Visualize Your Goal

As the new year begins, I think about resolutions I've made in past years. It's wonderful no longer promising myself "this year I will lose weight" only to disappoint myself year after year. I started the Key Hypnosis weight loss program on January 31, 2011 and I have no disappointment in looking back.

These four years have been an incredible learning experience for me. I've learned a lot about myself and not only have I changed the foods I eat (and don't eat), I've also evolved in other ways...

My energy level has increased ten-fold! I used to barely be able to walk five minutes and today I can easily walk for five hours.

I'm more comfortable in my skin and moving through life than ever before. When I walk into a room, I no longer look around to 1) see if I'm the largest person there or 2) to search for a chair that's big enough for me to fit into.

I had many plateaus along this journey, but this summer I started dropping weight again and I'm getting close to my goal size.

I often stop and look back at where I've been, to inspire me to stay on course to reach my goal. I know that once I reach my goal I will no longer need to focus on where I've been, because when I reach my goal size that is the size I want to keep in my vision. I'll be able to let go of the memories of my heavier self.

Meanwhile, I remember to do what Julie taught in the first session: visualize what I want to look like. I'm not sure exactly what size that is, so I'm looking around at women who are my height and structure.  To help visualize my goal size, I'm going to start asking women what size they are.

I'm ready for 2015 to be the year I reach my goal size and learn maintenance. Are you? Let's go for it together!

You know how to do the program, so do your best and visualize this happening to you too!
What you want to look like at your goal size? Look around at others, find a person who is your ideal size, and start visualizing yourself that size.


  1. what an amazing post. this is going to be my second year beginning in march of 2013. i am visualizing too. i look at my legs and wonder how they will look at the beginning of summer, firmer smaller, stronger? i look at my arms they will be stronger and firmer. i look at my inner self quite a bit more lately, i feel stronger healthier. this is my year. i do not make resolution's instead i set goals. i heard a story on klove radio today, some people say where will i be in five years from now, what is my plan and she broke it down to where i want to be in two years from now one year from now, and then monthly of what i need to do to get where i need to be. i want to be more rooted in my faith, i want to help people find their happiness. i think everyone should feel this good. i felt so wrong, so unhappy for so long, i didn't put myself first...finally at 51 i am putting me first...i am learning that it is ok to be me..i am worth it i am worth i need to care for myself so that in my five year plan i will still be here, walking getting stronger doing all the things on my list that i always felt were out of my reach. i tackled the hardest step..step one...losing my weight, not needing medication on a daily basis...step two is waiting patiently for me....

  2. Yes Laurie! You've got the right idea--visualizing where you want to be and then looking at and taking the short term steps to reach that goal. If we only have our eyes on the outcome, we may trip before we reach our goal.

    We must see what is in front of us in order to reach the goals we set. What is in front of us right now and the choices we make: to eat or not to eat what is being offered, to exercise now or put it off.

    Seize each moment, do your very best, and you will get where you want to be or perhaps an even better place!


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