Hush, Little Mean Girl

Some of you have indicated you fell off-program over the holidays and I'm sorry to hear this. This seems to have brought out your little mean girl/boy (inner critic) and she's been acting out ever since. She keeps reminding you of your past (i.e., off-program foods that you ate) and how you've slacked off on your exercise routine. She's urging you to have just one bite and telling you that you can start again tomorrow. It's time to tell your little mean girl to hush and stop breaking the rules. It's time to jump back in the river right now!
Little Mean Girl is the voice of our inner critic.
Her negative words fill us with self-doubt.
She thrives best when throwing a temper tantrum.
Hush little mean girl, hush.
Don't wait for "tomorrow" to start again. This program is about change and change happens NOW, not tomorrow, not on January first, and not after x, y, or z - NOW. If you've gone through the sessions with Julie, you have all the tools within you to get back on program. You got this! Don't wait another moment. You can do this.

Focus your energy on following the program rules once again. When we break the rules we break the pattern and this confuses our bodies. Eating something “just this once” that isn’t on program or even if it is but we are choosing to have something in a way that breaks the rules (salad before the meal, veggies alone, yogurt alone, too much yogurt, eating the same thing over and over, etc.) creates a new pattern.

Patterns are essential. Our body likes patterns and wants to follow them. For example, when someone eats sugar, and they “get away with it” then they start to develop a new pattern and the body runs with it and it becomes a new program that the body follows. Then they can’t get back on program because they created a new program and our bodies are following that program.

Each time we choose to eat program foods, the body trusts us more and more. We want our body to trust us because when it trusts us we are rewarded with weight loss.

Hush your little mean girl and get back on program and back to losing weight.


  1. Great blog Teresa thanks so much for reminding me of my mean girl. Trying to stay on program, today is first day. I have not eaten sugar, but have overboard with cheese, crackers, wine. No more! Today is the first day of the rest of our lives!

    1. Gayle: one glass of wine = 6 jelly sandwiches. So, that being said-I would remember that wine = sugar (very concentrated!!!!) Oops!

  2. such a great post, i was doing awesome being here by myself, eating only when i am hungry and last week my husband arrived so its back to breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks in between. as i write this he is making french toast, bacon and buttered toast with jam for breakfast, would you like some, no i say, oh just a bite, no thank you. i see by his expanding belly that he is eating and now he wants to sabitoge me to eat the way he eats...he came here and all its been is you should eat this you should try this....something to be said for living on your own. this past month has been terrific for me and has given me insight on how i may want to continue in my future.

    1. Laurie: This Is A Test! It's my mantra to make sure I don't let anyone sabotage me. It's a challenge, but a worthy one. Stay the course!

  3. Gayle and Joe,
    Ah, the cheese monster has led you astray! Eating too much cheese, is just as bad as having non-key foods such as crackers and wine, as it's breaking the rules. Welcome back to your journey. Good for you to get back on your path now and continuing towards reaching your goal sizes!

    It's always great to be able to seize opportunities to see inside ourselves and evolve rather than see them as obstacles that defeat us. Congratulations on your incredible journey and staying steady on your course!


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