Are you in? 


  1. This is my FOURTH CHRISTMAS of not ONE BITE LICK OR TASTE. Just not interested!!! Maybe next year.....I keep saying that!!!!

  2. Jennifer, you are living the dream!

  3. Anonymous12/26/2014

    I did very well.

  4. I am in too! Having great trouble with maintenance, and may just be one of those people who has to stay in the river. Easier than being in-and-out. Hopefully my "tourniquet-10s" will soon be a thing of the past.

    I notice you have been using a FitBit, and I am looking for something similar. Does it work on an elliptical, Nordic Trak or exercise bike? I cannot walk/run due to foot surgery. Any insight would be appreciated.

    Happy Key Year to all!

  5. Momomig, Yes, I love, love, love my Fitbit! Here are several posts I wrote about my Fitbit:

    Jan 20, 2014, An Unplanned Day

    Mar 31, 2014, April Exercise Goals

    April 12, 2014, My New Best Friend

    Apr 21, 2014, My First 10K

    April Exercise Goals, Mar 31, 2014

    May 26, 2014, Tenacity and Believing

    Aug 28, 2014, Do It Anyway

  6. Thanks, Theresa - I think I've read them all. But can you use the FItbit on a stationary device? I see you use yours for walking/hiking. I need to use an exercise bike or something similar. Does it only measure distance traveled? I have been on the site, but I can't figure out what they mean by "active minutes."

  7. Momomig, Active minute refers to walking, hiking, biking, and swimming. I imagine you'd need to make sure your fitbit is waterproof if you're going to swim. I have worn mine in the pool by accident, but the Zip, which is the cheapest Fitbit is rain, splash, and sweat-proof NOT waterproof.

  8. Ah, so I am getting the picture that it will only measure activities when you travel through space, not when you are on an exercise bike or treadmill. Good to know. Will research further. Thanks for your help.


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