
Be Proud

This statement is so true for all of us on this journey: Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching your goal.
Be proud today! - Photo by Theresa
Be proud of every single step and every single choice you make to stay on this program.

Be proud every time you look in the mirror.

Be proud every day, every week, every month, and every year that you stay in the river (on program).

Be proud when you realize another non-scale victory, such as no longer needing a seat belt extension on airplanes, crossing your legs for the first time in eons...

Be proud when you see victory: your goal size.

Be proud as you play the game of maintenance--learning how to cycle in and out of the river.

Be proud.


  1. Theresa, I must say this blog has been more inspiring that you can ever imagine. I started with Julie on June 11th and after the first session I left thinking, there is no way I am going to be able to do this. I understood why they make you pay for the next session in advance because honestly I am not sure if I would have gone back. Well I am so glad I did and have been on track with the program since. I have not veered off and but have had some serious serious cravings in the last few days and each time I do I read your blog and your words come through loud and clear to stay on track and to remember why I am doing this, why we are all doing this.. health, wellness, wellbeing, our lives back!! Thanks so much for creating this blog and staying strong. Your words have saved me many times from making choices I know I would later regret, or immediately regret. ITS NOT WORTH IT!! Thank you.

  2. Aloha Isabel,
    Congratulations for staying the course and pushing away those cravings! Yes, getting our lives back is one of the reasons to stick with this program. The further you go on this journey the more clear this becomes. I have more than my life back - I have a whole new life I never imagine possible. Taking my extra weight off has changed my life in so many ways and this will happen for you too!

    I'm glad this blog is so helpful to you. Keep us posted on your progress!


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