My First 10K

I finished my first 10k on Saturday! Woohoo! It felt great to cross the finish line with my friend. This was the Tortoise and Hare 10K (Salisbury, MA, April 19, 2014) and I claim the role of the tortoise, as I came in dead last (1:40:14). I decided to run a 10k because I wasn't training for my 5k's and I decided to up my game. Turns out, I didn't train for the 10k either.
Warming up before the race
The first part of the run was on the Salisbury Point Ghost Trail
Using my iPhone and meeting a pothole, I nearly fell before mile 1 marker.
My running buddy Aime.
Mile 5 marker was down by the time we got there; never saw mile 6 marker.
This baby eagle lifted off the wires to join our run!
1.2 more miles to the finish line.
The finish line is in sight!
We made it!
I'm feeling my thighs today every time I get up or walk up stairs, but I feel great. I walked my 10,0000 steps the day after the race and I'll continue to keep this daily goal for the month of April. In May, I should be able to resume my sunrise walks around the reservoir and up my daily walking goals.


  1. Great job girls!! First or dead last, you would not have even thought of doing this a few years ago. You're an inspiration to so many. Thank you for that!

  2. Lynn, You are absolutely right! Three years ago I could barely walk 5 minutes and the whole time I was out of breath!

    Yes, I am proud of this accomplishment!

  3. You GO, Theresa!!! Imagine - you finished something you didn't even train for! That is truly a great thing. I am quite impressed with your exercise routine and your FitBit.

    I have just started a course of Pulmonary Rehabilitation to get me to be able to exercise without being short of breath and dizzy. Today was the first day I was able to exercise without stopping! Not exactly a 10K, but I biked 3 miles and walked for 3/4 miles. Sounds puny when I say it out loud. But I went shopping tonight, and was able to buy a size 8 jeans! So I am doing something right. Was an 18 in November. I agree that being able to move without being winded is an enviable goal, and I am so glad that you are able to accomplish that.

    Go, Theresa!

  4. Momomig - you rock! We all have to start somewhere and you are off to an incredible start! Three years ago I could barely walk 5 minutes and I was out of breath the whole time, so I know exactly what you mean - but nothing you're doing is puny at all!

    Congratulations on you size 8 jeans! It's my dream to be a size 8! I will be soon be shopping in your size!


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