Best of both worlds!

Here is another laugh at me if you want to post, but I bet this has happened to some of you.

I am LOVING going to bed at night! Oh yes, I so look forward to it! Want to know why?!!! (hey, get your minds out of the gutter!!! LOL)

I'll tell you why: because I dream about food.

Ok, Ok, here is the scoop:

I have been having some VERY vivid realistic dreams where I am eating something totally forbidden. I can actually taste it and feel the high I used to get from it when I used to eat it. This is fun!

Then the BEST part: When I wake up, it takes me a few minutes to become oriented and gather my thoughts, I get that first panic that OH NO!! I cheated!! Then comes the most wonderful HIGH when I realize I DIDN'T CHEAT!! I AM STILL ON PROGRAM!!! Oh wow does that ever feel good!!!

Right now I am having the best of both worlds and totally enjoying my 'cheating dreams'!!!!!!!!


  1. I have the same exact dreams! hot fudge sundaes...pecan pie...whipped cream from the can...brownies...yum!

  2. I was reading by blog posts from last Sept. and I wrote about having such dreams. I haven't had food dreams for a while. They were vivid and I remember thinking I had gone off program.

    Did you go to a refresh recently? I'm curious if this is the reason for your food dreams....

  3. I went to a refresh in may or june, I can't remember exactly. It doesn't happen every night, but for a while it was quite often!


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